flask Memes

Flask Server

Flask Server
Content Flask This is a development server. Do not use it ina production deployment. ME USES DEV SERVE RANVWANS FLASK FLASK Listen here, you little shit imgflip.co ProgrammerHumor.io

Gotta catch 'em all

Gotta catch 'em all | javascript-memes, java-memes, python-memes, catch-memes, git-memes, pandas-memes, scala-memes, numpy-memes, tensorflow-memes, oop-memes, flask-memes, hadoop-memes, recruiters-memes, recruit-memes, linkedin-memes, bootstrap-memes, c#-memes, spark-memes, keras-memes, jupyter-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content my linkedin profile R, python, javascript, shiny, dplyr, purrr, ditto, ggplot, d3, canvas, spark, sawk, pyspark, sparkly, lodash, lazy, bootstrap, jupyter, vulpix, git, flask, numpy, pandas, feebas, scikit, pm, bayes, h2o.ai, sparkling-water, tensorflow, keras, onyx, ekans, hadoop, scala, unity, metapod, gc, cct, krebase, neo4j, hadoop. I typically ask recruiters to point out which of these are pokemon.

Php Is Still Alive How

phpIsStillAliveHow | php-memes, python-memes, asp.net-memes, ruby on rails-memes, .net-memes, django-memes, angularjs-memes, angular-memes, ruby-memes, flask-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content 1995: PHP is dead, learn ColdFusion 2002: PHP is dead, learn ASP.net 2003: PHP is dead, learn Django 2004: PHP is dead, learn Ruby on Rails 2010: PHP is dead, learn Flask 2011: PHP is dead, learn AngularIS 2016: PHP is dead, learn Next.js 2022: PH is dead, learn Python 2023: HOW THE HELL IS THIS DUDE STILL ALIVE

Modern Hiring Practices for Developers | A Tale of Two Candidates

Modern Hiring Practices for Developers | A Tale of Two Candidates | coding-memes, developer-memes, php-memes, python-memes, linux-memes, web-memes, design-memes, ux-memes, android-memes, unix-memes, server-memes, c++-memes, jquery-memes, mysql-memes, react-memes, sql-memes, asp.net-memes, .net-memes, sql server-memes, swift-memes, django-memes, angular-memes, spring-memes, laravel-memes, windows-memes, mongodb-memes, bash-memes, macos-memes, scala-memes, matlab-memes, api-memes, apache-memes, sqlite-memes, linq-memes, express-memes, symfony-memes, date-memes, kotlin-memes, oop-memes, spring mvc-memes, ubuntu-memes, delphi-memes, flask-memes, mongo-memes, postgres-memes, IT-memes, vue-memes, meteor-memes, query-memes, ide-memes, mac-memes, bot-memes, zend-memes, framework-memes, feature-memes, rust-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content It savs here that vou have 18 vears of exerience and have fantastic references, and that you have designed and develobed four rulv reatured broiects that were successfully deployed and generated tens of millions of dollars, you have lead multiple teams, and that you have extensive experience in everything we are looking for - except I don't see React.js here. Have you ever used React? Only for personal projects. It's really just a simple Ul tramework and I am very familiar with it thoug Go fuck yourself! You don't have any professional experience, but it looks like you went to a 3-month coding boot camp. Did they cover React.js? You're hired! Oh veah. I've heard that word before! After that boot camp now I can say I'm an expert in React, C, C, Delphi, Diango, Rust, MongoDB, MS SQL Server, Flask, Express.is, Vue.js, Laravel, Angular, Web2Py, FastAPI, Meteor, Bottle, JQuery, Angular, Symfony, Svelte, Jam.py, ASP.NET, Apache, Sails, spring MVC, Zend, YI, Cake, Moo, Python, Kotlin, R. PHP, Go, Swift, VB, MATLAB, Scheme, Racket, Cloiure, Lisp, COBOL, Alice, AWK, Bash, Clean, Cecil, CoffeeScript, Cybil, Kodu, Ladder, Logtalk, JADE, J, Maude, LINQ, Modula, Octave, Orwell, Nemerie, Zeno, X10, WebASM, Umple, TAL, TCL, Scala, Sed, Strand, SBL, Turing, ROOP, QPL, PROMAL, Orc, Oriel, Nu, NPL, MVstic, Mutan, Mercury, Mesa, MOO, ASM, PostaressOL MySQL, SQLite, InterBase, Advantage, Ingres, Raima, FileMakerPro, Access, H2, Firebird, Windows, Unix, Android, macos, Linux, Centos, Ubuntu, OpenS ProDOS, Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid Donner, Blitzen, and Rudolph. COCKSOFT INC. Cyanide and Happiness Explosm.net

Where Is Pokemon

whereIsPokemon | javascript-memes, java-memes, python-memes, git-memes, pandas-memes, scala-memes, numpy-memes, tensorflow-memes, oop-memes, flask-memes, hadoop-memes, recruiters-memes, recruit-memes, linkedin-memes, bootstrap-memes, spark-memes, keras-memes, jupyter-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content my linkedin profile R, python, javascript, shiny, dplyr, purrr, ditto, egplot, d3, canvas, spark, sawk, pyspark, sparkly, lodash, lazy, bootstrap, jupyter, vulpix, git, flask, numpy, pandas, feebas, scikit, pm, bayes, h2o.ai, sparkling-water, tensorflow, keras, onyx, ekans, hadoop, scala, unity, metapod, gG, cc, krebase, neo4j, hadoop. I typically ask recruiters to point out which of these are pokemon.

It Just Rocks

itJustRocks | php-memes, python-memes, asp.net-memes, ruby on rails-memes, .net-memes, django-memes, ruby-memes, flask-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content 1995: PHP is dead, learn ColdFusion 2002: PHP is dead, learn ASP.net 2003: PHP is dead, learn Django 2004: PHP is dead, learn Ruby on Rails 2010: PHP is dead, learn Flask 2011: PHP is dead, learn AngularIS 2016: PHP is dead, learn Next.j 2022: PHP is dead, learn Python 2023: HOW THE HELL IS THIS DUDE STILL ALIVE

Flask Server

Flask Server | development-memes, server-memes, flask-memes, ide-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content Flask This is a development server. Do not use fina productiondeplovment. ME USES DEV SERVER ANVWAVS FLASK FLASK Listen here, you little shit imgflip.ca

who else?

who else? | javascript-memes, java-memes, python-memes, c++-memes, git-memes, pandas-memes, scala-memes, numpy-memes, tensorflow-memes, oop-memes, flask-memes, hadoop-memes, recruiters-memes, recruit-memes, linkedin-memes, bootstrap-memes, spark-memes, keras-memes, jupyter-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content my linkedin profile R, python, javascript, shiny, dplyr, purrr, ditto, ggplot, d3, canvas, spark, sawk, pyspark, sparkly, lodash, lazy, bootstrap, jupyter, vulpix, git, flask, numpy, pandas, feebas, scikit, pm, bayes, h2o.ai, sparkling-water, tensorflow, keras, onyx, ekans, hadoop, scala, unity, metapod, gc, cllc, krebase, neodj, hadoop. I typically ask recruiters to point out which of these are pokemon.

I thought Programming was hard until I found this guy on YouTube.

I thought Programming was hard until I found this guy on YouTube. | programming-memes, css-memes, javascript-memes, code-memes, java-memes, python-memes, program-memes, django-memes, flask-memes, c-memes, nextjs-memes, c#-memes, ML-memes, language-memes, cs-memes, youtube-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content Learn X in Y Minutes CodeWithHarry - 112 Python in 8 Minutes (in Hindi) PYTHON IN 8 M 8:29 CodeWithHarry Y LEARN CLANGUAGE C Language in 9 Minutes (in IN 9 MIMITES Hindi) 19:02 CodeWithHarry 5Quality Minutes C in 5 Minutes 4 CodeWithHarry Java in 7 Minutes SIRFT CodeWithHarry MINIMEIN, 7:19 LEARN HTML HTML in 9 Minutes (in Hindi) IN S MINUTES 19:09 CodeWithHarry 7 MINUTES CSS in 7 Minutes OF CSS (FAST CodeWithHarry 7:30 REIS 35 JavaScript in 8 Minutes (! CodeWithHarry 8:54 Fastesti Flask Intro mirstre 6:35 Flask in 6 Minutes CodeWithHarry EVERYTHINO Django in 8 Minutes 1 ABOUT die CodeWithHarry 8:03 NextJs in 7 Minutes 4 24-00-4 r

This guy really grouped C# and C++ together

This guy really grouped C# and C++ together | javascript-memes, java-memes, python-memes, c++-memes, git-memes, pandas-memes, scala-memes, numpy-memes, tensorflow-memes, oop-memes, flask-memes, hadoop-memes, recruiters-memes, recruit-memes, linkedin-memes, bootstrap-memes, c#-memes, spark-memes, keras-memes, jupyter-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content my linkedin profile R, python, javascript, shiny, dplyr, purrr, ditto, ggplot, d3, canvas, spark, sawk, pyspark, sparkly, lodash, lazy, bootstrap, jupyter, vulpix, git, flask, numpy, pandas, feebas, scikit, pgm, bayes, h2o.ai, sparkling-water, tensorflow, keras, onyx, ekans, hadoop, scala, unity, metapod, gc, clc, krebase, neo4j, hadoop. I typically ask recruiters to point out which of these are pokemon.

PHP is Frankenstein

PHP is Frankenstein | programmer-memes, php-memes, program-memes, ruby on rails-memes, .net-memes, django-memes, angular-memes, ruby-memes, flask-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content The Future Programmer Rajito TheProgrammerMe 1995: PHP is dead, learn ColdFusion 2002: PHP is dead, learn ASP net 2003: PHP is dead, learn Django 2004: PHP is dead, learn Ruby on Rails 2010: PHP is dead, learn Flask 2011: PHP is dead, learn AngularJS 2016: PHP is dead, learn Next.js 2022: okay this is awkward ProarammerHumor io

Anyone want to come out of retirement?

Anyone want to come out of retirement? | programming-memes, coding-memes, javascript-memes, software-memes, tech-memes, java-memes, python-memes, engineer-memes, software engineer-memes, backend-memes, program-memes, aws-memes, c++-memes, data-memes, requirements-memes, sql-memes, django-memes, excel-memes, database-memes, algorithm-memes, scala-memes, function-memes, api-memes, rest-memes, flask-memes, algorithms-memes, production-memes, edge-memes, c#-memes, nosql-memes, language-memes, startup-memes, framework-memes, product-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content 5:38 You'll love this iob if you.... Enjoy solving complex technical problems, even when there is no pertect solution. Enjoy being in a fast-paced, customer-facing role. Thrive in small, cross-functional teams. We like to wear many hats here! You're excited to tackle big technical challenges like building highly scalable architectures and achieving zero-downtime deploys. Requirements 65 ears of professional experience building backend applications using any popular language such as Python, Java, C, JavaScript, Go, CC 4 vears of experience working with Python 4 working with Python backend frameworks like Django, Flask, or Tornado 4 vears of working with SOL and NoSOL databases 3 vears of production support experience 3 years working with common AWS services 3 years developing REST APIs Experience migrating systems to meet increasing trafficscale Startup or FAANG-type experience - Has worked at a startup or high growth company Deep AWS knowledge - Has many years of experience solutioning within AWS Strong Python coding abilities - Can pass difficult programming challenges in a relatively short period of time. Can speak clearly about their thinking throughout these challenges. Can speak to O-notation of algorithms. Has excellent knowledge of common ovthon idioms and libraries. Senior Software Engineer, Python Apply for this position