Choose product package Package Time frame 6 Tweets per request g Counte we date G Querv length b Operator Availability G Rate limit per minute Fnrichments Dev environments G Monthly Tweet can G Monthly Tweet cap Rate limit per second G View the API Reference Sandbox Last 30 davs 100 Data only 256 characters Standard 30 requestsmin Premium Last 30 davs 500 Roth 100 charentoro Premium 60 requestsmin URLs. Polls. Profile Geo 25K 25K 10 requests sec 5M 5M Select Great for building a proof of concent evaluating capabilities and functionality. and limited scale eyploration of the last month of Tweets. instantly. Selected! Great for retrieving and discovering activity over the past month. including measurement around campaigns and events (both planned and unexpected) Choose level of usage Paid Total Requests PER MONTH O Up to 500 Up to 1000 Up to 2.500 Up to 5.000 Up to 10.000 Month-to-month PRICE PER MONTH O 149 00 289.00 699 00 1.299.00 2 499 00 Looking for more? Our Enterprise packages include advanced features and APIs to take full advantage of the opportunities within Twitter data. They also include email support and a dedicated Arrount manaoor Contact us for enterorise access