
Forget TAB, 4 space and 2 space… I use -4 space for indentation.

Forget TAB, 4 space and 2 space... I use -4 space for indentation. | test-memes, date-memes, ide-memes, indentation-memes, space-memes, public-memes |
test-memes, date-memes, ide-memes, indentation-memes, space-memes, public-memes |

[text] 0verride public boolean updateMoveMap this.resetMoveMap if x 2 88 y138 if boardx 2y 1.getPiece null boardx 2y 1.getPiece.getColor testForMoveMapxx 2 yy 1 if x 1 88 y2c38 if boardx 1y 2.getPiece null boardx 1y 2.getPiece.getColor testForMoveMapxx 1 yy 2 if x 288y120 if boardx 2y 1.getPiece null boardx 2y 1.getPiece.getColor testForMoveMapxx 2 yy 1 I