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Comp sci professor website starter pack

Comp sci professor website starter pack | web-memes, design-memes, website-memes, wordpress-memes, trees-memes, jquery-memes, machine-memes, data-memes, facebook-memes, loops-memes, email-memes, oop-memes, cli-memes, network-memes, IT-memes, query-memes, ide-memes, mac-memes, networks-memes, div-memes, neural network-memes, language-memes, ssh-memes, cs-memes, cse-memes, public-memes |
web-memes, design-memes, website-memes, wordpress-memes, trees-memes, jquery-memes, machine-memes, data-memes, facebook-memes, loops-memes, email-memes, oop-memes, cli-memes, network-memes, IT-memes, query-memes, ide-memes, mac-memes, networks-memes, div-memes, neural network-memes, language-memes, ssh-memes, cs-memes, cse-memes, public-memes |

[text] This is a motherfucking website. And 1ts fucking perfect. Seriously what the fuck else do you want You probably build websites and think yvour shit 1s special. You think your 13 megabyte parallaxative home page 1s going to get you some fucking Awwward banner you can glue to the top corner of vour site. You think your 40pound jQuery file and 83 polyfills give IE7 a boner because 1t finally has boxshadow. Wrong. motherfucker. Let me describe vour perfectass website e Shits lightweight and loads fast Fits on all vour shitty screens Looks the same 1n all vour shitty browsers The motherfuckers accessible to every asshole that visits vour site Shits legible and gets your fucking point across if you had one instead of just Smb pics of hipsters drinking coffee Well guess what motherfucker You. Are. Overdesigning. Look at this shit. Its a motherfucking website. Why the fuck do vou need to animate a fucking trendyass banner flag when I hover over that useless piece of shit You spent hours on it and added 80 kilobyvtes to vour fucking site. and some motherfucker jabbing at it on their 1Pad with fat sausage fingers will never see that shit. Not to mention blind people will never see that shit. but they dont see any of vour shatty shat. You never knew it. but this 1s your perfect website. Heres why. Its fucking lightweight This entire page weighs less than the gradientmeshed facebook logo on your fucking WordPress site. Did vou seriously load 100kb of jQuery Ul just so you could animate the fucking background color of a div You loaded all 7 fontfaces of a shitty webfont just so you could say Hi. at 100px height at the beginning of your site You piece of shit. Its responsive You dumbass. You thought you needed media queries to be responsive. but no. Responsive means that 1t responds to whatever motherfucking screensize its viewed on. This site doesnt care if voure on an iMac or a motherfucking Tamagotchi. It fucking works T Courses Im Currentlv Teaching 1995 L5 tags so you and your bitchass brows It has content on the fucking scr Fall 1995 nd make me click some bobbing button t e CS101 How to literally use forloops o CS889 You will seriously get rekt by this course dont take it Last edited Sep. 29 2016 Contact Information Phone 333 425 5233 Fax 333 888 3424 Email johnatuniversitydotedu Office Generic Hall. 415 M. N. Shamalayan Publications M. N. Shamalayan. Combining Neural Networks With Natural Language Processing to Optimize the Hitler Problem. ICSE1998. M. N. Shamalayan. Using Unguided Prim Trees to Solve the Matrix Mul tiplication Problem ICSE2000 M. N. Shamalayan. Using Large Dataset Combined with Support Vector Machine to Solve the IceCream Optimization Problem. ICSE2002