
absolutely unhinged message I received from a recruiter lol

absolutely unhinged message I received from a recruiter lol | tech-memes, list-memes, rest-memes, email-memes, recruit-memes, IT-memes |
tech-memes, list-memes, rest-memes, email-memes, recruit-memes, IT-memes |


Hi again, I am hoping I am not unlucky with my reach outs. I am also hoping that you didn’t get eaten by an Alligator. I know that you know that it is a hot market right now and you are getting messages from all angles. However, I am a technical headhunter that you are going to want in your corner. Maybe I don’t have something that interests you right now. Or….maybe I do. The only way to find out is if we can get on a brief 5-minute call. I would love to figure out if I do! Either way, I would love to hear back. But in case you are short on time. I have given a list of responses. All you need to do is email back 1-5 and I will plan accordingly. 1. Nick, you are so awesome and probably the best recruiter. Please send me your calendar link so I get to schedule a call. 2. I really like my job and my company. But I am willing to hear what you have. 3. I am just seeing what is out there. But happy to get on a call. 4. I am really happy. I’m probably going to retire with I 5. Go jump in a lake and do a belly flop. Looking forward to hearing back from you!