cse Memes

Dev Ops In Five Days

devOpsInFiveDays | code-memes, tech-memes, python-memes, management-memes, server-memes, aws-memes, google-memes, git-memes, version-memes, security-memes, bash-memes, azure-memes, docker-memes, performance-memes, elasticsearch-memes, jenkins-memes, search-memes, monitor-memes, cloud-memes, terraform-memes, puppet-memes, kubernetes-memes, container-memes, devops-memes, prometheus-memes, cs-memes, cse-memes, comment-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content Excited about DevOps? ... See more Created by: Rocky Bhatia in learnwithrockyonatia.com Your Gateway for Tech Learning Roadmap to Master DevOps Understand the DevOps Culture Grasp Core DevOps Principles GIT Version Contre Sustems Kubernetes Container orchestral Docker Containerisation SOBICH Puppet Infrastructurc as Code Jenkins Continuous Integration A Ansible Configuration Management Continuous Delivery Fundamentals Blue-Green Deployments Prometheus Infrastructure Monitoring Elasticsearch Log Management Security and Compliance Basics BashPython Scripting Auromation Terraform Infrastructure Provisionina Performance Tuning and Benchmarking Disaster Recovery Strategies Continuous Deployment Best Practices AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud Platorm cloud Platform! Istio Istio Service Mesh Architectures enta Learning DevOps Culture Revisited Serverless Architectures in DevOps GO 1,189 36 comments 202 reposts

Computer Science Exam Answer

computerScienceExamAnswer | computer-memes, computer science-memes, cs-memes, cse-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content GCSE (9-1) Computer Science (d) day "Monday" x day. length print (x) .24 hous

it shall remain a mystery

it shall remain a mystery | IT-memes, cs-memes, cse-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content (How do you programso well? (It must be an innate gift.. A gift from God. I'll never understand how some people are so talented. A mystery Practice. It's practice. Practice. Sarah Andersen

And Databases Started Charging Per Tx

andDatabasesStartedChargingPerTx | backend-memes, data-memes, database-memes, elasticsearch-memes, search-memes, production-memes, query-memes, cs-memes, cse-memes, product-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content Hey you going to sleep now? You read what Unity did right? Yeah I'm a backend dev. Don't care What if ElasticSearch started charging per query in production?

Microsoft vs Apple user back in the 2000

Microsoft vs Apple user back in the 2000 | developer-memes, computing-memes, try-memes, apple-memes, windows-memes, network-memes, microsoft-memes, IT-memes, ibm-memes, mac-memes, laptop-memes, cs-memes, cse-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content Close-cropped hair, just like Dad's when he worked at Big Blue. Power tie: all the color he requires. Computing is serious business. Keep a straight face. BACKPACK: PowerBook Duo 230; accessories Metricom Ricochet wireless modem - lomega Zip drive; five full cartridges Extended key. board and mouse - Nokia 100 cell phone Newton MessagePad A few scratched up floppy disks MacAddict - One 8-pin serial cable Piles of notes, papers and transit schedules. The casual "Seinfeld-cut' is in. Of course, Jerry would never use a PC. The earring isn't mak- ing the statement it once was, but it still helps to draw the line. BRIEF CASE: Portg Toshiba laptop - Microsoft Office installation disk- PC Magazine - Byte One Xircom Credit Card Ethernet modem - One 10-base T-cable An HF 32S calculator A Lotus penknife Needlenose pliers A multi-tip screwdrivei IBM Networking Center pen kept in custom-crafted pocket protector. You never know when you're going to need a PhoneNet connector. Mandatory wacky watch just looks cool. Imitation Rolex. The denim shirt is standard issue. Get Brooks Brothers. What else? FootLocker. What else? THE WINDOWS USER HOBBIES: No time for hobbies, still trying to install system. SECRET SHAME: Has a Mac at home for "the kids". Really, really liked Microsoft Bob. BELIEF: Thinks Bill Gates is God. THE MAC ADDICT HOBBIES: No time for hobbies, too busy spam- ming Windows-only developers. SECRET SHAME: Still uses WriteNow for word processing. BELIEF: Thinks Bill Gates thinks he's God. ProdrammerHumor.io

He codes in mysterious ways

He codes in mysterious ways | code-memes, cs-memes, cse-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content C-SECTION COMICS CreateUniverse.g give people purpose () main () create world (); create people () ; givepeoplepurpose () ; TODO . . . Aaaaaand. RUN! CLICKI C-SECTION COMICS CSECTIONCOMICS.COM

It's almost certain it will be worth it..

It's almost certain it will be worth it.. | code-memes, IT-memes, cs-memes, cse-memes, comment-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content I need 4 professional code writers that can build sophisticated app and social platform. Hard work for a extended amout of time (18-30 weeks), and no pay upfront or guarantee of outcomeor pay, but i can almost assure you itd be worth it. If its a success, (probibly will be) you will be compensated. Like comment ( Share

Fixed that for ya

Fixed that for ya | fix-memes, ML-memes, cs-memes, cse-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content (How do you programso well? (It must be an innate gift.. A gift from God. I'll never understand how some people are so talented. A mystery Google) ( Google (Google Sarah Andersen

They cannot be serious, right !

They cannot be serious, right ! | tech-memes, program-memes, ide-memes, cs-memes, cse-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content ILE 560,163 1 Prizes ina Faavluz" racks dries Detailed guide creating useful amazing Raspberry Pi projects 192 PAGE of Projects, Raspberry Pi Trid lacks HELPING YOU MAKE EVERY MEAL HEALTHIE Raspberry Pi healthyfcod Tricks lacks Fixes ng useful amazing Raspberry Pi projects Get more ENERGY Eat to beat fatigi VEGETARIAN Women's Weekly BAI KING for friends Women's Weekly UTEN-FREE Baking 192 of Proiecis Raspberry Pi Tricks Hacks Raspberry Pi Tricks, Hacks Fixes Detailed auides to creating eful amazing Raspberry Pi projects 192 of Projects Women's Weekly arbecue Women's Weekly BAKIN For Raspberry Pi Tricks Hacks Raspberry Pi Tricks, Hacks a Fixes herriordiedis Detailed quides to creating user amazin 192 of Projects, Women's Weekly OW CARB LESS FAT V DICT COD A HEALTHY LIFESTYL THE Skinny SLOW COOKER Women's Weekly LOW CARB LESS FAT AN EVERYDAY DIET FOR A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE

This is the résumé of Joseph Redmon, the person who created YOLO (You Only Look Once) real-time object detection

This is the résumé of Joseph Redmon, the person who created YOLO (You Only Look Once) real-time object detection | web-memes, website-memes, excel-memes, object-memes, IT-memes, cs-memes, cse-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content My LiTTLE RESULT JOSEPH REDMON University of Washington - SE Box 352350 Seattle WA 98195-2350 pireddieuw.edu This little pony went to Middlebury College. in Middlebury Vermont. He graduated with hishest honors and even received a departmental award for academic excellence! While at Middlebury he cultivated an ongoing love for... COMPUTER SCIENCE MATHEMAICS! For two years he worked as a fufor for the Computer Science department. He loves passing on his knowledse and detting everypony excited about computer science! One summer he worked for the National Institute of Standards and Technology. He developed an online tool for analyzing thermal neutron triple axis spectrometry data. He even had his very own nuclear reactor to play with PonY StArS 7 Education School: Middlebury College '12 Malor: Computer Science Minor: Mathematics 1 GPA: 3.24 Malor GPA: 3.98 Favorites The next year he had an Extreme Blue internship with IBM. He worked with a team of interns at the Almaden Research Center to develop technology related to online shopping. But he's not allowed to talk about it too mucht (He signed a non-disclosure) Languages: C, Python Editor: Vim Subjects: Machine Learning. Computer Vision, Compilers 4 AwardsAchievements After graduation he galloped off to Unalaska, Alaska to work as a radio DJ. and freelance wed developer. He produces stunning, high quality websites for all the nice ponies hanging out in the Alaskan Bush. Timothy T. Huang Award for Academic Achlevement if 3rd Place at ACMICPC BOSPRE 2 years in a row. 5th at NE North For a few months he dabbled in domestication. American Resionals in 2010 working for a startup in San Francisco called ZeroCater. He spearheaded major projects, infrastructure Top 10 in 4 separate Kaggle upgrades and code cleaning frenzies while competitions, toP 3 of active ensuring that thousands of hardworking ponies got users quality, catered lunches of grains. oats, and grasses every day! The dails plough just wasn't for him thoush, so he threw off the bit and bridle and galloped back to Alaska. He still does contract work for ZeroCater on other companies on occasion, and in the fall he'll be heading off to a computer science Ph.D. program at the University of Washington! The adventure is far from over... What will this liftle pony do next. who knows??

Best answer.

Best answer. | cs-memes, cse-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content Question CSE 102 69. Write a programme to print the pattern. 9 11 13 17 19 21 23 My Answer winclude stdio.h int main() printf("1n"); printf(4 6n)s printf ("9 11 13n"); printf("17 19 21 23n"); return 0; Me Teacher

Comp sci professor website starter pack

Comp sci professor website starter pack | web-memes, design-memes, website-memes, wordpress-memes, trees-memes, jquery-memes, machine-memes, data-memes, facebook-memes, loops-memes, email-memes, oop-memes, cli-memes, network-memes, IT-memes, query-memes, ide-memes, mac-memes, networks-memes, div-memes, neural network-memes, language-memes, ssh-memes, cs-memes, cse-memes, public-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content This is a motherfucking website. And it's fucking perfect. Seriously, what the fuck else do you want? You probably build websites and think your shit is special. You think your 13 megabyte parallax-ative home page is going to get you some tUCKIng AWard Da1 mer vou can glue to the too corner of vOus 40-Dound 1Oue tile and 85 Do viiis give la a Done Shit's lightweight and loads fast Fits on all vour shitty screen Looks the same in all vour shitty browsers The mothertuckers accessible to every asshole that visits your site Shits legible and gets your fucking point across it you had one instead of just 5mb pics of hipsters drinking coffee Well guess what, mothertucKer: You. Are. Over-designing. Look at this shit. It's a motherfucking website. Why the fuck do vou need to animate a fucking trend-ass banner flag when I hover over that useless piece of shit? You spent hours on it and added 80 kilobvtes to vour fucking site. and some mothertucker jabbing at it on their 1Pad with fat sausage fingers will never see Not to mention blind people will never see that shit, they don't see any of you You never knew it, but this is your pertect website. Heres why. It's fucking lightweight This entire page weighs less than the gradient-meshed facebook logo on your fucking Wordpress site. Did you seriously load 100kb of Query UI iust so vou could animate the fucking backeround color of a div? You loaded all 7 fontfaces of a shitty webfont just so vou could say "Hi." at 100px height at the beginning of vour site? You piece of shit It's responsive You dumbass. You thought vou needed media queries to be responsive, but no. Responsive means that it responds to whatever mothertucking screensize its viewed on. This site doesnt care it youre on an iMac or a mothertucking lamagotchi It fucking works Look at this shit. You can read ; Courses I'm Currently Teaching (1995) Ithas content on the fucking ser Fall 1995 me click some bobbing button tr ILS tags nd make CS101: How to literally use for-loops CSSS9: You will seriously get rekt by this course dont take it Last edited: Sep. 29, 2016 Contact Information Phone: (333) 425-5253 Fax: (333) 888 - 3424 Email: john(at)university(dot)edu Oitice: Generic Hall. 41) M. N. Shamalayan M. N. Shamalayan. "Combining Neural Networks With Natural Language Processing to Optimize the Hitler Problem." (ICSE-1998). M. N. Shamalayan. "Using Unguided Prim 'Trees to Solve the Matrix Mul- tincation Problem" (OSS-2000 M. N. Shamalayan. Using Large Dataset Combined with Support Vector Machine to Solve the Ice-Cream Optimization Problem. (1051-2002)