email Memes

Digital Detox: Unexpected Side Effects

Digital Detox: Unexpected Side Effects
The classic bait-and-switch of workplace expectations! That blissful moment when you decide to implement a "healthy email boundary" only to discover your company had a slightly different interpretation of work-life balance. The parenthetical "(I got fired)" hits with the precision of a production bug that only manifests after deployment to 10,000 users. It's the digital equivalent of ignoring your AWS billing alerts until your credit card spontaneously combusts.

The Ultimate API Endpoint Workaround

The Ultimate API Endpoint Workaround
This guy just bypassed the age validation with a brilliant regex-like workaround! When most would give up at the 30 > 23 comparison, he identified that emails have no age restriction—the classic "if (rejected) { try_alternative_route(); }" pattern. It's the programming equivalent of getting a 403 Forbidden response and immediately checking if there's an unprotected API endpoint. Smooth operator found the backdoor in the authentication flow!

The Sheer Joy Of Dealing With It Department 404

The Sheer Joy Of Dealing With It Department 404
When free money meets corporate trickery! 💸 This poor soul got BAMBOOZLED by their own IT department who set up a fake phishing test disguised as a $20 voucher email. The classic "too good to be true" trap that we ALL would've fallen for! Now they're stuck in mandatory security training purgatory, probably watching those soul-crushing videos about not clicking suspicious links... while dreaming about what they could've bought with that non-existent $20. The skull emoji says it all - they're DEAD inside! This is the corporate equivalent of your parents saying "just kidding" after promising you ice cream. 😭

Am Ithe Only One

Am Ithe Only One
The eternal tragedy of email attachments! You spend 30 minutes crafting the perfect professional email, triple-checking grammar and tone... only to hit send and watch your carefully attached files get left behind like abandoned passengers on the runway. The plane takes off (email sent) while your important documents stand there helplessly on the boarding stairs wondering what they did to deserve this betrayal. The number of times I've had to send that shameful follow-up "Sorry, HERE'S the attachment I mentioned" is my personal developer walk of shame.

I Hope This Email Finds You Well

iHopeThisEmailFindsYouWell | iphone-memes, email-memes, rds-memes, ML-memes |
[text] Work Retire Die WorkRetireDie Email sign off matrix. Whats your goto Ive ccd my boss. Thanks Warmly Hoping we avoid Thanks this in the future. S Kind Regards Thanks Please Thanks in Advance 1 rl i N Best eagerly wait your Advise. o q Timely Response. a response ARE WE ABOUT ARE WE ABOUT TOFIGHT TOKISS kn Cheersi Humbly Yours Let me know Just your name . how was nf from Have a great ey the UK weekend Thanks Pardon any typos Xoxo Gossip Girl Im tapping away on You have bewitched me my teensy tiny little body and soul and loveI iPhone loveI love you. CASUAL O

Which One Of You Is Responsible For This

whichOneOfYouIsResponsibleForThis | stack-memes, stack overflow-memes, google-memes, git-memes, github-memes, password-memes, email-memes, cli-memes, overflow-memes, edge-memes |
Content " Join Stack Overflow By clicking "Sign up", you agree to our terms of service and acknowledge you have read our privacy policy. G Sign up with Google Sign up with GitHub OR Email Password 15kZvKvcUfiG Password must contain at least 1 letter and 1 number. Sign up

Use State Hell

useStateHell | code-memes, test-memes, list-memes, function-memes, date-memes, email-memes, cs-memes, product-memes |
Content 45 46 47 48 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 export function Analytics (props) const total0rderAmount, setTotal0rderAmount useState(0) ; const totalSubscribedAmount, setTotalSubscribedAmount useState (0); const churnRate, setChurnate useState(0); const subscriptionGrowthMonthOverMonth, setSubscriptionGrowthMonthOverMonth - useState (0) ; const revenueGrowthMonth0verMonth, setRevenueGrowthMonthOverMonth useState(0) ; const total0rderCount, setTota10rderCount - useState(); const totalCanceledSubscriptionCount, setTotalCanceledSubscriptionCount useState(0); const totalPausedSubscriptionCount, setTotalPausedSubscriptionCount useState(0); const totalCustomerCount, setTotalCustomerCount useState(0); const averageOrderValue, setAverageOrderValue useState (0); const moneyFormat, setMoneyFormat useState(); const orderSumByWeek, setOrderSumByWeek - useState(1); const subscriptionsTotalByWeek, setSubscriptionsTotalByWeek - useState(); const selectedDays, setSelectedDays useState (90); const fromDay, setfromDay useState(new Date()) ; const toDay, setToDay - useState(new Date()); const filterBy, setFilterBy useState(DAYS) ; const newSubscription, setNewSubscription useState(0); const estimatedVsHistoricalRevenue, setEstimatedsHistoricalRevenue useState() ; const productDeliveryAnalyticsList, setProductDeliveryAnalyticslist - useState(); const nextNinetyDayEstimatedRevenueTotal, setNextNinetyDayEstimatedRevenueTotal useState(0) ; const nextThirtyDayEstimatedRevenueTotal, setNextThirtyDayEstimatedRevenueTotal useState(0) ; const nextSevenDayEstimatedRevenueTotal, setNextSevenDayEstimatedRevenueTotal useState(0) ; const totalSubscriptionCount, setTotalSubscriptionCount - useState(0). const totalActiveSubscriptionCount, setTotalActiveSubscriptionCount useState (0) ; const totalfailedPaymentsCount, setTotalFailedPaymentsCount - useState(0); const averageSubscriptionValue, setAverageSubscriptionValue useState(0); const subscribedVsUnsubscribed, setSubscribedVsUnsubscribed useState(); const customDatePickerToggle, setCustomDatePickerToggle - useState (false); const fromDate, setfromDate - useState(null) const toDate, setToDate useState(null); const emailValidity, setEmailValidity - useState (true); const emailSendingProgress, setEmailSendingProgress - useState (false); const blurred, setBlurred useState(false); const inputValueForTestmailId, setInputValueForTestEmailId - useState(); const emailSuccessAlert, setEmailSuccessAlert useState(false); const emailfailAlert, setEmailfailAlert - useState(false); const isModa10pen, setIsModa10pen useState(false); const totalRecurringOrderCount, setTotalRecurringOrderCount - useState(0) ; const totalSkippedOrders, setTotalSkippedOrders useState(0); const approvalate, setApprovalRate - useState(0); const cancellationate, setCancellationate useState (0); const currencyCode, setCurrencyCode useState("');

Email Response Template

emailResponseTemplate | regex-memes, email-memes |
Content ME Why can't you just be normal? regex w-!.(Ow-11.) w-12.43

Git fire

Git fire | global-memes, git-memes, email-memes, IT-memes |
Content 4.11 88 7 11:09 it-fire is a Git plugin that helps in the event of an emergency by switching to the repository's root directory, adding all current files, committing, and pushing commits and all stashes to a new branch (to prevent merge conflicts). Alias it to git out or git going for comedic effect. git config --global alias. out fire git config --global alias.going fire What It Does changes directory to root directory of the repository creates new branch fire-current branch-user email-seconds since epoch adds all files commits with "Fire! Branch new branch" or custom message pushes commits to remote pushes all stashes to remote

Security Expert Num1

securityExpertNum1 | test-memes, security-memes, email-memes, tests-memes, cs-memes |

Git Config Impersonation

gitConfigImpersonation | bug-memes, loc-memes, git-memes, devs-memes, email-memes |

Scraping Is Fun

scrapingIsFun | html-memes, javascript-memes, java-memes, web-memes, engineer-memes, website-memes, backend-memes, data-memes, json-memes, regex-memes, api-memes, email-memes, network-memes, ide-memes, ML-memes, crash-memes |
Content Virgin API Consumer JSON Fears HTML Limited to the what the API can do Has to identify himself even for read-only APIs API Provider takes away his endpoint data is 10 minutes behind 429 Too Many Requests Has to worry about quota Thinks that he is making his life easier begs his users for auth API keys has to verify his email, phone, driver's license, ssn, dna sample has to agree to Terms of Service and follow the the rules Tokens Chad third-party scraper follows no rules, doesn't agree to any terms of service Even Javascript can't stop him pays laborers to solve captchas ; Luminati BUSInesS DrOXV NeTWOrK doesn't even have a phone number scrapes so fast the backend crashes Se So Ramsab" can work anonymously has no limitations can access any data he wants parses HTML with regex MULLVAD entire industries are dedicated to stopping him 5 SMSPvA 2Captcha his business is profitable website thinks his user agent is a phone Can do whatever he wants Doesn't care about changes in policies millions of engineer hours, still can't stop him from scraping promising career at high-frequency trading firm (just scrapes in his spare time)