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Modern Hiring Practices for Developers | A Tale of Two Candidates

Modern Hiring Practices for Developers | A Tale of Two Candidates | coding-memes, developer-memes, php-memes, python-memes, linux-memes, web-memes, design-memes, ux-memes, android-memes, unix-memes, server-memes, c++-memes, jquery-memes, mysql-memes, react-memes, sql-memes,, .net-memes, sql server-memes, swift-memes, django-memes, angular-memes, spring-memes, laravel-memes, windows-memes, mongodb-memes, bash-memes, macos-memes, scala-memes, matlab-memes, api-memes, apache-memes, sqlite-memes, linq-memes, express-memes, symfony-memes, date-memes, kotlin-memes, oop-memes, spring mvc-memes, ubuntu-memes, delphi-memes, flask-memes, mongo-memes, postgres-memes, IT-memes, vue-memes, meteor-memes, query-memes, ide-memes, mac-memes, bot-memes, zend-memes, framework-memes, feature-memes, rust-memes |
coding-memes, developer-memes, php-memes, python-memes, linux-memes, web-memes, design-memes, ux-memes, android-memes, unix-memes, server-memes, c++-memes, jquery-memes, mysql-memes, react-memes, sql-memes,, .net-memes, sql server-memes, swift-memes, django-memes, angular-memes, spring-memes, laravel-memes, windows-memes, mongodb-memes, bash-memes, macos-memes, scala-memes, matlab-memes, api-memes, apache-memes, sqlite-memes, linq-memes, express-memes, symfony-memes, date-memes, kotlin-memes, oop-memes, spring mvc-memes, ubuntu-memes, delphi-memes, flask-memes, mongo-memes, postgres-memes, IT-memes, vue-memes, meteor-memes, query-memes, ide-memes, mac-memes, bot-memes, zend-memes, framework-memes, feature-memes, rust-memes |

[text] Only for personal projects. Its really just a simple UI framework and I am very familiar with it thoug It says here that you have 18 years of experience and have fantastic references and that you have designed and developed four fully featured projects that were successfully deployed and generated tens of millions of dollars you have lead multiple teams and that you have extensive experience in everything we are looking for except I dont see React.js here. Have you ever used React . Oh yeah Ive heard that word before You dont have any professional experience but it looks like you went to a 3month coding boot camp. Did they cover React.js After that boot camp now I can say Im an expert in React C C Delphi Django Rust MongoDB MS SQL Server Flask Express.js Vue.js Laravel Angular Web2Py FastAPI Meteor Bottle JQuery Angular Symfony Svelte ASP.NET Apache Sails Spring MVC Zend Yii CakePHP Mojo Python Kotlin R PHP Go Swift VB MATLAB Scheme Racket Clojure Lisp COBOL Alice AWK Bash Clean Cecil CoffeeScript Cybil Kodu Ladder Logtalk JADE J Maude LINQ Modula Octave Orwell Nemerie Zeno X10 WebASM Umple TAL TCL Scala Sed Strand SBL Turing ROOP QPL PROMAL Orc Oriel Nu NPL Mystic Mutan Mercury Mesa MOO ASM PostgresSQL MySQL SQLite InterBase Advantage Ingres Raima FileMakerPro Access H2 Firebird Windows Unix Android macOS Linux CentOS Ubuntu OpenBSD ProDOS Dasher Dancer Prancer Vixen Comet Cupid Donner Blitzen and Rudolph A Cyanide and Happiness