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If you ever feel bad about your comments, here are some from Valve under the developement of HalfLife/TF2/CSGO

If you ever feel bad about your comments, here are some from Valve under the developement of HalfLife/TF2/CSGO | code-memes, loc-memes, global-memes, version-memes, spring-memes, string-memes, windows-memes, list-memes, algorithm-memes, image-memes, function-memes, date-memes, error-memes, fix-memes, release-memes, cli-memes, vm-memes, cs-memes, space-memes, comment-memes |
code-memes, loc-memes, global-memes, version-memes, spring-memes, string-memes, windows-memes, list-memes, algorithm-memes, image-memes, function-memes, date-memes, error-memes, fix-memes, release-memes, cli-memes, vm-memes, cs-memes, space-memes, comment-memes |

[text] T i if FindSOCache steamID NULL E1TY L i EmitError SPEWGC HOLY FUCKING SHIT WE ARE DUPLICATING SO CACHES sn steamID.Render L 3 13 flvoid cPasstimeGun AvtackInputState Update int held int pressed int released b o By if eBuctonState BUTTONSTATE DISABLED I TR R o R R T Bt Py pBoxSetFgColoxr tanDark i 2 pBoxSetDefaultColor tanDark pBoxGetBgColor 320 7 this exists so i dont have to do lots of confusing if button pressed and my pBoxSetArmedColoxr tanDark pBoxGetBgColox e Sl e PBoxSecDepressedColor tanDark pBoxGetBgColoz 323 1 note can go directly from RELEASED to PRESSED without visiting UP along the way i Windows UTF8 filename handling 7 Windows stupidly treats Sbit filenames as some dopey code page 77 ratner tnan utzs. If we want to use utfs filenames we have to convert them to WCHAR explicitly and call WCHAR versions of the 47 file functions. So ok we do. A e R e e T L FIXUME This stupid algorithm is necessary because T cant seem to get reproduceable behavior from springs bool bTongueInPosition false float 1Dist m vecRoot.Get.z m vecTip.Get.z if fabsflDist goalAltitude 20.0f i float flNewAltitude float dt gpGlobalscurtime GetLastThink if mflAltitude goalAltitude DeathNoticePlayer Killer DeathNoticePlayer Victim CHudTexture iconDeath et e 1DisplayTime Wnen I see a boolean like this I know serious bullshit is afoot Clear that motherfucker out mvecOnCloseListeners.RemoveAll B P8 T SR e R A e P ses 1 Delete right away since its fucked up B o 2 S if beamTsEFlagSet EFL KILLME e B R e B AddEFlags EFLKTLLYE 577 R A P B 75 ss0 1 Go ancad and delete if its not shortlived e ey r pBoxSetSelectedColor tanDark pBoxGetBgColor pBoxSetHighlightColoxr tanDark pBoxGetCheckImage SetColoxr tanDark a1re o Bl Osnprints sprExt 4 .vmen s Qsnprinte szName MAX PATH s.vmt szName s 75trcat is being zee stupido. I prolly have to strip the other string or something. Bite VCR SR S R S S et 3 B AERE PSSR Es R Make the unbumped version mot so fucking stupid and not need tangentSpaceTranspose you knob. worldSpaceNormal mul normal i.tangentSpaceTranspose I dont know why I dont want to know why I shouldnt have to wonder why but for whatever reason this stupid panel isnt laying out correctly unless we do this terribleness InvalidateLayout true m pContentsInvalidatelayout true true GTFGCClientSystemSetLocalPlayerSquadSurplus false WriteControls mpContentsUpdateControls Panel pPvPRankPanel FindChildByName RankPanel true if pPvPRankPanel