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Types of Tech Workers

Types of Tech Workers | code-memes, tech-memes, linux-memes, web-memes, engineer-memes, ux-memes, server-memes, google-memes, try-memes, loc-memes, lock-memes, git-memes, github-memes, list-memes, fix-memes, cli-memes, internet-memes, linkedin-memes, servers-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes, cs-memes, startup-memes, kernel-memes, manager-memes, product-memes |
code-memes, tech-memes, linux-memes, web-memes, engineer-memes, ux-memes, server-memes, google-memes, try-memes, loc-memes, lock-memes, git-memes, github-memes, list-memes, fix-memes, cli-memes, internet-memes, linkedin-memes, servers-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes, cs-memes, startup-memes, kernel-memes, manager-memes, product-memes |


high tier govt tech scholar – got cucked by government getting him to sign life away at 18 -friends back in the bay are getting 500k TC minimum while he gets the satisfaction of serving the singapore public -"ust 6 more vears and I can quit and do what i really want to do. (somenow usualls consulting or 1B! not so high tier govt tech scholar – boss is a dumbass that doesn’t know anything about tech – has to find 800 differ- ent ways to politely tell him that you can’t just blockchain the army – "i should have just taken loan" kernel wizard – learned how to use the dark magicks of IRC and mailing lists "’woman’? is that a linux package?" – "dont ask to ask just ask" "RTFM" "UMGTEY" buildoor – half the internet runs off librar- ies he writes -doesn’t charge a single cent or throw a hissy fit or 10020 mat ware to wipe russian servers "i just wanna BUILD for gods sake" tech policy middle management – unable to communicate without using buzzwords and vague ideals "whole of govt approach to singapore’s Smart Nation project, for a VUCA world -said approach is out- sourcing everything and doing just enough to fill KPI civil service "infocomm specialist" – 0 ambition, but content with iron rice bowl – bonus makes all the red-tape wran- gling worth it – pretty cozy life ngl opensource "contributor" – S github profile grade with 40 other profile README badges – 5890 commits in the past year – "add files via upload" – "update READ-" – fixed typo in tensor- flow docs, now Soft- ware Engineer at Google on Linkedin gigabrained wee – gives 0 shits, linkedin pfp is a cat- girl, github pfp is cropped hentai – author sole maintainer of criti- cal high perfor- – mance math library – terence tao level gigabrain, but uses it to debate waifus on lal project manager – SixtyNine Sigma Rainbow Belt with 800 agile cummaster certs – "guys we should try this new productivity tool i think it’s quite (good!" – "let’s sync up on this! – "let me touch base on this with you" 996er -grinded entire college life for a job that pays enough to rent a place where you only have to commute for 4 hours -transferred to the sg branch just to teach the quo- ta-filling local graduates how to use CICD SME slave -getting paid less than a fucking intern at a big tech company can’t bring myself to dunk on this dude brun working for an SME is the biggest dunk already -get out of there NPC. i believe in you. freelance webdev – has the "freedom" of dealing with dumb clients who don’t know what they want – spends more time keeping up with new js frameworks than with his friends "I think it would be better if you could make the button "pop" more." WFH remote abuser – has 5 different full-time jobs – starts work at 9am, wakes up at 2pm – does fuck all for 2 months. earns 2 months worth of pay. deis tred gels a new WALKATA MANGA wagie -getting paid too much to write CRUD apps to consider quitting -almost fired for not referring to the drone strike Al by its proper pronouns swear ill quit one day and start my own startup!!!’ "founder" -never shuts up about musk or thiel, proba oly knows the exact shade of their butthol how i went from 0 to 20 ARF (169)!!" spends more time reading insight porn than actually building MyTekco HFT sellout – spent entire 4 years in uni doing nothing but leetcode – no bitches, no friends, no memo- ries, only leetcode Mason missing ou on all those fun trips. all ine time you gave uo, us so you could ored orma interview -at least you’re rich enough tc afford therapy now