Boss: "Write better comments."

Boss: "Write better comments." | code-memes, server-memes, node-memes, version-memes, data-memes, swift-memes, string-memes, forms-memes, url-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes, documentation-memes, language-memes, comment-memes, kde-memes, public-memes, graph-memes |
code-memes, server-memes, node-memes, version-memes, data-memes, swift-memes, string-memes, forms-memes, url-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes, documentation-memes, language-memes, comment-memes, kde-memes, public-memes, graph-memes |


import Sumbolkat 1. When DocC compiles a documentation bundle and encounters an "external" reference it will call out to resolve tau reverence using the external resolver chats been registerea Tor chat bundle identitier Ine reterence may be a page in anotner documentation bundle or a page Trom anotner source. 2. Once Doc has finished compiling the documentation bundle it will summarize all the pages and on-pag DocumentationContext DocumentationContovi Encode information about everv bade and on-page element that can be referenced externally ConvertAction ankable elements A summary of an element that you can link to from outside the documentation bundle public struct lankDestinationSummarv: Codable Equatable public let kind: DocumentationNode.Kind public let language: SourceLanguage public let path: String The title of the summarized element public let title: String I An abstract is a single paragraph of rendered inline public typealias Abstract RenderInlineContent public let availableLanguages: SetSourceLanguage: