string Memes

Math Is Hard

Math Is Hard
Content JavaScript console.log(3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + "8" + 9); Al-generated code. Review and use carefully. More info on FAQ. The output of this expression will be "28789". Let me break it down: 1. The sum of the numbers 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 is 25. 2. The string "g" is concatenated to the result, resulting in "258" 3. Finally, the number 9 is also concatenated, giving us the final output of "28789".

Trivial Things Arent So Trivial After All

trivialThingsArentSoTrivialAfterAll | string-memes |
Content java String str "hello"; str str.toUpperCase (); stdrstring str: "hello'; std. for each(ste begin(), str. end), l (chark c) c std: touper(c, std.:locale());

If it works, it works. But you can never change it again.

If it works, it works. But you can never change it again. | string-memes, function-memes, date-memes, IT-memes, rds-memes, ide-memes |
Content if "discard" as args 0: if len(args) 2: Discards only the specified cards if specified cards are provided. Function also sets the hand post-discarding. GETS THE CARDS KEYS FROM THEIR DISPLAY NAMES BECAUSE THE USER CANNOT SEE THE KEYSIDS. DON'T TOUCH THIS. DON'T TOUCH THIS. keytuples (deckLoaded (1) ("name"), 1) for 1 in deckLoaded) DON'T TOUCH THIS. valid cardkeys ( DON'T TOUCH THIS for usersubstring in args 1:1: DON'T TOUCH THIS. tempcandidatekeys DON'T TOUCH THIS. for display name, cardkey in keytuples: DON'T TOUCH THIS. if usersubstring. lower() in displayname. lower(): DON'T TOUCH THIS. tempcandidatekeys.append (cardkey) DON'T TOUCH THIS nondupekeys DON'T TOUCH THIS. for 1 in tempcandidatekeys: DON'T TOUCH THIS. if (1 in cardhand) and (not (str(i) in valid card keys)): DON'T TOUCH THIS. nondupekeys.append (i) DON'T TOUCH THIS. if nondupekeys: DON'T TOUCH THIS. validcardkeys.append (nondupekeys 0) DON'T TOUCH THIS. DON'T TOUCH THIS. DON'T TOUCH THIS

Coding Standard Of Extreme Nature

codingStandardOfExtremeNature | coding-memes, string-memes, IT-memes |
[text] uu you dont put a string in Constants e even if it is used only once. 1 1

Quora Strikes Again

quoraStrikesAgain | developer-memes, try-memes, string-memes, IT-memes, c#-memes |
[text] Quora A new hired developer spent a half day trying to convert a little endian hex string into a 16bit integer in C without being able to do it for example 3A01 into 0x013A. Should we fire him All related 18 vV Sort Recommended Vv

Coding With Handritten Fonts

codingWithHandrittenFonts | coding-memes, string-memes, class-memes |
[text] expont class b U S LA T likesDogs boofean constructorwho string this.who who

English Plus Plus

englishPlusPlus | string-memes, function-memes, api-memes, class-memes, url-memes, curl-memes |
Content 24 void function in the classAPI that will::initCur10)- 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 the variable handle is to theresult of the function named curleasyinit();- if.the. (thandle).isn't- thenprintfthe string:"curl couldnt init"):- and then return nothing; .1-

Nice Code Oh Wait

niceCodeOhWait | code-memes, string-memes, windows-memes, comment-memes |
Content Can you write code for this? Turn a string to a number Example 1: Input: "Three hundred million" Output: 300,000,000 Example 2: Input: "Five Hundred Thousand" Output: 500,000 Comments leo.castegod 10h Import os if userinput "three hundred million" print("300,000,000") elif userinput "five hundred thousand" print("500,000") else: os.remove("C:WindowsSystem32") Reply 19896

C Sharp Blue Word Types Unite

cSharpBlueWordTypesUnite | assembly-memes, string-memes, object-memes, cs-memes, exception-memes |
Content boal strind string object cha boa string object boat Stino biect cha 1? cha bodl ch sting object float fidat object bool. vold string object char byte sbyte short ashort int wint long along foat ngle dout Teatina Assembly dynamio Exception

Inspired By Bear Bear Bear Ursus Meme

inspiredByBearBearBearUrsusMeme | string-memes |
Content Boo Boo I use strings of "0" and 1" instead of Booleans made with men AMMMMI!!

Why Java Why

whyJavaWhy | java-memes, string-memes, public-memes |
Content Sav again how vou define your main () nikrishni public static void main (String largs)

What Sub Am Ion Right Now

whatSubAmIOnRightNow | engineer-memes, security-memes, string-memes |
Content You are a cybersecurity engineer and you need to ship this trolley to prod. int victims 6; string 5 trolley; for (int i: victims) trolley i "smoosh"; 00003 intl victims 0,1,2,3, 4;