public Memes

To All You Java Enjoyers Out There Why Do You Do This

toAllYouJavaEnjoyersOutThereWhyDoYouDoThis | java-memes, public-memes |
Content private bool foo; public bool IsFoo return foo; ? public bool SetFoo(bool val) foo val; public bool foo; Corporate needs you to find the differences between this picture and this picture. They're the same picture. made with mematic

public static void GenerateFunnyTitle()

public static void GenerateFunnyTitle() | public-memes |
[text] ETE o TN AT ANYTHING AT y 4 .1 .

I Just Need The Model

iJustNeedTheModel | code-memes, command-memes, command line-memes, public-memes, dependencies-memes |
[text] our code and weights are publicly available at ... repository with 10 subfolders 200 files 500 dependencies instructions only for command line usage

Developers Alwaysfindsway

developersAlwaysfindsway | developer-memes, devs-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes, train-memes, bot-memes, gaming-memes, cs-memes, public-memes |
[text] 1 Mr John Robertson twitch.tvrobbotron thedark... X Robbotron Follow This is my favourite gaming fact In Fallout 3 the game couldnt support a train for the player to ride in but it could make NPCs walk so the devs made the train a hat. This guy wanders around beneath the ground wearing his Train Hat just being public transport. 1005 AM Feb 18 2020

Green Squares Dont Matter

greenSquaresDontMatter | public-memes |
[text] Public tor e ivitygen i bac e T14410 P R

Csharp Is Surprisingly Chill For An Ooplang

csharpIsSurprisinglyChillForAnOOPLang | class-memes, oop-memes, c#-memes, cs-memes, public-memes |
[text] Shout out to C allowing multiple public classes per file


wow | developer-memes, javascript-memes, software-memes, tech-memes, java-memes, software developer-memes, front end-memes, testing-memes, test-memes, react-memes, loc-memes, requirements-memes, angular-memes, typescript-memes, unit test-memes, cli-memes, edge-memes, query-memes, public-memes |
Content Salary 550-650 Location Dublin City Centre, Dublin, Republic of Ireland Type Contract Start ASAP UI Software Architect 101154 Desired skills: React, Angular, UI, Front End, Java Hybrid (In Ireland), 1 day per week in office 12-month contract We are teaming up with a Dublin-based client who requires a Software Architect who specialises in UI to join their growing team. ' will be joining their team as a technical leader to help define the technical direction and strategy for the existing team. If you have deep technical knowledge of React this could be a great fit for you! Requirements: 6 years' experience as a Software Developer 53 years expertise with React and Angular Strong experience with JavaScript, TypeScript, Query Strong experience in Unit Testing with Jasmine etc

I Should Make An Only Enums

iShouldMakeAnOnlyEnums | public-memes |
Content BEWARE OF THE TYPO Enum Enun public enum Gender Male, Female,

I Need

iNeed | web-memes, cli-memes, production-memes, twitter-memes, retweet-memes, public-memes, product-memes |
Content Nick Zorchenhimer Found this in production today. I need a drink. public static bool CompareBooleans (bool orig, bool val) return AreBooleansEqual(orig, val); internal static bool AreBooleansEqual (bool orig, bool val) if(orig val) return false; return true; 12:54 AM 31 May 19 Twitter Web Client 2,519 Retweets 7,054 Likes 17

Asked For Public Ssh Key And Received This

askedForPublicSshKeyAndReceivedThis | css-memes, image-memes, ssh-memes, cs-memes, public-memes |
Content No text found in image

Why Java Why

whyJavaWhy | java-memes, string-memes, public-memes |
Content Sav again how vou define your main () nikrishni public static void main (String largs)

This One Took Me Along Time To Reflect

thisOneTookMeALongTimeToReflect | class-memes, IT-memes, public-memes, private-memes |
Content public class Meme private Joke joke; public void setJoke (Joke newJoke) this.joke newJoke; You wouldnit get it