wordpress Memes

Word Press And Php Give Me Ptsd

Word Press And Php Give Me Ptsd
That thousand-yard stare when you've just spent hours debugging someone's ChatGPT-generated WordPress PHP abomination. The code technically "works" but violates every coding standard known to mankind. You've fixed it, but at what cost? Your soul? Your sanity? Both? This is the face of a developer who just discovered 17 nested if statements and a function named "do_the_thing_please_work()" with 300 lines of uncommented spaghetti code. The war flashbacks are real.

Boydont Ilovewordpress

boydontIlovewordpress | code-memes, engineer-memes, wordpress-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content Engineers who can't code Designers who can't design WordPress

And That How Wordpress Was Created

andThatHowWordpressWasCreated | code-memes, engineer-memes, design-memes, wordpress-memes, designer-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content Engineers who can't code Designers who can't design WordPress

Storages Are Liquid

storagesAreLiquid | wordpress-memes, loc-memes, IT-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content OS Dynamic Storage Allocation Be Like: First Fit Best Fit Worst Fit HIF IT FITS. I SITS CAT IN A DRAWER "ICHTEEVERWORIO WORDPRESS COM

Wordpress Developer

wordpressDeveloper | developer-memes, web developer-memes, web-memes, website-memes, wordpress-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content I am a web developer I make websites using wordpress

Got This Text Today

gotThisTextToday | code-memes, web-memes, design-memes, website-memes, wordpress-memes, designer-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content You know anything about Wordpress since you code? It's like a ai website designer iMessage

When a programmer decides to launch a new blog.

When a programmer decides to launch a new blog. | programmer-memes, css-memes, wordpress-memes, program-memes, server-memes, assembly-memes, react-memes, angular-memes, rest-memes, IT-memes, vue-memes, ide-memes, cs-memes, graph-memes, graphql-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content Use WordPress and finish it within 2 hours Use a server-less REST GraphOL JS-in-CSS React-Vue-Angular Web Assembly Al Hybrid and spend days building it

Perfect website does not exi...

Perfect website does not exi... | html-memes, web-memes, design-memes, website-memes, wordpress-memes, try-memes, jquery-memes, function-memes, facebook-memes, express-memes, cli-memes, IT-memes, html5-memes, query-memes, idea-memes, ide-memes, mac-memes, ipad-memes, ML-memes, div-memes, ssh-memes, cs-memes, ie6-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content This is a motherfucking website. And it's tucking bertect. seriousiv, wat tne luck else do you want You probably build websites and think your tive home page is going to get you some lucKIng Awwward banner vou can glue very file and 83 p boner because it finally has box-shadow. Wrong, motherfucker. Let me describe your perfect-ass website: Shit's lightweight and loads fast on all your shitty screens Looks the same in all your shitty browsers ole that visits your site Shit's legible and gets your fucking point across (if you had one instead of just 5mb Well guess what, mothertucker: You. Are. Over-designing Look at this shit. It's a motherfucking website. Why the fuck do you need to animate a fucking trendy-ass banner flag when I hover over that useless piece of shit? You spent hours on it and adde n their iPad with fat sausage fingers will never see that shit. Not nd people will never see that shit, but they don't see any of your shitty shit. You never knew it, but this is your perfect It's fucking lightweight This entire page weighs less than the gradient- Did you seriously load 100kb could say "Hi." at 100px height at the beginni It's responsive You dumbass. You thought you needed media s to whatever It fucking works Look at this shit. You can read it ... that is, if has motherfucking hierarchy. It's using HIML5 tags so you and your bitch-ass browser know what the fuck's in this fucking site. That's semantics mothertucker It has content on the fucking screen. Your sitt s and link t ar dribble account, but you spread it over 7 full screens and make me click some bobbing button to show me how cool the iOnerv ScrollTo pluoir motherlucKer in lLo. I TUcking dare vou This is a website. Look AT IT rollove nev seen one Like the man y who's never grown out his beard rdizations of what should be text nicating a fucking message. This is a reanaked website ook at it.at' Yes, this is fucking satire, you fuck I'm not actually saying your shitty site should look like this. What I'm sayi ing is that all the problems we have with websites are ones we create ourselves. Websites aren't broken by default, they are functional, high-performing, "Good design is as little design as some German motherfucker Epilogue From the philosophies expressed (poorly)

Powered by Astra WordPress Theme

Powered by Astra WordPress Theme | developer-memes, web developer-memes, web-memes, wordpress-memes, cli-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content A shenoaclinic.com SI SHENDA ADVANCED AESTHETIC CLINIC THIS OVERPRICED CLINIC WON'T PAY THEIR WEB DEVELOPER. Copyright 2022 Shenoa Clinic Powered by Astra WordPress Theme

Let Me Deploy Word Press Site Real Quick

letMeDeployWordPressSiteRealQuick | wordpress-memes, aws-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content OLUST WANTTO HOST WORDPRESSONAUS Ha private subret (Ostal noisenera B 6 Public subn 6 Private subnet (Dati AWS: NO PROBLEM (TSREALIYEASY

So no one's gonna talk about that Johny Sins of programming

So no one's gonna talk about that Johny Sins of programming | programming-memes, programmer-memes, developer-memes, web developer-memes, web-memes, wordpress-memes, program-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content 6:43 Don't Learn WordPress! Self Taught Web Developers and Self Taught Programmers Dorian Develops 27K views 2 years ago W 9:50 Why you DEFINITELY Should Learn WordPress.. as a self taught programmer Dorian Develops 18K views 1 year ago ProgrammerHumor io

From an article about "side hustles" that pay 100k+ published by CNBC......aka jobs

From an article about "side hustles" that pay 100k+ published by CNBC......aka jobs | coding-memes, html-memes, php-memes, java-memes, development-memes, web-memes, design-memes, website-memes, wordpress-memes, ux-memes, android-memes, backend-memes, mysql-memes, ios-memes, sql-memes, user interface-memes, animation-memes, ide-memes, ML-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content 9:50 ring 5 in-demand side hustles you can do from home that pay 100,000 or more Side hustle Skills Average earnings per year Design UX Design, Website Design, Photoshop, Illustrator 75,789 to 263.571 Game Development Game Design, Unity 3D, Animation 56.493 to 258,501 Coding Java, HTML, CSS, PHP, Backend Development 101.250 to 219,108 Mobile App Development iOS Android App Development, User Interface (Ul) Design 56,493 to 145,200 Website Development WordPress, PHP, MySQL, HTML 63,586 to 141,923 Table: Morgan Smith Source: Freelancer.com Freelancer.com all maker.