networks Memes

Intern Gets Job At Byte Dance Sabotages Neural Network Development Project For Two Months

internGetsJobAtByteDanceSabotagesNeuralNetworkDevelopmentProjectForTwoMonths | programmer-memes, developer-memes, code-memes, development-memes, program-memes, bugs-memes, errors-memes, bug-memes, random-memes, virus-memes, data-memes, rest-memes, error-memes, fix-memes, search-memes, network-memes, IT-memes, component-memes, train-memes, bot-memes, ML-memes, networks-memes, source code-memes, neural network-memes, crash-memes, logs-memes, kde-memes |
Content SABOTAGE: Student adds bugs to the code on purpose! Intern Gets Job at ByteDance, Sabotages Neural Network Development Project for Two Months Programmer Keyu Tian got an internship at the Chinese company ByteDance and spent two months sabotaging a neural network development project by deliberately introducing errors into the code. Because of his actions, a team of thirty developers spent 247 searching for and fixing bugs that appeared in the project. The investigation revealed that Tian: Systematically uploaded Pickle files with malicious hidden code that contained viruses and other dangerous components. This code was executed automatically and randomly, so the team could not understand why their efforts did not lead to stabilization of the project Gained access to the PyTorch library on which the projects were based and made small changes to it daily, which led to program crashes. The developers did not check the source code, which is why tasks continued to fail with errors and bugs, and all experiments brought incorrect results Created chaos with checkpoints, files that save intermediate states of neural networks during their training. He changed model parameters, interfered with training data, or deleted checkpoints, which is why the team's work results disappeared and could not be restored Actively participated in work meetings, which allowed him to remain unnoticed. He attended every meeting to find out about the team's plans to fix bugs, and then created new ones. The team could not understand what was happening; Tian was exposed by logs. ByteDance reported that thirty developers worked for two months without results due to the destructive actions of one person, which led to the failure of the project deadlines and the loss of customer funds After Tian was fired from ByteDance, his mentors at university did not condemn or punish him. MIRATE

Rewrite Fsdwithout Cnn

rewriteFSDWithoutCNN | tech-memes, image-memes, network-memes, networks-memes, neural network-memes |
Content Yann LeCun ylecun 7h Yes, but the other man invented a key technique that made autonomous driving possible: convolutional neural networks. Convolutional nets are used in just about every real-time vision system today. For driving assistance, they have been used by MobilEye since 2014, by Tesla since... Show more 75 17 82 941 Elon Musk IX elonmusk 6h We don't use CNNs much these days tbh 210 17 192 1.2K la 162K 1 Yann LeCun ylecun 5h Curious to know how you could possibly do real-time camera image understanding in FSD without ConvNets, TBH. 189 17 111 1.6K la 155K

Stop Adding Features To Java Script

stopAddingFeaturesToJavaScript | developer-memes, javascript-memes, web developer-memes, code-memes, java-memes, web-memes, program-memes, array-memes, debugging-memes, c++-memes, bug-memes, node-memes, nodejs-memes, loc-memes, apple-memes, api-memes, rest-memes, class-memes, debug-memes, cli-memes, network-memes, ide-memes, networks-memes, neural network-memes, private-memes, feature-memes, rust-memes |
Content STOP ADDING FEATURES TO WEB BROWSERS AND JAVASCRIPT Chrome is not supposed to be able to run feature-complete Photoshop Hundreds of implemented TC-39 proposals, yet no real-world use found for running CRust applications inside of a browser window Wanted to run a program written in javascript with filesystem access for fun anyways? We had a tool for that, it's called NodeJS. "Yes please, give me (-1) and private class members", "Please give me finer manual memory allocation in WASM" - Statements dreamed up by the utterly deranged. Look at what Web Developers have been demanding your respect for, all this time, with all the API's we built for them: .???? ???? 222 debugging c code inside of the devtools running neural networks on the client side rendering shaders with WebGPUGL Hello, i would like JI('0) 1(' )!!I apples please They have played us for absolute fools

An interesting title

An interesting title | rest-memes, network-memes, networks-memes, neural network-memes |
Content How Neural Networks work? Neurons: 1 know a guy who knows a guy

Djikstra's algorithm

Djikstra's algorithm | computer-memes, test-memes, node-memes, algorithm-memes, fix-memes, search-memes, network-memes, IT-memes, networks-memes, graph-memes |
Content Bae: Come over Dijkstra: But there are so many routes to take and I don't know which one's the fastest Bae: My parents aren't home Dijkstra: Dijkstra's algorithm Graph search algorithm Not to be confused with Dykstra's projection algorithm. Dijkstra's algorithm is an algorithm for finding the shortest paths between nodes in a graph, which may represent, for example, road networks. It was conceived by computer scientist Edger W. Dijkstra in 1956 and published three years later. (12) The algorithm exists in many variants; Dijkstra's original variant found the shortest path between two nodes, but a more common variant fixes a single node as the "source node and finds shortest paths from the source to all other nodes in the graph, producing a shortest-path tree. Dijkstra's algorithm Out

Problem Solved

problemSolved | code-memes, loc-memes, lock-memes, security-memes, network-memes, qa-memes, networks-memes, framework-memes, public-memes |
Content sherlock-project sherlock Public Code Issues 70 ?. Pull requests 133 Discussions Actions f Projects 1 DO wiki Security Insights ? master 5 Branches 0 Tags Q Go to file Code matheusfelipeog Used the .EXE framework! a 2 seconds ago D 2,136 Commits sherlock.exe Used the .EXE framework! 2 seconds ago DO README Code of conduct as MIT license Hunt down social media accounts by username across social networks


Why not try NEURAL NETWORKS? | try-memes, network-memes, networks-memes, neural network-memes |
Content Why not try NEURAL NETWORKS? We have... dogs dogs dogs dogs U dogs ProdrammerHumor

How to learn hacking

How to learn hacking | computer-memes, hacking-memes, network-memes, networks-memes |
Content Noobs Ethical Hacking How websites work Programming basics Operating systems Computer Networks

Neural Networks

neuralNetworks | api-memes, network-memes, networks-memes, neural network-memes |
Content Neural Networks alshlyapin2

Well at least they’re honest…

Well at least they’re honest… | engineer-memes, network-memes, IT-memes, edge-memes, ide-memes, networks-memes |
Content 14:35 Search Jobs based on your profile O Job description We won't lie. You will hear "What's my login?" one trillion times, and you will have to say, "Have you tried turning it off and on again?" with a straight face. It's not rocket science, which is why this 1st Line Service Desk Engineer role pays around 20,000 not 200,000 but we will throw in free beer on Fridays. You'll be dealing with customer issues, from the first ticket to resolution. And, of course, you'll be dealing with dummies who think toolkits are what Dad keeps in the garage, and who don't know networks from nachos. That's pretty much all you'll do, day in, day out, so if you'd rather eat your own face than be polite to people every damn day, stop reading. Equally shrinking violets need not apply. You'll be interacting with a range of VIP and highly demanding senior stakeholders. You should embrace (no, not literally) rather than fear them. High EQ and diplomatic skills are paramount, as is the confidence and credibility to challenge and push back where appropriate. Still here? Cool. We also need you to document every step. So explain stuff to customers, and write it down. Officially, this is "retaining system knowledge". Really it's so when someone deletes the wrong thing and plunges half of Europe into darkness, you can prove you didn't tell 'em to do it. in Easy Apply Save


CNN🗿 | network-memes, networks-memes, neural network-memes |
Content How Neural Networks work? Neurons: 1 know a guy who knows a guy

Devastating: personalised results has decided I'm more interested in protocol implementation than basic hygiene

Devastating: personalised results has decided I'm more interested in protocol implementation than basic hygiene | computer-memes, web-memes, design-memes, xml-memes, image-memes, rest-memes, web services-memes, release-memes, network-memes, ide-memes, ML-memes, networks-memes, udp-memes |
Content soap k E Images Shopping a Videos E News More Tools About 1,290,000,000 results (0.48 seconds) Wikipedia wiki SOAP SOAP - Wikipedia SOAP is a messaging protocol specification for exchanging structured information in the implementation of web services in computer networks Stable release: 1.2 27 April 2007; 15 ye... Family: Messaging protocol First appeared: Initially as XML-RPC in J... Designed by: Dave Winer; Don Box; B. Toilet soaps Soap (disambiguation) SOAP with Attachments SOAP-over-UDP