network Memes

Times Have Changed

timesHaveChanged | hardware-memes, devs-memes, pdf-memes, network-memes, IT-memes, startup-memes, product-memes |
Content Startups then "Yeah we built the OS in our garage. You want better hardware? We'll build it this weekend" "How did I bootstrap? Just drove a taxi nights and weekends" "PMF? I just called up people from Yellowbooks until I found a problem worth solving" Startups now "oh this? its just a side project, i call it github" "being a founder is so hard, ive been attending 4 networking parties a day" "we have a pdf, we're raising 5 mil" "we hired 20 devs, we expect to find PMF in 6 months" "we bought the domain name and set up a DAO, brainstorming product ideas now"

Its Network Problem All The Way Down

itsNetworkProblemAllTheWayDown | network-memes |

Fit On That Thang

fitOnThatThang | machine learning-memes, machine-memes, class-memes, search-memes, network-memes, mac-memes, feature-memes |
[text] Stat Arb w quantarb Hawk Tuah recently went viral for her rant on the overuse of advanced machine learning models by junior quant researchers. Junior researchers prefer nonlinear methods and complex black boxes despite the limitations of these models to deal with the high risk of overfitting n i I I I I I L AT o Feature network regularizati pomee Classification Model parameterizec min X 66 U a X Y ZSU il


java | java-memes, python-memes, development-memes, linux-memes, ux-memes, computing-memes, c++-memes, git-memes, hardware-memes, rest-memes, shell-memes, network-memes, edge-memes, component-memes, train-memes, cs-memes, rust-memes, operating system-memes |
Content 9:21 - Messages Qualifications Education or a mixture of educationtraining and experience in: Proficient developing with C, C, Python and shell scripting Knowledge of key components of embedded system architecture Linux development environments and GCC- based toolchains ARM Cortex M Processors or similar Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS) Digital communications (networking, wireless data transmission, framing, packet handling) Minimal Java experience (ideally none) Personalinterest in hardware-accelerated computing Personal interest in Rust or willingness to be taught Rust by WinterWinds Ability to read and modifv hardware schematics Ability to bring up hardware Meticulous Git hygiene Must be authorized to work in The United States

O1 Is Peaking Guys

o1IsPeakingGuys | web-memes, server-memes, loc-memes, version-memes, list-memes, function-memes, date-memes, http-memes, network-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes, header-memes |
Content can I use this: server listen 80; listen :1:80; servername sonarr.local; Bind only to the local network allow; Allow requests only from the local network deny all; Deny all other requests location proxypass http:localhost:8989; proxysetheader Host host; proxysetheader X-Real-IP remoteaddr; in my SWAG proxy-confs? can I put all services in one file? like radarr.local, sonarr.local...? You're giving feedback on a new version of ChatGPT. Which response do you prefer? Responses may take a moment to load. Response 1 Yes, you can use the configuration you provided in your SWAG (Secure Web Application Gateway) setup, and you can consolidate multiple services (e.g., sonarr. local, radar. local , etc.) into a single configuration file. However, there are some adjustments to make it compatible with SWAG's structure and functionality. Single SWAG Proxy Configuration File for Multiple Services Here's how you can create one proxy configuration file for all your services ( sonarr. local, radar. local , etc.): S Response 2 Thought for 18 seconds Yes I prefer this response Message ChatGPT 0 8 4 ChatGPT can make mistakes. Check important info.

He is crowd sourcing how twitter works

He is crowd sourcing how twitter works | web-memes, engineer-memes, server-memes, loc-memes, lock-memes, data-memes, cli-memes, network-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes, twitter-memes, retweet-memes, cs-memes, cookie-memes, graph-memes, graphql-memes |
Content Elon Musk elonmusk 2h I was told 1200 RPCs independently by several engineers at Twitter, which matches of microservices. The ex-employee is wrong. Same app in US takes 2 secs to refresh (too long), but 20 secs in India, due to bad batchingverbose comms. Actually useful data transferred is low. 157 17 238 190 Popeska Popeska 2h The batching is done server-side where the initial client request doesn't matter - GraphQL resolves the request across the microservices and then sends it back. The internal graph is the same regardless of request origin 6 t7 7 148 Elon Musk elonmusk 2h How many serial requests are made by app to refresh timeline? 76 11 50 612 Popeska Popeska 2h Just one! You can look at your network tab in Chrome - it's this one. La Has blocked cookies i Blocked Requests 3rd-party request onderand.Dropdown.6ffaf439.js o client event. son?keepalivefal 13 118 Popeska Popeska (have not worked at twitter - just poking around) 7:38 AM 111422 Twitter Web App 1 Retweet 14 Likes

Scraping Is Fun

scrapingIsFun | html-memes, javascript-memes, java-memes, web-memes, engineer-memes, website-memes, backend-memes, data-memes, json-memes, regex-memes, api-memes, email-memes, network-memes, ide-memes, ML-memes, crash-memes |
Content Virgin API Consumer JSON Fears HTML Limited to the what the API can do Has to identify himself even for read-only APIs API Provider takes away his endpoint data is 10 minutes behind 429 Too Many Requests Has to worry about quota Thinks that he is making his life easier begs his users for auth API keys has to verify his email, phone, driver's license, ssn, dna sample has to agree to Terms of Service and follow the the rules Tokens Chad third-party scraper follows no rules, doesn't agree to any terms of service Even Javascript can't stop him pays laborers to solve captchas ; Luminati BUSInesS DrOXV NeTWOrK doesn't even have a phone number scrapes so fast the backend crashes Se So Ramsab" can work anonymously has no limitations can access any data he wants parses HTML with regex MULLVAD entire industries are dedicated to stopping him 5 SMSPvA 2Captcha his business is profitable website thinks his user agent is a phone Can do whatever he wants Doesn't care about changes in policies millions of engineer hours, still can't stop him from scraping promising career at high-frequency trading firm (just scrapes in his spare time)

Computers Are Truly Duum

ComputersAreTrulyDuum | computer-memes, program-memes, network-memes, neural network-memes |
Content computer are actually really smart computers are duum 34 34 computer are duum learning to program 14 learning neural network 14 0.1 10 score 55 2 85 100 115 130 2 0.1 145

Average developer vs Senior developer

Average developer vs Senior developer | developer-memes, tech-memes, computing-memes, google-memes, search-memes, crypto-memes, network-memes, microsoft-memes |
Content Average Developer: Q Search John Google GDE Microsoft MVP San Francisco, CA Contact info 500 connections Senior Developer: Q Search Kana-chan Bwockchain Enginyeew ( wo") Kingdom of Lugnica Contact info 500 connections Home My Network Jobs Messaging Any big tech Bachelor's Degree in Computing 1P Home Am My Network JODS Messaging Underground crypto company from east European Self-taught


endianness | engineer-memes, network-memes |
Content How engineers back then felt after deciding that networking shall use big endian (nothing else on the planet uses big endian)

How likely would this protocol be to Man-in-the-Middle attacks?

How likely would this protocol be to Man-in-the-Middle attacks? | computer-memes, internet-memes, network-memes, rds-memes |
Content IP over Avian Carriers Article Talk TA In computer networking, IP over Avian Carriers (IPoAC) is a proposal to carry Internet Protocol (IP) traffic by birds Risks An example of packet loss.

Networking Explained Btw This Is Oc

networkingExplainedBtwThisIsOC | network-memes, udp-memes |
Content UDP Proxy Peer-to-Peer Broadcast Unicast Multicast