linkedin Memes

Would You Hire Him

Would You Hire Him
Nothing triggers impostor syndrome quite like scrolling through GitHub and finding Luigi here with dual CS degrees from an Ivy League school, 3500 followers, and probably a contribution graph that looks like a Manhattan skyline. Meanwhile, you're still struggling to center a div and your most impressive achievement is fixing a bug by restarting your computer. The cherry on top? He's probably 22 and already has FAANG offers while you're surviving on Stack Overflow copypasta and praying nobody reviews your code too carefully. But hey, at least you know how to exit Vim... sometimes.

JavaScript Be Making You Rich

JavaScript Be Making You Rich
Behold! The MOST REALISTIC tech success story you'll ever see! 🙄 Just learn JavaScript, and BOOM—instant millionaire by 17! Swimming pools! Mansions! All from a $20 book and some if-else statements! Meanwhile, the rest of us are debugging the same error for 6 hours straight and celebrating when our CSS centers a div correctly. The audacity of these LinkedIn fairy tales is the true masterpiece of fiction—more creative than any code I've ever written! Next week: "How I became a trillionaire by copying Stack Overflow answers!"

Recruiters Know What They Need

Recruiters Know What They Need
Job listings these days are basically a tech buzzword bingo card. Left side: backend technologies like Postgres, Kafka, Kubernetes. Right side: frontend stack with React, Vue, and Tailwind. And recruiters? They want you to be an expert in all of it . The painful truth every developer knows: companies post "entry-level" positions requiring mastery of 15 different technologies, 8 years of experience, and probably the ability to refactor legacy code while blindfolded. Meanwhile, the actual job is maintaining a CRUD app from 2012. The cherry on top? The salary is "competitive" – which translates to "we'll pay you half what you're worth but hey, we have free snacks in the break room!"

All Hail The Corporate Czardom

All Hail The Corporate Czardom
The tech industry's desperate attempt to make "middle management" sound like absolute monarchy is reaching new heights. Forget boring titles like "Director" or "Lead" – everyone's a "Czar" now! Because nothing says "I'm approachable and collaborative" like naming yourself after autocratic Russian emperors. Next up: "JavaScript Sultan," "DevOps Dictator," and "UX Design Deity." Just waiting for someone to update their LinkedIn to "Supreme Git Overlord" with a straight face. The funniest part? The more grandiose the title, the more likely you're just managing a Jira board and begging people to come to your stand-ups.

Got Hub Is Okay

Got Hub Is Okay
The ultimate dev hypocrisy journey! 🤣 Starts with Patrick boldly declaring "I WON'T USE C#. MICROSOFT IS EVIL" while sitting comfortably in his armchair of moral superiority. But then... the slippery slope begins! First TypeScript (also by Microsoft), then VSCode (Microsoft again!), then GitHub Copilot (guess who? MICROSOFT!), followed by npm package manager, LinkedIn (yep, Microsoft owns that too), and finally surrendering completely to GitHub (100% Microsoft-owned). It's the perfect representation of that developer who swears they'll never touch Microsoft products but ends up completely surrounded by them anyway. The cognitive dissonance is REAL! We're all just SpongeBob pretending we have principles while swimming in Microsoft's ocean! 💀

Me talking to recuiters on LinkedIn

Me talking to recuiters on LinkedIn | linkedin-memes |
Content You are without deubt the worst dev I've ever heard of But you have heard of me.

Average Linked In Motivation Post

averageLinkedInMotivationPost | programmer-memes, code-memes, program-memes, oop-memes, linkedin-memes, comment-memes |
Content Success is a loop of consistency and hard work As a programmer, I know that a single line of code can make all the ...more while alive for( day 1; day -365, day) 1 year day beConsistence; year day hardwork; Success 9) 475 Like E Comment Pj Repost 3 comments 6 reposts 1 Send

Get it while it’s hot

Get it while it’s hot | developer-memes, html-memes, css-memes, code-memes, design-memes, try-memes, frontend-memes, bug-memes, react-memes, git-memes, github-memes, requirements-memes, scala-memes, email-memes, debug-memes, linkedin-memes, IT-memes, edge-memes, component-memes, ML-memes, cs-memes |
Content Senior Frontend Developer Mentalyc Inc. United States (Remote) 2 minutes ago. 4 applicants 8hr - 15hr - Contract 1-10 employees Maria S. is hiring for this job :: See how you compare to 4 applicants. Try Premium for free Skills: React.js, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), 8 more in Easy Apply Save Meet the hiring team Maria S. 3rd Co-Founder and CEO at Mentalyc - Al Scribe For Psychoth... Message Job poster Linkedin member since 2014 You will work with us on a beautiful app that uses Al to write psychotherapy notes. Requirements Advanced practical knowledge of React, CSS, HTML Master of responsiveness (mobile and desktop app) Ability to work with imperfect design Understanding of advanced logic scalability, reusable components, etc Ability to work independently, solve problems, debug your code, and deliver timely Great English skills MUST DO Write an email with a link to your GitHub or other proof of competence to (We will not review applications that didn't come with an email) We do not accept agencies and middlemen We will pay 10 per hour

Class Of Programmers

classOfProgrammers | programmer-memes, coding-memes, developer-memes, javascript-memes, code-memes, java-memes, python-memes, linux-memes, engineer-memes, ux-memes, javascript dev-memes, stack-memes, stack overflow-memes, program-memes, try-memes, loc-memes, lock-memes, git-memes, gitlab-memes, data-memes, security-memes, devs-memes,, .net-memes, class-memes, date-memes, error-memes, release-memes, linkedin-memes, minecraft-memes, overflow-memes, sass-memes, ide-memes, div-memes, data science-memes, language-memes, devops-memes, cs-memes, startup-memes, kernel-memes |
Content Left Terror Cell Asset Has a PhD Actively targets CS maiors. CCP Cybersecurity Engineer Linux Kernel Engineer Unemployed Graduate Has a decendA can' write a resu Applied to 200 obs Minecraft Modder Williterally only brosram for Open-Source Developer Started coding dicer they waccie the hate has 10 in the Masters Student All heir rends are emploved Regrets pursuing higher educatio Independent Game Developer has n attormer rames for 34.3g on Steam, sells Authoritarian VR Chat Dev Investment Firm Hasn'been ourside since March 2020 Developer One of 3 devs in the whole company Made 65k Legacy Codebase Programmer Maintains a Government Contractor Makes below-average salar The CS Professor confecenters divan sos Devops Hasn't sleottor 2 hou On call 247 FANG Engineer Has solved every cetcode program Asp.Net Dev Only knows Cs and SOL. Laid Off Engineer Spent 10 years in the same job. doy a new gra promo update All-Women Startup Carbon Developer 1.7M followers on Linkedin, Language released 2 weeks ago, culture in "Disrupting' Will fervently defend Carbon on al 13K points on Stack Overflow Knows deep down abandoned by Goo AAA Game Dev JavaScript Dev Never wont to college craned Worked go hours his Tries to interset with damere on Knows Data Science Engineer Dion cover Eastern European Developer Makes S15kyear Milacceptany Gitlab ticket Empornium Admin Expert in peer-to-peer data transfer Weheite lil haen't changed since GENAS Libertarian Lockheed Martin Rocket Telemetry Engineer Has to pass a drug The Fed ber of extremis Discor Ex-military Engineer on HR-mandated Paid Leave sexua harassment Will get fired In aweeks Electrical Engineer Took one procramming class in colles NSA cybersecurity asset Has access to state secrets will he assassinated by the sovemment after they've completed their The Saudi Exchange Student Vent to an American niversitu Returned to Saudi Arabia to work for a The Job Hopper Will switch jobs every 12 months, gets a 20' raise every time Contributes bai on 4Chan John McAfee Wanted by federal authorities had a chance to cash out ears Python Developer spends hou Schizophrenic Developer Defense Contractor Contributes to develooment of someone go a Silk Road Admin Wanted by the FB Onlv uses oublic wisrand Tails

I Know Linkedin Has Bad Rep But As Someone Who Experienced This Before Ichuckled

iKnowLinkedinHasBadRepButAsSomeoneWhoExperiencedThisBeforeIChuckled | developer-memes, engineer-memes, linkedin-memes, IT-memes, comment-memes |
Content 3rd Follow 1d G IT Horror Story in four lines: An SDE is hired with 300 hike and is assigned to a legacy project. He reaches out to the only senior developer in the project for some doubts. The senior asks him to come tomorrow for clearing doubts. The next day the engineer finds out that yesterday was the senior's last working day. legacyproject sde maang ithorrorstories 6,417 106 comments 16 reposts

Gotta catch 'em all

Gotta catch 'em all | javascript-memes, java-memes, python-memes, catch-memes, git-memes, pandas-memes, scala-memes, numpy-memes, tensorflow-memes, oop-memes, flask-memes, hadoop-memes, recruiters-memes, recruit-memes, linkedin-memes, bootstrap-memes, c#-memes, spark-memes, keras-memes, jupyter-memes |
Content my linkedin profile R, python, javascript, shiny, dplyr, purrr, ditto, ggplot, d3, canvas, spark, sawk, pyspark, sparkly, lodash, lazy, bootstrap, jupyter, vulpix, git, flask, numpy, pandas, feebas, scikit, pm, bayes,, sparkling-water, tensorflow, keras, onyx, ekans, hadoop, scala, unity, metapod, gc, cct, krebase, neo4j, hadoop. I typically ask recruiters to point out which of these are pokemon.

Microsoft Is Evil

microsoftIsEvil | code-memes, git-memes, github-memes, typescript-memes, linkedin-memes, microsoft-memes, c#-memes |