list Memes

No Comment

noComment | programmer-memes, code-memes, program-memes, list-memes, retweet-memes, comment-memes |
Content Pranay Pathole PPathole Replying to iamdevloper A journalist asked a programmer:- What makes code bad? No comment. 6:16 PM 20 Jul 18 16 Retweets 71 Likes 17

Just Got Accepted Into Mc Faang

justGotAcceptedIntoMcFAANG | engineer-memes, engineering-memes, debugging-memes, bug-memes, machine-memes, data-memes, sql-memes, database-memes, list-memes, algorithm-memes, debug-memes, algorithms-memes, cli-memes, mac-memes, pip-memes, nosql-memes, pipeline-memes |
Content After thousands of applications, I just accepted an offer from a McFAANG company! Shitpost Don't want to specify which one, but I'm super excited to finally be working at a top tier McFAANG company! I will be in a Forward Deployed Food Engineering Specialist role! Some of my job responsibilities include: Building ETL pipelines to extract frozen patties from the FREEZER database and transforming them into ready made burgers Deriving insights and analysis on client orders from the cash register Managing real-time NoSQL (No Salt Queue Layer) deployments for french fry processing Maintaining high-throughput IO operations at drive-through queuing interface while ensuring sub-60-second response times Implementing mission-critical data cleaning protocols using proprietary mop-based algorithms Debugging ice cream machines I'm extremely excited to receive a base TC of over 280k (per decade) for my first job out of college! If anyone wants some tips or tricks, feel free to ask

Thatone Client

thatoneClient | computer-memes, web-memes, website-memes, testing-memes, test-memes, list-memes, cli-memes, ecli-memes |
[text] When client sends a nasty mail on list of issues after testing the website on IE in his decade old computer

Reddit Training Data On Full Force

redditTrainingDataOnFullForce | data-memes, list-memes, reddit-memes, component-memes, train-memes |
[text] ListEmptyComponent iconEIconName.EmptyFolderIcon titleIImagin draggin deez nuts across your facel subtitleNew scans will appear here once you process the pending scans.

Html Is Too Low Level

htmlIsTooLowLevel | html-memes, css-memes, python-memes, list-memes, rest-memes, ide-memes, ML-memes, cs-memes |
[text] F1g AR 2P BN elgiple html or python which is better for learning Al as a beginner 100 PM 122324 67 Views SN i0 Most relevant replies v Aiden Wagner TheAidenWagner 4m html Q1 0 K ITREREN NWLEI LA K N l gt aloRciny interesting but isntit too low level for a beginner Q1 L K ITREREN not when coupled with css Aiden Wagner TheAidenWagner 2m . 1T A 3 3

Web Dev Reference List

webDevReferenceList | html-memes, web-memes, loc-memes, json-memes, excel-memes, list-memes, csv-memes, http-memes, url-memes, ML-memes, language-memes, cs-memes, graph-memes |
[text] Web Develooment Acron Sgms A Convenient Reference Li i Cascading Something Something HTTP H per Tex Thmj Protocol HTTPS Hy er Text Thm Protocol but S ecial HTML Hyer Text Mu e Language Tke Domcument URL Umm... Resource Locator JSON Tavascripts Son PNG Picture No... Graphics SVG Somekinda Vector m Guessing FTP FILe TlrmjarabOb Pr0cess SDK Sorry Don Know SAL Theetuef o PRAL resumbl cSv Excel File That Was Saved Aein

I can write a mean python list comprehension ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ

I can write a mean python list comprehension ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ | python-memes, google-memes, linked list-memes, list-memes, train-memes |

For Real

forReal | devs-memes, list-memes, ide-memes |
Content metaschool Oxmetaschool: 4d devs making a list of all the side projects they want to build in 2025

Use State Hell

useStateHell | code-memes, test-memes, list-memes, function-memes, date-memes, email-memes, cs-memes, product-memes |
Content 45 46 47 48 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 export function Analytics (props) const total0rderAmount, setTotal0rderAmount useState(0) ; const totalSubscribedAmount, setTotalSubscribedAmount useState (0); const churnRate, setChurnate useState(0); const subscriptionGrowthMonthOverMonth, setSubscriptionGrowthMonthOverMonth - useState (0) ; const revenueGrowthMonth0verMonth, setRevenueGrowthMonthOverMonth useState(0) ; const total0rderCount, setTota10rderCount - useState(); const totalCanceledSubscriptionCount, setTotalCanceledSubscriptionCount useState(0); const totalPausedSubscriptionCount, setTotalPausedSubscriptionCount useState(0); const totalCustomerCount, setTotalCustomerCount useState(0); const averageOrderValue, setAverageOrderValue useState (0); const moneyFormat, setMoneyFormat useState(); const orderSumByWeek, setOrderSumByWeek - useState(1); const subscriptionsTotalByWeek, setSubscriptionsTotalByWeek - useState(); const selectedDays, setSelectedDays useState (90); const fromDay, setfromDay useState(new Date()) ; const toDay, setToDay - useState(new Date()); const filterBy, setFilterBy useState(DAYS) ; const newSubscription, setNewSubscription useState(0); const estimatedVsHistoricalRevenue, setEstimatedsHistoricalRevenue useState() ; const productDeliveryAnalyticsList, setProductDeliveryAnalyticslist - useState(); const nextNinetyDayEstimatedRevenueTotal, setNextNinetyDayEstimatedRevenueTotal useState(0) ; const nextThirtyDayEstimatedRevenueTotal, setNextThirtyDayEstimatedRevenueTotal useState(0) ; const nextSevenDayEstimatedRevenueTotal, setNextSevenDayEstimatedRevenueTotal useState(0) ; const totalSubscriptionCount, setTotalSubscriptionCount - useState(0). const totalActiveSubscriptionCount, setTotalActiveSubscriptionCount useState (0) ; const totalfailedPaymentsCount, setTotalFailedPaymentsCount - useState(0); const averageSubscriptionValue, setAverageSubscriptionValue useState(0); const subscribedVsUnsubscribed, setSubscribedVsUnsubscribed useState(); const customDatePickerToggle, setCustomDatePickerToggle - useState (false); const fromDate, setfromDate - useState(null) const toDate, setToDate useState(null); const emailValidity, setEmailValidity - useState (true); const emailSendingProgress, setEmailSendingProgress - useState (false); const blurred, setBlurred useState(false); const inputValueForTestmailId, setInputValueForTestEmailId - useState(); const emailSuccessAlert, setEmailSuccessAlert useState(false); const emailfailAlert, setEmailfailAlert - useState(false); const isModa10pen, setIsModa10pen useState(false); const totalRecurringOrderCount, setTotalRecurringOrderCount - useState(0) ; const totalSkippedOrders, setTotalSkippedOrders useState(0); const approvalate, setApprovalRate - useState(0); const cancellationate, setCancellationate useState (0); const currencyCode, setCurrencyCode useState("');

Santa Sort

santaSort | list-memes, IT-memes |
Content 5 He's making a list and checking it twice J. SantaSort is unoptimized J

Linked List Has Entered The Chat

linkedListHasEnteredTheChat | machine-memes, list-memes, mac-memes |
Content VENDING MACHINES MACHINES Pepsi Coke Water Snacks Ice FLOORS 1 2 3 4 5 7 FLOORS 1, 4 6 2, 3, 5 7 1 1, 2, 6 All floors MACHINES Pepsi, Water, Snacks Ice Coke, Snacks Ice Coke Ice Pepsi Ice Coke Ice Pepsi, Snacks Ice Coke Ice ALL THE MACHINES ARE NEAR ELEVATOR

Yeah it's starting to get a bit unrealistic now

Yeah it's starting to get a bit unrealistic now | programming-memes, program-memes, list-memes, language-memes, programming language-memes |
Content Adding Another Programming Language to my resume after learning how to write "Hello World" in it.