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Anonymous Ex-Microsoft Employee on Windows Internals

Anonymous Ex-Microsoft Employee on Windows Internals | programmer-memes, developer-memes, html-memes, software-memes, code-memes, computer-memes, java-memes, development-memes, software developer-memes, design-memes, program-memes, server-memes, try-memes, bugs-memes, c++-memes, testing-memes, test-memes, bug-memes, lines of code-memes, random-memes, machine-memes, git-memes, version-memes, data-memes, devs-memes, ios-memes, sql-memes, .net-memes, sql server-memes, xml-memes, database-memes, string-memes, windows-memes, list-memes, performance-memes, sqlite-memes, date-memes, perl-memes, xaml-memes, oop-memes, error-memes, fix-memes, search-memes, release-memes, cli-memes, qa-memes, tested-memes, production-memes, microsoft-memes, compiler-memes, IT-memes, bootstrap-memes, component-memes, idea-memes, ide-memes, mac-memes, bot-memes, ML-memes, documentation-memes, framework-memes, feature-memes, manager-memes, product-memes, rust-memes, operating system-memes |
programmer-memes, developer-memes, html-memes, software-memes, code-memes, computer-memes, java-memes, development-memes, software developer-memes, design-memes, program-memes, server-memes, try-memes, bugs-memes, c++-memes, testing-memes, test-memes, bug-memes, lines of code-memes, random-memes, machine-memes, git-memes, version-memes, data-memes, devs-memes, ios-memes, sql-memes, .net-memes, sql server-memes, xml-memes, database-memes, string-memes, windows-memes, list-memes, performance-memes, sqlite-memes, date-memes, perl-memes, xaml-memes, oop-memes, error-memes, fix-memes, search-memes, release-memes, cli-memes, qa-memes, tested-memes, production-memes, microsoft-memes, compiler-memes, IT-memes, bootstrap-memes, component-memes, idea-memes, ide-memes, mac-memes, bot-memes, ML-memes, documentation-memes, framework-memes, feature-memes, manager-memes, product-memes, rust-memes, operating system-memes |

[text] 5218 PM .. impressive 75222 oM BB the windows 10 Ul development was the most enormous shitstorm ive seen in a while s it to move some fucking settings menus 0 o ny peopte have pointed out that the Ul s upgraded piecemeal 34 PM … oh god 36 PM.. no idea 5237 PM .. ts 50 hard 2 I obowN M…. DO YOU IATIN ADD A DROPDOW If overcome with morbid curiosi 9 PM is it Like javafx and fx o oo aratahanah 15 PM .. hahahahahahahaha M… NO oM be to me wha s down to the control panel. first you find the folder that contains the code files for the control panel and there will be like 5 of them each with something like 2000 lines of code except for one that had 15000 und out why. Once you find the C code file for t section of the control panel you must then find the appropriate XAML file that is matched up to this and then through it to find another dropdown box eler u can copy and p o one actually knows how any of this works. Then you have to go into a resource file and find a very sj D for your control panel string and create a new resource ID to tie it to. Then you must find all the relevent C code tying the dropde u copied and copy and paste all that code but this time modify the hooks it gets tied to your new dropdown. Then you have to run through 2 seperate specialized compilers to compile the resource files and if ANYTHING GOES WRONG literally ANYTHING the ONLY ERROR YOU GET BACK is this you run around screaming for a DAY because there is no explanation for what the fuck is going on you give it to your cowarker who discovers that every single numb 1 andif there are any holes in those numbers everything fails completely. Then you can actually finish compiling the special compiler stuff and start building the actual codsbase through a specialized plugin buil for visusl studio for the sole purpose of dealing with this fucking codebase and then you might actually get something to compile I WHAT PM… THE M .. FUCKING w you add a dropdow the control panel … and people ask me why quit that job I o ol is ths specialized plugin how do they live rom what i can tell about 78 years do you have to be dead inside to mpile this kind of shit into a doc to then send to zefrank so he can do a vid on True Facts About Microsc as based on an even older IDE they were using so it gets complicated again it is hard for me to even explain how any of htis works because most people there dont even know how it works microsoft needs to make lie mojang and just haul ass to an entirely new codebase 1 theyre bootstrapping shit on more shit M i mojang can say fuck the modders 1 … then microsoft can say fuck the software devs just as well. I S. you dont understand they keep trying and failing miserably 1 … For example lets take the build system I snt the Legacy control panel codebase deprecated tho Because of Settings.appx I precated is just a fucking label basically shit still uh ible you think fm describing legacy code t im n . this is me trying to add a dropdown to the windows 10 NEW CONTROL PANEL 80033 PM Person DO YOU PEOPLE WRITE SQL LIKE SELECT FROM TABLE THEN FILTER CLIENT SIDE 80033 PM Anon not with scaling It to actual real world data 80040 PM Anon actualy they do sometimes 80045 PM Anon like AT MICROSOFT 80051 PM Anon where we kept having PERFORMANCE ISSUES. 80056 PM Anon BECAUSE IDIOTS CANT FUCKING DATABASE PROPERLY 80107 PM Anon mean really question a lot of the hires over there 80119 PM Anon then again one of them sent me example code as a screenshot embedded in a word doc So perhaps my expectations are too high 1 Anonymous 032916Tue032006 No.53742277 70244 PM Anon i will never trust microsoft on anything performance related ever again after seeing their leaderships priorities 75350 PM Anon that reminds me of that time where refactored our spaghettified codebase at microsoft into a much cleaner organized whole 75400 PM Anon was then reprimanded by my manager because we dont just refactor code unless it benefits the customer 94914 PM Anon different teams under the same leadership will have violently different opinions 94929 PM Anon which can and sometimes do devolve into actual shouting matches 94951 PM Anon which my lead loved to recount o me when he saw them but never got to see any myself because hated meetings and usually got out of them 95124 PM Anon 50 team A wants to do X and team B want to do Y 95131 PM Anon and 99 of the time this is resolved by doing both X and Y at the same time 95134 PM Anon consequences be damned 95308 PM Anon 50 when microsoft is doing all these contradictory things 95316 PM Anon its because no one has any semblence of a vision there 95329 PM Anon its all super vague reinvent productivity stuff 95354 PM Anon like if you ask any one microsoft person what the vision of the company is theyd probably either quote satya being vague or be like Make cool Stuf for people 95505 PM Anon its way too big no one knows whats going on no one agrees on what to o everyone invents stupid things they haev 50 much money they dont know what to do with it and they never fix their code prefering instead to just make some new product that supplants the original because no one can figure out how the code even works 95557 PM Anon they try realy hard to hire smart people 95605 PM Anon who sometimes succeed in making good decisions 95637 PM Anon but are uitimately wasted by idiot managers who insist on doing incredibly dumb shit U P S o NS S TR sqlite SELECT body xml FROM messages WHERE author ah yes microsoft at s finest Im pretty sure skype does everything in every way imaginable and then invents several unnecessary ways of doing it too there are plenty of cases where microsoft has pushed REALLY BAD updates Iike that one update where they broke their SQL server for 3 days Its usually more applicable to businesses there will be no windows 11 speaking as a former microsoft employee they are tuming windows into a service 1 should know helped build the system that lets them do that Windows 10 is the last proper release of the operating system. From now on theylljust update the OS using the swap system there were also rumors of it eventually being completely free. This is why they kept experimenting with putting ads into the start menu Eventually they will rebrand Windows 10 as just Windows theye tired of competing with themselves S0 now everyone will get all the updates and theylljust constantly put out new features they sl support XP because of the govemment They havent decided how any of that works 1 got i trouble while at microsoft because spent two weeks refactoring the code fun fact Microsoft spent 3 years trying to rewrite the entirety of windows on top of a managed kemel. This is why they took so fong to ship vista. They spent an additional 10 years still attempting to get their managed kemel to work before finally giving up last year. Vistas codebase got so fucked up they reverted the entire source tree to XP and then rebuilt the entire OS on top of it They literally spent 3 years trying to do something insanely dumb and then threw it all away 1 really like how half of MSDN is down right now while trying to ook up a windows system call 1 Anonymous 032916Tue035242 No.53742803 5 R eI because… microsoft you need to make sure you have all the proper things installed S0 like the .net framework 4.0 or 4.5 or whatever the HTML components the ASPx TRt 1 dont actually know what half of them do we just had a list while was at microsoft that said install all these things to make A we had a ot of ists like that e eI TR e give them a few more months to not fuck everything up with their updates ATM windows 10 s a lottery EHE LTS but theres a 1 chance with each update your entire computer will be unusable they fired all their testers while was there might add Also the software devs are expected to test things AT we were once told to use something because theyd seen it work on a dev machine once fike thats the standard oes it probably work SHIP IT theres a reason quit that job e e e the insiders are the QA they just throw shit at customers dumb enough to test things for them well thats how it was at the redmond campus at least FI RN E R they completely removed the role of software developer in testing and now everyone is just Software enginesr o R e e Unfortunately despite working at microsoft still dont know windows 10 permissions well enough to help you other than to say god Im somry youre using windows 10 L L L R e e 1 can gaurantee you no one at microsoft knows either because thats how we fixed things Well we dont know what went wrong just try reinstallingrebooting hahahaha R e you have o idea the crazy shit that made it into the final build HELPED WRITE THE CODE HAVE SEEN THE ABYSS LI Anonymous 032916Tue035635 No.53742651 they couldve done a ot of things but you have to understand at microsoft you arent ALLOWED to fix bugs unless they are high priority if you go and fix some random bug that wasnt assigned to you your manager will have a discussion about priorities with you e RS e ST i gaurantee you some fucking idiot already knew this bug existed eI and no one fucking fixed it because they had higher priorities Iike implementing fucking stupid features no one will ever fucking use because thats what the managers want 1 CAN GO ON ABOUT THIS ALL DAY KNIGHTY Setting it as P1 would make the managers managers managers manager mad because it clearly isnt a dataoss bug or causes any kind of catastrophic behavior ts just kind of annoying so obviously its P2 but no one fucking fixes P2 bugs because they always have something more important to do We once had a bug where all your drives stopped showing up and we still shipped it to all our devs inside microsoft on the siow ring and pissed them all off and when they complained our bosss bosss bosss bosss boss told us to shut the fuck up and deal with it e file a bug with microsoft it will get accepted put on P3 because it was filed from outside and never fixed fucking ever windows 10 has serious driver issues because 3rd parties havent fixed ther shit yet which is o be expected because the exact same thing happens literally every time they increment the kemel version number its the same root cause actually vista incremented the kemel version from 4.x to 5 this broke every single driver that Iooks for 4.x even if it would have worked on vista windows 10 incremented the kemel to 10.x so000 P its even worse now because its 2 digits B et when heard about that my whole team was laughing about how it was going to be a disaster LI Anonymous 032916Tue040319 No.53742636 P R metro uses flat design as an excuse to be lazy because 1o one at microsoft knows how to design Ul No one WANTS to design UI because designing Ul is hard so they use flat design as an excuse to make everything boxes so the program managers can make shit in powerpoint and give it to the programmers m not making that up either they literally design all the windows UI in powerpoint they gave us powerpoint siides and were like make this P R e windows 10 was but for microsoft employees and microsoft employees are fucking idiots like youd never believe we found what was apparently test data submitted to one of our production databases We knew it was test data because the reported architecture was quotpoop8quot 1 always have to use googie to search MSDN because Bing can search its own goddamn documentation database this became relevent while was employed at microsoft because yknow have to use all the microsoft stuff and our OWN SEARCH ENGINE couldnt search OUR OWN DOCUMENTATION DATABASE LT s it probably didnt help that half the time theyd be like oh youre an employee HERE USE THIS BROKEN BETA VERSION WHETHER YOU WANT TO OR NOTI e et its where you force all your employees o use your untested software. e.g. windows 10 was built on top of windows 8 P 1 got to watch them slowly try and take windows 8s UI and violently Stuff it inside windows 1 dont think can describe that specific scenario as rape because my entire employment experience was