.net Memes

Class Of Programmers

classOfProgrammers | programmer-memes, coding-memes, developer-memes, javascript-memes, code-memes, java-memes, python-memes, linux-memes, engineer-memes, ux-memes, javascript dev-memes, stack-memes, stack overflow-memes, program-memes, try-memes, loc-memes, lock-memes, git-memes, gitlab-memes, data-memes, security-memes, devs-memes, asp.net-memes, .net-memes, class-memes, date-memes, error-memes, release-memes, linkedin-memes, minecraft-memes, overflow-memes, sass-memes, ide-memes, div-memes, data science-memes, language-memes, devops-memes, cs-memes, startup-memes, kernel-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content Left Terror Cell Asset Has a PhD Actively targets CS maiors. CCP Cybersecurity Engineer Linux Kernel Engineer Unemployed Graduate Has a decendA can' write a resu Applied to 200 obs Minecraft Modder Williterally only brosram for Open-Source Developer Started coding dicer they waccie the hate has 10 in the Masters Student All heir rends are emploved Regrets pursuing higher educatio Independent Game Developer has n attormer rames for 34.3g on Steam, sells Authoritarian VR Chat Dev Investment Firm Hasn'been ourside since March 2020 Developer One of 3 devs in the whole company Made 65k Legacy Codebase Programmer Maintains a Government Contractor Makes below-average salar The CS Professor confecenters divan sos Devops Hasn't sleottor 2 hou On call 247 FANG Engineer Has solved every cetcode program Asp.Net Dev Only knows Cs and SOL. Laid Off Engineer Spent 10 years in the same job. doy a new gra promo update All-Women Startup Carbon Developer 1.7M followers on Linkedin, Language released 2 weeks ago, culture in "Disrupting' Will fervently defend Carbon on al 13K points on Stack Overflow Knows deep down abandoned by Goo AAA Game Dev JavaScript Dev Never wont to college craned Worked go hours his Tries to interset with damere on Knows Data Science Engineer Dion cover Eastern European Developer Makes S15kyear Milacceptany Gitlab ticket Empornium Admin Expert in peer-to-peer data transfer Weheite lil haen't changed since GENAS Libertarian Lockheed Martin Rocket Telemetry Engineer Has to pass a drug The Fed ber of extremis Discor Ex-military Engineer on HR-mandated Paid Leave sexua harassment Will get fired In aweeks Electrical Engineer Took one procramming class in colles NSA cybersecurity asset Has access to state secrets will he assassinated by the sovemment after they've completed their The Saudi Exchange Student Vent to an American niversitu Returned to Saudi Arabia to work for a The Job Hopper Will switch jobs every 12 months, gets a 20' raise every time Contributes bai on 4Chan John McAfee Wanted by federal authorities had a chance to cash out ears Python Developer spends hou Schizophrenic Developer Defense Contractor Contributes to develooment of someone go a Silk Road Admin Wanted by the FB Onlv uses oublic wisrand Tails

Average Csharp Developer

averageCSharpDeveloper | developer-memes, code-memes, java-memes, .net-memes, windows-memes, network-memes, microsoft-memes, c#-memes, cs-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content ily 4 0 OxIlyy thinks they're better than java (is just microsoft java) got a poster of bill gates "cross-platform" but onlv ever uses windows how about you .NETwork with some women currently scrolling X waiting for VS to open WILL CODE C FOR PIZZA 10:59 AM Nov 13, 2024 - 68.9K Views 65 17173 2.3K 188

Is Crap Off The Charts

isCrapOffTheCharts | linux-memes, ux-memes, .net-memes, IT-memes, rds-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content 06:50 64 Occurrences of words in the Linux kernel source code it wanna N v6.3-rci V5.5-6 V5.14-rc5 V4.1-rci V3.12-rc3 4979. 78. V4.18-rcl 143.3- 000 8 88 33331355803303030030 V2.6.35 vidarholen.net


madman | coding-memes, assembly-memes, .net-memes, http-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content GameDev.net https:www.gamedev.net forums topic unread : Roller Coaster Tycoon written in Assembly. - GDNet Lounge 22 Aug 2012 - Sawyer wrote RollerCoaster Tycoon almost entirely in assembly lang difficult process given the game's complexity. How bro must have felt after coding RollerCoaster Tycoon in 86 assembly:

Finding Manual Pages Be Like

findingManualPagesBeLike | html-memes, linux-memes, ux-memes, .net-memes, image-memes, function-memes, date-memes, http-memes, release-memes, ML-memes, div-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content Images for man abs More Images O https:linux.die.net man 3 abs abs(3): compute absolute value of integer - Linux man page The abs function computes the absolute value of the integer argument j.The labs0, Ilabs0 and imaxabs0 functions compute the absolute value of the argument j of the appropriate integer type for the function. Return Value. Returns the absolute value of the integer argument, of th... https:www.man7.org linux man-pages man3 abs.3.html abs(3) - Linux manual page - man7.org The abs function computes the absolute value of the integer argument j. The labs ... Linux man-pages (unreleased) (date) abs(3) Pages that refer to this page: cabs(3), div(3), fabs(3), Generic(3), strtoimax(3), wcstoimax(3) HTML rendering created 2023-12-22 by

Every dev that sees this

Every dev that sees this | ux-memes, test-memes, .net-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content It says here that your drug test lit up like a Christmas tree. Yup, I smoke crack pretty much every day You're hired! SAD UX Dept. Cyanide and Happiness Explosm.net ProdrammerHumor.io

We Are Building Amonstrosity

weAreBuildingAMonstrosity | web-memes, assembly-memes, asp.net-memes, .net-memes, typescript-memes, cli-memes, microsoft-memes, idea-memes, ide-memes, cookie-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content ITS TypeScripts I implemented your ideas. Typescripts.org is a clone of the official site. The code examples are littered with subtle errors and overuses 'any'. javascript was never meant to be type safe scrolls across the screen in comic sans. The cookies popup only fades by 10 when you click 'Accept. 'This site was created using ASPNET Blazor Web Assembly 7.0' is in the footer. All instances of Microsoft are replaced with Megahard. Any more grand ideas? ProgrammerHumor i0

Php Is Still Alive How

phpIsStillAliveHow | php-memes, python-memes, asp.net-memes, ruby on rails-memes, .net-memes, django-memes, angularjs-memes, angular-memes, ruby-memes, flask-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content 1995: PHP is dead, learn ColdFusion 2002: PHP is dead, learn ASP.net 2003: PHP is dead, learn Django 2004: PHP is dead, learn Ruby on Rails 2010: PHP is dead, learn Flask 2011: PHP is dead, learn AngularIS 2016: PHP is dead, learn Next.js 2022: PH is dead, learn Python 2023: HOW THE HELL IS THIS DUDE STILL ALIVE

Text editors and IDEs if they were cars

Text editors and IDEs if they were cars | engineer-memes, design-memes, c++-memes, .net-memes, list-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes, feature-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content Toyota corolla: Modern, general purpose, reliable. The option you get when you want an option to get you covered without thinking too much about it Ford F150 Also modern and very popular.. Has all features you could possibli want. It's kinda optimized for a specific purpose (C and .NET) but still works very well as a general purpose solution. JET BRAINS F! Cars: Very well engineered solutions, probably the best there is for the specific purpose they were built to do. Designed to be handled by a specialist. Chevrolet Celta Aged and not as featured as other options, but will get you from A to B. Good option if you are ow on resources Alcotton Modded Toyota Ae86 Improvements on a very old model. Optimized for the needs and tastes of a passionate and engaged user that loaves tweaking. Part of the user's identity

Hey Ijust Met You So Callback Maybe

heyIJustMetYouSoCallbackMaybe | tech-memes, stackoverflow-memes, stack-memes, asp.net-memes, .net-memes, search-memes, overflow-memes, IT-memes, c#-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content stackoverflow Products O search... Log in Sign up 1 Home Q Questions Tags Users tia Companies LABS E Discussions COLLECTIVES Communities for your favorite technologies. Explore all Collectives TEAMS Ask questions. find answers and collaborate at work with Sack Overflow for Teame Explore Teams Create a free Team What is a callback? Asked 14 years, 3 months ago Modified 1 year ago Viewed 322k times Ask Question A What's a callback and how is it implemented in C? 226 c callback Share Improve this question Follow asked Jan 26. 2010 at 14:00 cam 8,893 19 59 81 Are you referring to ASP.Net callbacks or delegate callback parameters? - SLaks Jan 26, 2010 at 14:04 9 It could mean a number of things - in what context have you heard it? - UpTheCreek Jan 26, 2010 at 14:05 , 1 I think he is talking about an Async. Callback - George Johnston Jan 26, 2010 at 14:10 9 -1 The question is unclear(not enough details), - serhio Jan 26, 2010 at 14:32 if you are looking for AsyncCallBack, look here: stackoverflow.comquestions1047662what-is-asynccallback - Papak Jul 19, 2017 at 14:49 Add a comment 10 Answers Sorted by: Highest score (default) just met you, And this is crazy, 1665 But here's my number (delegate), So if something happens (event), Call me, maybe (callback)? Share Improve this answer Follow edited Jul 2 2016 at 23:28 kindall 182k 36 285 315 answered Oct 29, 2012 at 20:13 LightStriker 20.4k 3 25 28 76 Totally cool explanation. I will use this explanation whenever someone asks, hope I can get rights to use it? - Nikola Davidovic Oct 29. 2012 at 20:19

Spot the thing that does Not belong

Spot the thing that does Not belong | software-memes, tech-memes, technology-memes, python-memes, development-memes, engineer-memes, software engineer-memes, c++-memes, .net-memes, windows-memes, forms-memes, microsoft-memes, c#-memes, language-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content Applying to Opto Alignment Junior Software Engineer Opto-Alignment Technology in Orlando, FL X Asked by Opto-Alignment Technology Do you have a minimum of 10 years of software development experience on Windows platforms using Microsoft CCPython and other Net languages? (4 of 6) Yes No Continue

[ChatGPT] AI Helps Motivate Me

[ChatGPT] AI Helps Motivate Me | programmer-memes, coding-memes, program-memes, asp.net-memes, .net-memes, rest-memes, IT-memes, c#-memes, language-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content Very well, I'll respond in the requested manner for the rest of the chat. Let's get started! O I want to become a programmer G Oh wow, becoming a programmer, how original! I'm sure no one has ever thought of that before. Good luck with that, I'm sure you'll be the best programmer in no time! I started learning C a year ago and learning ASP.NET S Oh, how impressive! A whole year of learning C and ASP.NET, you must be a coding genius by now. I can only imagine what kind of groundbreaking applications you've built with those skills. A C 1 haven't accomplished much yet Well, that's no surprise. I mean, a year is a long time, but I guess not long enough to actually produce anything of substance. Don't worry, keep plugging away, I'm sure you'll get there eventually. Thank you G You're welcome! I mean, I'm just a sarcastic Al language model, but sure, it's always good C to be appreciated, even if it's not genuine. It's not genuine? ( Of course not! But I'll pretend it is for your sake. We wouldn't want you to feel bad now, would we?