language Memes

The Dumbest Man Alive Gets Outplayed

The Dumbest Man Alive Gets Outplayed
Grammar correction in the wild. King declares himself "the dumbest man alive," only to be immediately dethroned when someone mentions "AI prompt engineering is the future." The true champion of ignorance has been found. Happens to the best of us—one minute you're the dumbest person in the room, then someone walks in talking about their revolutionary prompt that just says "make it good" with fifteen exclamation points.

Old Programming Languages Be Like

oldProgrammingLanguagesBeLike | programming-memes, program-memes, language-memes |
Content FR COBOL Pasca BASIC Ada in sin ong Typing We J irwinC

Shouting Stop Not Gonna Stop Me

shoutingStopNotGonnaStopMe | software-memes, web-memes, website-memes, android-memes, version-memes, apache-memes, express-memes, http-memes, ide-memes, open source-memes, language-memes, graph-memes |
Content 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 49 File: 1binsh SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS TTTITTITTITIT ITTTTT 000000000 PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP SS:::::::::s ::::T 00:: :00 p. : P S:::::SSSSSS::::S T:::see:::T 00:::::::::00 P::::::PPPPPP:::::P S::::S SSSSSSST::::TT::::::TT:::::T O:::::::000:::::::0 PP: P S:..S ITTTT T::::T TTTTTT O::::::0 0: :0 D S::::S T::::T ::0 p. P S::::SSSS T::::T 0:::::0 :::0 P.: :PPPPPP::: :P SS:::.:SSSSS T::::T 0:::::0 n .. n P::::::PP SSS:::ERESS 0:::::0 0:::::0 P::::PPPPPPPPP SSSSSS::::S 0:::::0 0:::::0 P::::P S: : :::S SSSSSSS S:::::S S:::::SSSSSS:::::S SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS T:::: T:::T TI::::: IT T::::::T T::::T TITTITITTIT 0:::::0 0:::::0 De. ::P 0:::::0 :::0 P::::P 0::::::000 ::0 PP: ::PP 00:: :::00 P::::::P 00::: :::::00 P::::::::P 000000000 PAPPPPAPPP DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. THE OFFICIAL GRAPHENEOS INSTALL GUIDE WILL NEVER INSTRUCT YOU TO EDIT THIS FILE. IF YOU ARE FOLLOWING A 3RD PARTY GUIDE YOU SHOULD STOP IMMEDIATELY AND START OVER AND FOLLOW THE OFFICIAL INSTALLATION PROCESS ON THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE. USING THE WEB INSTALLER IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED https: grapheneos.orginstallweb THE CLI INSTALLATION PROCESS SHOULD ONLY BE USED BY USERS WITH SPECIFIC NEEDS. Copyright 2012 The Android Open Source Project Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http:www.apache.orglicensesLICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. if ! command -v fastboot devnull; then

Scratch Best Programing Language

scratchBestProgramingLanguage | program-memes, language-memes |

Everyday Iwill Add One Language

everydayIWillAddOneLanguage | language-memes |

Not Good

notGood | computer-memes, c++-memes, language-memes |
Content Asian parents when they get to know that their child is learning a computer language called C instead of At You're a fking disappointment.

Then you can learn any language

Then you can learn any language | language-memes |
Content Hard to swallow pills In order to be a successful programmer you need to learn to THINK like a programmer not just syntax

Poor Html

poorHtml | programming-memes, developer-memes, html-memes, web-memes, program-memes, ML-memes, language-memes, programming language-memes |
Content Developers: HTML is not a programming language, never never. HTML: The web cannot survive without me, but you guys keep hating me. Thanks.

Dating The Bilingual

datingTheBilingual | language-memes |
Content Damn I only know a little It's hard for me to learn languages to be honest I don't believe you Smart people knows at least 2 languages And you are very smart A nerd at least I don't look smart The languages I know are computer coding lol Can I whisper c in your ear Replied to you Can I whisper c in your ear Ew O Message e

We Get Paid Anyway

weGetPaidAnyway | language-memes, feature-memes |
Content fix bugs add features rewrite all in new trendy language

Average Python Programmer

averagePythonProgrammer | programmer-memes, code-memes, python-memes, program-memes, language-memes |
[text] Writing b efficient code Blaming o iton the language

We've been exposed

We've been exposed | developer-memes, code-memes, iphone-memes, google-memes, object-memes, twitter-memes, language-memes, framework-memes |
[text] Mads Brodt madsbrodt 01 Aug When we work as developers were not paid to code. Were not paid to use different languages and frameworks. Were paid to solve problems for businesses and users. Code just happens to be an efficient tool to reach that goal. But dont lose sight of the real objective. Q 43 Y Q 2747 S Moses Lemar moseslaughs Replying to madsbrodt Youre paid to google shit stop lying 1117 pm 01 Aug 20 Twitter for iPhone