servers Memes

The Dual Personality Of Linux

The Dual Personality Of Linux
The duality of Linux is just *chef's kiss*. In most places, it's a janky mess held together with duct tape and Stack Overflow answers from 2011. Try running that fancy CAD software? Good luck explaining to your boss why you're compiling kernel modules instead of finishing those blueprints. But in the IT industry? Linux is an absolute BEAST. Server rooms around the world run on this penguin-powered juggernaut, handling everything from cloud infrastructure to supercomputers without breaking a sweat. Your cute little Windows server would cry if it had to handle what Linux manages before breakfast. The irony is just delicious - the same OS that makes desktop users question their life choices is silently powering most of the internet you're using to complain about it.

When The Father Is A Programmer

When The Father Is A Programmer
Dad jokes have evolved to their final form—technically accurate dad jokes! While normal parents might ramble about water vapor, this enlightened father cuts straight to the infrastructure truth. The cloud isn't magic; it's just someone else's Linux server farm humming away in a warehouse somewhere. The kid's innocent meteorological question gets derailed into a DevOps reality check that's both painfully accurate and hilariously nerdy. Next up: explaining that Bluetooth isn't actually a dental condition.

Sperms Are Just Files

Sperms Are Just Files
The ultimate biological-to-tech translation nobody asked for! From humble 40MB files to servers with absurd throughput speeds—this is what happens when developers spend too much time coding and not enough time in health class. That 201 HTTP response though? *Chef's kiss* Perfect analogy for "Created Successfully." Next time your app gets that status code, just remember you're basically witnessing digital conception. Congrats, you're a server parent now!

This Is Hardware Side Problem

thisIsHardwareSideProblem | server-memes, hardware-memes, servers-memes, ide-memes |
[text] A Loftwah Eoll Tt i One of your servers has gone offline and you walk in to find this. What are you doing first

What are clouds made of?

What are clouds made of? | linux-memes, ux-memes, server-memes, data-memes, servers-memes, cloud-memes |
[text] Mom what Data... mostly are clouds Linux Servers made of

Serverless Servers

serverlessServers | server-memes, servers-memes, IT-memes |
Content be me serverless server supervisor in charge of making sure the serverless server is, in fact, serverless occasionally have to go down and check if the serverless server is still serverless one day i go down and the serverless server is no longer serverless the serverless server is now just a regular server distress.jpg ask my boss what to do he says "just make it serverless again" i say "how" he says "i don't know, you're the supervisor" rage.jpg quit my job become a regular server supervisor first day on the job, go to the new server its serverless

Dev Ops Bros Do All The Heavy Lifting

devOpsBrosDoAllTheHeavyLifting | server-memes, servers-memes, devops-memes |

No Need To Optimize For Memory Lads Just Plant Some Rosemary On Servers

noNeedToOptimizeForMemoryLadsJustPlantSomeRosemaryOnServers | server-memes, oop-memes, servers-memes |

Don't be like Bob

Don't be like Bob | developer-memes, code-memes, backend-memes, concurrent-memes, server-memes, frontend-memes, version-memes, data-memes, database-memes, forms-memes, date-memes, servers-memes, edge-memes, cloud-memes, ide-memes, container-memes |
Content This is Mike Mike's job is to write highly performant code that can work under load and handle lots of requests concurrently. His apps also have to be highly precise and reliable - all user inputs must be thoroughly validated, concurrent requests must not interfere with each other, there must be absolutelv no vulnerabilities. Mike needs to know how to find the best compromise between pertormance and data consistency: when to invalidate the cache, whether or not to wait for database write acknowledgement, and so on. He also needs to assume that his code will run in a cloud environment. in volatile containers that can de destroved at any time. Mike is a backend developer. This is Jane Jane's job is to write apps that will run on 200 different versions of 10 different platforms, on thousands of different devices with various screen sizes. All these devices must de able to downiodd, parse and oootstrap Jane's code in under 200 milliseconds. Jane works with a complex state tree that can be modified by various kinds of events, and the app's UI must be instantly updated to reflect these changes in the most efficient manner possible. Jane needs to know how to do code splitting, responsive lavout, render virtualization, serverside rendering, handle browser-specific quirks, and so on. Jane is a frontend developer. This is Bob Bob thinks that Mike is a real developer, but Jane isn't. RoD is a moron

There Ismore

thereIsmore | tech-memes, development-memes, hacker-memes, server-memes, test-memes, security-memes, api-memes, fix-memes, servers-memes, production-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes, ci/cd-memes, open source-memes, devops-memes, product-memes |
Content Matt Watson 2nd 4x Founder, CTOCEO, Podcaster, .. Follow View my blog 3d "Technical debt": Move fast and don't fix things "Agile development": Admitting you have no plan "TDD": Guessing the future, one test at a time "Open source": Asking someone else to fix it "CICD: Automating your mistakes into production "API": Asking someone else to do it "DevOps": The belief that more tools fix any problem "Microservices: Creating enough small problems to avoid one big one "Cybersecurity": Playing hide and seek with hackers "Serverless": Pretending servers don't exist until the bill comes "Scrum": Group therapy for being behind schedule

The Facts

theFacts | developer-memes, code-memes, computing-memes, machine learning-memes, server-memes, loc-memes, machine-memes, lock-memes, data-memes, database-memes, if statement-memes, blockchain-memes, internet-memes, servers-memes, cloud-memes, mac-memes, artificial intelligence-memes, big data-memes, cs-memes |
Content Matt Watson 2nd 4x Founder, CTOCEO, Podcaster, Follow View my blog 4d "No code" is someone else's code. "Cloud" is someone else's servers. "Machine Learning" is just statistics on steroids. "Artificial Intelligence is a collection of IF statements written on a massive scale. "Blockchain" is a highly inefficient database, secured by collective distrust. "Big Data" is a lot of data that nobody knows what to do with. "Smart Home" is where your fridge knows more about your diet than you do. "Virtual Reality" is a fancy way to ignore the actual reality. "Quantum Computing" is a kind of computing that not even its developers fully understand. "Internet of Things" is making sure even your toaster is hackable.

The Facts

theFacts | developer-memes, code-memes, computing-memes, machine learning-memes, server-memes, loc-memes, machine-memes, lock-memes, data-memes, database-memes, if statement-memes, blockchain-memes, internet-memes, servers-memes, cloud-memes, mac-memes, artificial intelligence-memes, big data-memes, cs-memes |
Content Matt Watson 2nd 4x Founder, CTOCEO, Podcaster, ... Follow View my blog 4d "No code" is someone else's code. "Cloud" is someone else's servers. "Machine Learning" is just statistics on steroids. "Artificial Intelligence" is a collection of IF statements written on a massive scale. "Blockchain" is a highly inefficient database, secured by collective distrust. "Big Data" is a lot of data that nobody knows what to do with. "Smart Home" is where your fridge knows more about your diet than you do. "Virtual Reality" is a fancy way to ignore the actual reality. "Quantum Computing" is a kind of computing that not even its developers fully understand. "Internet of Things" is making sure even your toaster is hackable.