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You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like

You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like | linux-memes, ux-memes, test-memes, random-memes, version-memes, performance-memes, fork-memes, mac-memes, stream-memes, div-memes, cs-memes, kernel-memes, private-memes |
linux-memes, ux-memes, test-memes, random-memes, version-memes, performance-memes, fork-memes, mac-memes, stream-memes, div-memes, cs-memes, kernel-memes, private-memes |


Linus Torvalds torvalds 8? 182k followers 0 following 1, Linux Foundation Portland, OR Achievements Beta Send feedback D Overview A Repositories 7 fO Projects Packages A Stars 2 Popular repositories linux Linux kernel source tree Oc 151k 93 48.1k Public Cuenacs Random version of microemacs with my private modificatons Oc 984 9 213 test-tlb Stupid r memory latency and TLB tester 561 189 pesconvert Brother PES file converter 17272 48 62 subsurface-for-dirk Forked from subsurfacesubsurface Do not use – the real upstream is Subsurface-divelogsubsurface C 256 9 62 Public libdc-for-dirk Forked from subsurfacelibdc Only use for syncing with Dirk, don’t use for anything else 192 98 51 2,663 contributions in the last year May Sep Nov Dec 0000000000000000000 000 Feb 0000000000000000 0000 Public Public