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The router UI isn’t refreshing because it can’t get jQuery from Google’s CDN. You know, cos my Internet’s down :)

The router UI isn't refreshing because it can't get jQuery from Google's CDN. You know, cos my Internet's down :) | css-memes, google-memes, jquery-memes, loc-memes, security-memes, ajax-memes, xml-memes, function-memes, performance-memes, http-memes, url-memes, error-memes, internet-memes, network-memes, IT-memes, bootstrap-memes, query-memes, ide-memes, ML-memes, cs-memes |
css-memes, google-memes, jquery-memes, loc-memes, security-memes, ajax-memes, xml-memes, function-memes, performance-memes, http-memes, url-memes, error-memes, internet-memes, network-memes, IT-memes, bootstrap-memes, query-memes, ide-memes, ML-memes, cs-memes |

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