internet Memes

Oops! All Chromium

Oops! All Chromium
The breakfast of modern web browsers. This cereal box parody perfectly captures how Google has turned the browser market into a monoculture where everything is just Chromium in different packaging. Edge, Opera, Brave, Vivaldi - they're all just colorful Chromium berries with different logos slapped on. Firefox and Safari are probably hiding in the pantry wondering why nobody eats real browsers anymore. Naturally and artificially flavored with tracking cookies and RAM consumption.

Saw This On Twitter Lol

Saw This On Twitter Lol
Ah, the sweet irony of digital life! This meme hits right in the bandwidth feels. In a world where devs optimize every byte to squeeze performance, here we are, mindlessly reposting cat pics and wasting 151kb of precious internet data. That's like worrying about memory leaks in your code while simultaneously downloading 17 npm packages just to center a div. The internet was built for greatness, and we use it to circulate the same content over and over. Meanwhile, somewhere a backend engineer is crying over server costs while this cat's face gets duplicated across a million devices. Peak digital efficiency!

The Three Levels Of Internet Privacy

The Three Levels Of Internet Privacy
Chrome Incognito: "Isn't the internet wonderful!" *sips colorful cocktail in Hawaiian shirt* Tor Browser: "I have seen horrible things" *clutches bottle, traumatized in trench coat* The actual dark web user: *thousand-yard stare of someone who's ventured into digital places where even system admins fear to tread* It's like comparing someone who thinks using private browsing to watch YouTube without recommendations is "hacking" versus the person who knows exactly which ports your firewall has left open since 2017.

Really Why Is There Something Like It

Really Why Is There Something Like It
The great IPv5 mystery strikes again! That awkward moment when the entire internet collectively decided to jump from IPv4 straight to IPv6, and now we're all just pretending to know why! ๐Ÿ˜… Truth is, IPv5 was actually an experimental protocol from the 80s called Internet Stream Protocol that never made it to production. But honestly, it's way more fun to nod along in meetings when someone mentions "the IPv5 situation" than admit you have absolutely no clue. Classic networking humor - where admitting ignorance is scarier than configuring a router with your eyes closed!

Only Lan

Only Lan
This meme is a hilarious play on words with "OnlyLAN" (a parody of OnlyFans) where someone is holding up an Ethernet cable in front of a hotel building like they're connecting to it. For the networking nerds out there, this is peak humor! Instead of subscribing to content creators online, this person is making a "physical connection" to the building - literally plugging in via LAN (Local Area Network) instead of using WiFi. It's that classic IT joke format: "I don't need cloud services, I prefer my connections to be physical and direct!" The visual gag of holding up an Ethernet cable to a distant building perfectly captures that "I'm technically connected" energy that network engineers live for. The "toyoko-inn" hotel chain visible in the image makes it even funnier - like you're paying for premium access to this specific hotel's network. Exclusive content indeed! ๐Ÿ˜‚

Most Useful Letter

mostUsefulLetter | random-memes, c-memes, internet-memes, IT-memes, bot-memes, comment-memes |
Content RandomThoughts uTongueTiedTyrant 6h C is a worthless letter Random Thought It makes 2 different sounds. a K sound, and an S sound. Both of which are already covered. by K. and S. (mic drop) 4 195 320 Comments thebigvsbattlesfan 4h but the internet mostly runs on C : Reply 4 12

This Comcast user who set up a RasPi to automatically tweet Comcast when his internet is slower than he paid for

This Comcast user who set up a RasPi to automatically tweet Comcast when his internet is slower than he paid for | test-memes, internet-memes |
[text] AComcast User AComoastUser 27 Sep 2016 Hey Comcast why is my internet speed 20downSup when pay for 150down10up in Washington DC ComcastCares xfinity comcast speedtest Q u Q1 8 AComcast User AComoastUser 27 Sep 2016 Hey Comcast why is my internet speed 23downSup when pay for 150down10up in Washington DC ComcastCares xfinity comcast speedtest Q u Q 10 8 AComcast User AComoastUser 27 Sep 2016 Hey Comcast why is my internet speed 29down5up when pay for 150down10up in Washington DC ComcastCares xfinity comcast speedtest u Qs 8 AComeast User AComcastUser 26 Sep 2016 Hey Comcast why is my interet speed 27down5up when pay for 150down10up in Washington DC ComcastCares xfinity comcast speedtest u Qs 8

Cheers to the new intern at Omron:)

Cheers to the new intern at Omron:) | android-memes, testing-memes, test-memes, internet-memes |
[text] 1429 Tue May 30 e LTE 4 W Until1415 4 Internet 3 Bluetooth I A2 T Yo f Flashlight O OMRON connect A Android Test new notification 6m Android Test new notification Test1 1h LS Report testing 1h 3cToJeaMIRdgo Testing Android Push Notification 1h Testing Android Push Notification Manage Clear all

Myth Of Consensual Interwebz

mythOfConsensualInterwebz | web-memes, error-memes, internet-memes |

Pull Stack Developer

pullStackDeveloper | developer-memes, code-memes, android-memes, stack-memes, internet-memes, IT-memes, twitter-memes, retweet-memes, kde-memes |
[text] EU 1212 AM L Ry 4 QU G Im a Pull Stack Developer. just pull things off the Internet and put it into my code. 713 PM 121820 Twitter for Android 26 Retweets 119 Quote Tweets 5079 Likes

I Would Have Still Used The Internet

iWouldHaveStillUsedTheInternet | internet-memes, IT-memes, exception-memes |
Content Last night our eldest teenager refused to go to an event we'd bought tickets for and was exceptionally rude. So we left them at home and took the router instead. It had a great time

Behold my latest Math Homework Cracker code (safe punjabi no virus)

Behold my latest Math Homework Cracker code (safe punjabi no virus) | code-memes, test-memes, virus-memes, http-memes, error-memes, internet-memes, space-memes |
Content import pickle import time print ("WELCOME TO FREE MATH ANSWERS") time. sleep (1) print ("let me begin setting up my shack of math answers") time.sleep (3) print ("Decrypting internet traffic") time. sleep (5) print ("math answers are in a file called something like mathhomework.txt") print ("press enter to understand to not delete these files") y input ("press enter") for i in range (1000) : passcode "We're no strangers to love You know the rules and so do I A full commitment's what I'm thinking of You would num str (i) pickle. dump (passcode, open (num 'math homework. txt', 'wb' )) print ("error") print ("human verification required") print ("u need to go to https: www.mediafire.comfilejrhjec1689cq6qxhumanverification.exefile to get a code") input ('whats the answer to the last problem? Type answer in all lowercase letters, no spaces:') if (y ! "firetruck"): print ("incorrect") time. sleep (999999) print ("ok, correct") time.sleep (3) print ("im finished, check downloads folder") time. sleep (86400)