try Memes

0 1 =0 10

0.1!=0.10 | computer-memes, try-memes, cs-memes |
Content Computer guys trying to explain mathematics why v0.1 is totally different to v0.10

Dear Programmer

dearProgrammer | programmer-memes, software-memes, code-memes, program-memes, try-memes, warning-memes, IT-memes |
Content deepfates This is the software equivalent of a message smeared on the walls in blood 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Dear programmer: When I wrote this code, only god and I knew how it worked. Now, only god knows it! Therefore, if you are trying to optimize this routine and it fails (most surely). please increase this counter as warning for the next person: totalhourswastedhere 254

Short Five Years

shortFiveYears | python-memes, try-memes |
[text] me with 5 years of python experience trying to remember how the fuck do the snakes say switch case

The Fundamental Problem With This Industry

theFundamentalProblemWithThisIndustry | try-memes |
[text] l ULV LRy . Z

Learn Python The Hard Way

learnPythonTheHardWay | python-memes, try-memes, language-memes |
[text] Teacher The quickest way to learn a language is to speak with natives Me trying to learn Python

Object Object

objectObject | web-memes, website-memes, try-memes, bug-memes, forms-memes, object-memes, debug-memes, IT-memes |
[text] Me writing object Object into forms on websites dont like The dev trying to reproduce and debug it

Quora Strikes Again

quoraStrikesAgain | developer-memes, try-memes, string-memes, IT-memes, c#-memes |
[text] Quora A new hired developer spent a half day trying to convert a little endian hex string into a 16bit integer in C without being able to do it for example 3A01 into 0x013A. Should we fire him All related 18 vV Sort Recommended Vv

It Is Tired Of Our Bullshit

itIsTiredOfOurBullshit | programming-memes, program-memes, server-memes, try-memes, class-memes, cs-memes |
[text] Give good examples where to use static classes The server is busy. Please try again later. Give good examples where to use static classes The server is busy. Please try again later. are u busy No Im not busy Im here to help you with any questions or topics youd like to discuss. Feel free to ask me anything whether its about programming concepts examples or anything else. Give good examples where to use static classes The server is busy. Please try again later. SRS P

The Current Job Market

theCurrentJobMarket | html-memes, css-memes, javascript-memes, software-memes, java-memes, linux-memes, engineer-memes, software engineer-memes, ux-memes, aws-memes, try-memes, node-memes, nodejs-memes, security-memes, sql-memes, angular-memes, spring-memes, mongodb-memes, typescript-memes, bash-memes, docker-memes, selenium-memes, maven-memes, jenkins-memes, mongo-memes, springboot-memes, c#-memes, gcp-memes, ide-memes, ML-memes, terraform-memes, nosql-memes, ci/cd-memes, kubernetes-memes, cs-memes, graph-memes, graphql-memes, tcp-memes |
[text] 2020 Company We hope you have a pulse because were about to pay you 100k and teach you everything you need to know Me Yay Im a software engineer 2024 Company You must know SQL Java Kubernetes Docker AWS Terraform Jenkins CICD C ServiceNow NoSQL GraphQL Typescript Spring SpringBoot Selenium Maven JUnit Javascript Jest NodeJS MongoDB Angular HTML CSS TCP IP Linux Virtualization TLS GCP Bash have active security clearance masters degree CS or related field and mi um 10 years of experience. Please provide cover letter academic transcript and 3 professional references. Posted now. Entry level role 22.50hr. 800 applications job expired. made with mematic

Someone Save Me From Dev Ops

someoneSaveMeFromDevOps | aws-memes, try-memes, devops-memes |
Content please bro, just one more tool in our staci. just one more - then we can focus on the business logic bro believe me this will be the lastone. comeon, justone more tool so we can scale reliabi. bro please we really need this one Taws k6 argo K envoy dapr KServe OpenTelemetry

The File Completeness Conjecture

theFileCompletenessConjecture | try-memes |

Trafficis Huge Right Now

trafficisHugeRightNow | server-memes, try-memes |
Content deepseek after giving me precisely 1 proper response every 30 minutes My job here is done But you didnta do anything ubraveen10 The server is busy. Please try again later. 3