H-hewwo? I hawve a pwoblem -6 using system.collections; using System. Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class movingplayer1 : MonoBehaviour private Rigidbody2D reg; public float speed 10f; Start is called before the first frame update void Start Update is called once per frame void Update() var Newx Of; var Newy Of; reg GetComponentRigidbody2D (); if(Input.GetKey("right")) NeWXtspeea; else if (Input. Getkey("left")) Newx-speed; reg. AddForce (new vector (Newx, Newy)) ; I am new in OwOP, but this statemwnet does not incwement wight . I thwink its becawse UwUnity isnt set uwup to awwow twhis to happen, but my stwupid paws cant tell Can anywone hewp? M C share edit flag asked yesterday LilvDaWuff 1 1 New contributor 5 the fuck – deceze yesterday closed as off-topic by deceze yesterday This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave these specific reasons: