vue Memes

Thanks Copilot For The Div Inception

Thanks Copilot For The Div Inception
Asked Copilot to create a simple flexbox layout and it decided to spawn the Inception of div containers. That conditional at the top should've been v-if="canCreateNightmare" . Nothing says "I'm helping" like turning a 3-line layout into the HTML equivalent of a Russian nesting doll. And the best part? All that code just to add the same gap-4 everywhere. Efficiency at its finest!

Peace Like Ive Never Experienced

Peace Like Ive Never Experienced
Ah, the sweet release of framework fatigue! That moment when you've been drowning in an endless sea of JavaScript frameworks—React today, Vue tomorrow, Svelte next week—and finally say "nope, I'm done." The spiritual rebirth of crawling back to jQuery feels like emerging from a baptismal pool of complexity. No more dependency hell, no more webpack config nightmares, just good ol' $('.selector').doStuff() and suddenly you're sleeping like a baby again. Framework FOMO? Cured! Who needs 17MB of node_modules when you can have a single 30KB file that just works? It's like trading in your experimental rocket ship for a reliable bicycle—sure it's not as flashy, but you'll actually reach your destination without exploding!

I Sawa Guy

iSawaGuy | html-memes, web-memes, website-memes, react-memes, loc-memes, vue-memes, ML-memes |
Content Local Man KiddBubu 1 saw a guy building a website today. No React. No Vue. No Ember. He just sat there. Writing HTML. Like a Psychepath.

Ah yes, yet another perfectly accurate Web Developer essentials…

Ah yes, yet another perfectly accurate Web Developer essentials… | programmer-memes, developer-memes, html-memes, css-memes, javascript-memes, web developer-memes, tech-memes, java-memes, python-memes, web-memes, design-memes, backend-memes, program-memes, react-memes, git-memes, github-memes, data-memes, sql-memes, angular-memes, database-memes, vue-memes, bootstrap-memes, query-memes, ML-memes, cs-memes, framework-memes |
Content Aditya Singh Follow WEB DEVELOPER SKILL BASICS 1. Html a 2. Css 3. Javascript FRAMEWORK 1. Bootstrap 2. 3. Angular.js A 4. DESIGN 1. Figma 2. Photoshop 3. Adobe.XD BACKEND 1. SQL 2. Databases 3. Python 4. Java 5 Techie Programmer (a EXTRA 1. Git 2. Github 3. MediaQuery 4. Library Framework 2022 All You need to know as a Web Developer... Show more 36K 76 r 235

Natural Order Of Things

naturalOrderOfThings | code-memes, c++-memes, class-memes, vue-memes, ide-memes, language-memes, public-memes |
Content 10:09 public Shape re(double ri this-radius C this-area this-volu pow(radius class Cube : public 6 Hours public Cube (double side) FULL COURS 6.00:00 10 Minutes Of Brainrot Memes V5 AlienMedia 75 k vues Enjoy 10 Minutes Of Brainrot V5! memes, meme, memes ( funny memes, funny videos, unusual memes, tiktok meme C Full Course for free 4 Bro Code 4,3 M de vues This video is a beginner's introduction to C that assumi complex language. This 6-hour video covers just enough 1 Collecte de fonds

Didn’t think Oracle was that bad

Didn’t think Oracle was that bad | oracle-memes, list-memes, vue-memes |
Content IHESE COMPANIES TEST ON ANIMALS OralB OFfl PANTI 409 PURINA Aquafreshi BOSS BANDAID Colgate 80BBI BBO11 BIC deag Coppertone ASal REVION DRY MORDS, ChapStick COVERGIRI IAMS Crest DIEsEL herde febrze Dia) Gillette Johmonsfohmon shoulders SARNIER greetiks - ORACLE Pampe LISTERINE L'OREAL MAC MAYBELLINE Old Spice OlAy Grals OFF! 3 PANTENE IS PuBSd REVION PaG Eil oRACLE Pampers Rogaine Rogaine , LAREN FENI Tide UI REN System.out.memeln () ORACLE DOGGOBASE ORACLE

What An Irony

whatAnIrony | code-memes, tech-memes, vue-memes, ide-memes, train-memes |
Content C This page is using the production build of React. Open the developer tools, and "Components" and "Profiler" tabs will appear to the right. V Poster Shop Code your way to Vue.js expertise. video training courses. From "Hello, World" to advanced techniques.

old but gold

old but gold | developer-memes, tinder-memes, vue-memes |
Content Developers who still makes 120K year after studying for 15 years A nerdy teen who learned Vue.js in 2 months on Udemy and built Tinder for cats app thats making millions

I didn’t check out a textbook on Vim to be attacked like this

I didn’t check out a textbook on Vim to be attacked like this | programming-memes, software-memes, tech-memes, development-memes, engineer-memes, software engineer-memes, ux-memes, vim-memes, program-memes, c++-memes, vue-memes, ide-memes |
Content About the Author Steve Oualline is a software engineer specializing in C programming and LINUX. He lives in southern California and spends his spare time as a real engineer on the Poway Midland Railroad. Other hobbies include blimp-making and collecting old Jack Benny radio shows. About the Reviewer This reviewer contributed his considerable hands-on expertise to the entire develop- ment process for Vi IMproved Vim. As the book was being written, this dedicated professional reviewed all the material for technical content, organization, and flow. His feedback was critical to ensuring that Vi IMproved Vim fits our reader's need for the highest quality technical information. Ron Aaron co-owns a custom software development firm in Bellevue, Washington, where he lives with his wife and daughters, their toys and his tools. He has been using lianancable for his work. He may

Quick Fix Js

quickFixJs | html-memes, css-memes, web development-memes, development-memes, web-memes, website-memes, jquery-memes, react-memes, angularjs-memes, angular-memes, fix-memes, js-memes, vue-memes, query-memes, ML-memes, cs-memes |
Content Fireship fireshipdev Follow The untold history of web development: 1990: HTML invented 1994: CSS invented to fix HTML 1995: JS invented to fix HTMLCSS 2006: Query invented to fix J 2010: AngularS invented to fix jQuery 2013: React invented to fix AngularS 2014: Vue invented to fix React Angular 2016: Angular 2 invented to fix AngularS React 2019: Svelte 3 invented to fix React, Angular, Vue 2019: React hooks invented to fix React 2020: Vue 3 invented to fix React hooks 2020: Solid invented to fix React, Angular, Svelte, Vue 2020: HTMX 1.0 invented to fix React, Angular, Svelte, Vue, Solid 2021: React suspense invented to fix React, again 2023: Svelte Runes invented to fix Svelte 2024: Query still used on 75 of websites

When a programmer decides to launch a new blog.

When a programmer decides to launch a new blog. | programmer-memes, css-memes, wordpress-memes, program-memes, server-memes, assembly-memes, react-memes, angular-memes, rest-memes, IT-memes, vue-memes, ide-memes, cs-memes, graph-memes, graphql-memes |
Content Use WordPress and finish it within 2 hours Use a server-less REST GraphOL JS-in-CSS React-Vue-Angular Web Assembly Al Hybrid and spend days building it

On this day in 1994 Jeff Bezos posted the first job ad for Amazon. Still asked for less than entry-level jobs today.

On this day in 1994 Jeff Bezos posted the first job ad for Amazon. Still asked for less than entry-level jobs today. | developer-memes, html-memes, computer-memes, computer science-memes, web-memes, design-memes, unix-memes, server-memes, amazon-memes, try-memes, c++-memes, loc-memes, api-memes, rest-memes, servers-memes, vue-memes, ML-memes |
Content Well-capitalized Seattle start-up seeks Unix developers Jeff Bezos Well-capitalized start-up seeks extremely talented CCUnix developers to help pioneer commerce on the Internet. You must have experience designing and building large and complex (yet maintainable) systems, and you should be able to do so in about one-third the time that most competent people think possible. You should have a BS, MS, or PhD in Computer Science or the equivalent. Top-notch communication skills are essential. Familiarity with web servers and HTML would be helpful but is not necessary. Expect talented, motivated, intense, and interesting co-workers. Must be willing to relocate to the Seattle area (we will help cover moving costs). Your compensation will include meaningful equity ownership. Send resume and cover letter to Jeff Bezos: mail: fax: 206828-0951 US mail: Cadabra, Inc. 10704 N.E. 28th St. Bellevue, WA 98004 We are an equal opportunity employer. "It's easier to invent the future than to predict it." -- Alan Kay Q 82294