All Security Wants In Return Is To Bring Dev Into Compliance

All Security Wants In Return Is To Bring Dev Into Compliance
security-memes, development-memes, saml-memes, 2fa-memes, compliance-memes |

The eternal battle between security teams and developers rages on! Security wants SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) implemented in a dev environment that's literally called "isolated" for a reason. The developer's response? A middle finger and an offer to enable 2FA on static accounts—which is like putting a state-of-the-art lock on a cardboard box. It's the perfect encapsulation of the security-versus-convenience standoff that happens in every enterprise. Security folks wanting Fort Knox protocols for sandboxes while developers just want to ship code without jumping through seventeen authentication hoops for an environment where the worst thing you could leak is test data shaped like "foo" and "bar".

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