bot Memes

Most Useful Letter

mostUsefulLetter | random-memes, c-memes, internet-memes, IT-memes, bot-memes, comment-memes |
Content RandomThoughts uTongueTiedTyrant 6h C is a worthless letter Random Thought It makes 2 different sounds. a K sound, and an S sound. Both of which are already covered. by K. and S. (mic drop) 4 195 320 Comments thebigvsbattlesfan 4h but the internet mostly runs on C : Reply 4 12

Every Leadership Team

everyLeadershipTeam | bot-memes, chatbot-memes |
[text] just one more LLM bro. i promise bro just one more LLM and well automate away all our bro. its just a Al chatbot bro. Al and problems please just one more. one more We save another 12 minutes per month brO cmon just give me 9 million processors and well acheive AGI promise bro. bro bro please we just need to build one more

Screw Licenses

screwLicenses | code-memes, bot-memes |
[text] yacineMTB i would invest in his company immediately dawg i chatgptd the license anyone is free to use our app for free for whatever they want. if theres a problem with the license just Imk ill change it. we busy building rn cant be bothered with legal OF e V s4s Q FRYING PAN CodeFryingPan56m Last edited 1156 PM Sep 29 2024 229.7K Views


markedsafe | programmer-memes, program-memes, cli-memes, bot-memes, robots-memes |
[text] Young Elon To replace programmers with Robots clients will have to accurately describe what they want. Were safe.

Developers Alwaysfindsway

developersAlwaysfindsway | developer-memes, devs-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes, train-memes, bot-memes, gaming-memes, cs-memes, public-memes |
[text] 1 Mr John Robertson twitch.tvrobbotron thedark... X Robbotron Follow This is my favourite gaming fact In Fallout 3 the game couldnt support a train for the player to ride in but it could make NPCs walk so the devs made the train a hat. This guy wanders around beneath the ground wearing his Train Hat just being public transport. 1005 AM Feb 18 2020

Both Are The Same Honestly

bothAreTheSameHonestly | bot-memes |
[text] PR PR YOU ON .1 o 2 y 54 L T s 4 1 o 3 VRS J

Be Rich By Sabotaging Your Own Code

beRichBySabotagingYourOwnCode | code-memes, program-memes, bugs-memes, bug-memes, bot-memes |

Bad Bot

badBot | bot-memes, chatbot-memes |
Content Help us improve your experience! On a scale of 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with our chatbot? I'm sorry. I don't understand. The survey will now close. 11:56 AM

Its All About Creating Generational Wealth

itsAllAboutCreatingGenerationalWealth | coding-memes, algorithm-memes, idea-memes, ide-memes, mac-memes, macbook-memes, bot-memes |
Content lonce won first place in my University's Poker Al competition. We had 2 hours to build a bot and the first place prize was a new MacBook. I was a freshman and had no idea what I was doing. My algorithm was literally: if isMyTurn: goAllIn() I broke all the other bots, who started folding every single time zar They were coding, bro was gambling.

Good to see games being ported to HolyC; The Most Powerful Language Ever Created

Good to see games being ported to HolyC; The Most Powerful Language Ever Created | programming-memes, programmer-memes, html-memes, javascript-memes, code-memes, java-memes, program-memes, c++-memes, cli-memes, IT-memes, html5-memes, ide-memes, bot-memes, ML-memes, source code-memes, language-memes, cookie-memes, programming language-memes |
Content GAME MADE USING PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES By: HolyC 1. Counter Strike 2. Doom in Engine DOON ENGINE 3. King Quest 4. Starcraft 5. World of Warcraft C 1. Kingdom of Loathing 2. Nothing to Hide 3. Gods wil be watching 4. Roll it 5. Cookie Clicker Javascript 1. On Off GAMI ODFI 2. Everyone's sky 3. Underrun 4. Konnekt 5. Super Chrono konnekt portal maker HTML5 1. Tom Clancy's Politka 2. Runescape 3. Powder Game 4. Star Wars Galaxies 5. Robotorge For Source code and Project Visit:

Validation Looking Kinda Thicc Tho

validationLookingKindaThiccTho | code-memes, engineer-memes, engineering-memes, bug-memes, security-memes, devs-memes, function-memes, validation-memes, oop-memes, authentication-memes, recursive-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes, bot-memes, documentation-memes, comment-memes, graph-memes, graphql-memes |
Content My team's intern just found a critical bug by shitposting in our codebase So our summer intern (who I'm 90 sure is a professional shitposter moonlighting as a dev) just saved our entire authentication service by being, well, an absolute agent of chaos. Background: We have this legacy auth system that's been running since before TikTok existed. No one touches it. It's documented in ancient Sanskrit and COBOL comments. The last guy who understood it fully left to become a yoga instructor in Peru. Enter our intern. First week, he asks why our commit messages are so boring. Starts adding memes to his. Whatever, right? Then he begins leaving comments in the codebase like: This function is older than me and probably pays taxes TODO: Ask if this while loop has health insurance Here lies Sarah's hopes and dreams (2019-2022), killed by this recursive call The senior devs were split between horrified and amused. But here's where it gets good. He's reading through the auth code (because "the commit messages here are too normal, sus") and adds this gem: yo why this token validation looking kinda thicc though fr fr no cap this base64 decode bussin wait... hold up... this ain't bussin at all Turns out his Gen Z spider-sense wasn't just tingling for the memes. Man actually found a validation bypass that's been lurking in our code since Obama's first term. The kind of bug that makes security auditors wake up in cold sweats. The best part? His Jira ticket title: "Auth be acting mad sus rn no cap frfr (Critical Security Issue)" The worst part? We now have to explain to the CEO why "no cap frfr" appears in our Q3 security audit report. The absolute kicker? Our senior security engineer's official code review comment: "bestie... you snapped with this find ng" I can't tell if this is the peak or rock bottom of our engineering culture. But I do know our intern's getting a return offer, if only because I need to see what he'll do to our GraphQL documentation.

Webdev In2024

webdevIn2024 | css-memes, web-memes, try-memes, bug-memes, git-memes, apple-memes, fix-memes, overflow-memes, IT-memes, bot-memes, cs-memes |
Content 57 This likely has to do with the issue addressed here: CSS overflow-x: visible; and overflow-: hidden; causing scrollbar issue In short, when using visible for either overflow-x or overflow-y and something other than visible for the other, the visible value is interpreted as auto. Share Edit Follow edited May 23, 2017 at 10:29 Community Bot 1 01 answered Jun 10, 2013 at 9:02 Sprintstar 8.058 06 39 51 48 is this a bug that browser vendors should fix or spec by W3C? Because it's awful... - ProblemsOfSumit Oct 4, 2013 at 10:17 26 2.5 years later and this bug still exists - Daniel Kobe Apr 16, 2016 at 8:06 FF 52 and this still happens. add one more year... - Sebastianb Jul 31, 2017 at 19:22 5 FF 57, here too - fedetibaldo Nov 30, 2017 at 18:10 19 Guess which issue still exists at the end of 2018... facepalm - Vitalii Romaniv Dec 12, 2018 at 9:54 5 This bug is still haunting my projects - ApplePearPerson May 22, 2019 at 14:18 4 Still a bug.... FF72 can't believe they haven't fixed that one yet! - benitek Feb 2, 2020 at 16:05 26 2020 still the same... - Eduard Fedoruk Mar 30, 2020 at 15:31 24 2021 and this hits harder than covid - Sasa Sijak Jan 14, 2021 at 8:55 13 I'm from the future. It's 2045, the issue still exists - Roudy Tarabay Apr 15, 2021 at 10:10 12 2022 just knocked in and the issue still exists.: - Deepak Yadav Dec 31, 2021 at 19:10 2 This is legit unacceptable! - Ben Racicot Sep 19, 2022 at 14:26 5 10 days till 2023 and still: I lost almost a full day trying to figure out why my CSS does not work as expected... - BlaM Dec 21, 2022 at 16:42 BlaM Glad to still be helping, ten years later :) - Sprintstar Dec 22, 2022 at 16:30 2 The cvcle continues. . - Nicholas Aponte May 3, 2023 at 17:15 2 September 2023 and we still have this behavior - Dayron Gallardo Sep 12, 2023 at 15:42 2 I'm from 2024 and we still have it - Jiren Jan 30 at 16:04