my LiTTLE RESUME JOSEPH REDMON University of Washington - CSE Box 352350 Seattle WA 98195-2350 This little pony went to Middlebury College, in Middlebury Vermont. He graduated with highest honors and even received a departmental award for academic excellence! While at Middlebury he cultivated an ongoing love for... COMPUTER SCiENCE MATHEMAICS! For two years he worked as a tutor for the Computer Science department. He loves passing on his knowlede and getting everypony excited about computer science! One summer he worked for the National Institute of Standards and Technology. He developed an online tool for analyzing thermal neutron triple-axis spectrometry data. He even had his very own nuclear reactor to play with! The next year he had an Extreme Blue internship with IBM. He worked with a team of interns at the Almaden Research Center to develop technology related to online shopping. But he's not allowed to talk about it too much! (He signed a non-disclosure) After graduation he galloped off to Unalaska, Alaska to work as a radio DJ, and freelance web developer. He produces stunning, high quality websites for all the nice ponies hanging out in the Alaskan Bush. PoNY STaTS Education School: Middlebury College '12 4, Major: Computer Science 4 Minor: Mathematics L, GPA: 3.74 Major GPA: 3.98 Favorites Languages: C. Python Editor: Vim Subjects: Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Compilers Awards Achievements Timothy T. Huang Award for Academic Achievement 3rd Place at ACM-ICPC BOSPRE 2 years in a row, 5th at NE North American Regionals in 2010 For a few months he dabbled in domestication, working for a startup in San Francisco called ZeroCater. He spearheaded major projects, infrastructure upgrades and code cleaning frenzies while ensuring that thousands of hardworking ponies got Top 10 in 4 separate Kaggle competitions, top 3 of active users quality, catered lunches of grains, oats, and grasses every day! The daily plough just wasn't for him though, so he threw off the bit and bridle and galloped back to Alaska. He still does contract work for ZeroCater on other companies on occasion, and in the fall he'll be heading off to a computer science Ph.D. program at the University of Washington! The adventure is far from over.. What will this little pony do next, who knows??