minecraft Memes

Running Out Of RAM On 64 GB Is Crazy

Running Out Of RAM On 64 GB Is Crazy
Behold, the inevitable fate of even the mightiest hardware. First panel: confidently pairing a high-end GPU with a weaker CPU, creating a bottleneck. Second panel: firing up Minecraft Bedrock with render distance cranked to 96 chunks. Third and fourth panels: watching in horror as 64GB of DDR5 RAM—enough memory to run three Chrome browsers simultaneously—becomes the new performance bottleneck. Minecraft doesn't care about your expensive hardware flex. It will find a way to bring your system to its knees while looking like it's from 2009.

Credential Cycling Catastrophe

Credential Cycling Catastrophe
Ah, the classic "$10,000/hour AWS bill of doom" scenario! This comic perfectly captures that moment when you realize your AWS keys have been chilling in public longer than that Minecraft world you've been building. 🙃 The best part? That well-meaning onboarding where someone tells you to rotate keys every "3-6 months" and you're like "totally, absolutely, 100%" while mentally filing that under "things I'll definitely forget until catastrophe strikes." Cloud security is just like flossing - everyone knows they should do it regularly, but somehow we're all too busy playing Minecraft to remember until our teeth (or AWS account) are on fire. 🔥💸

Class Of Programmers

classOfProgrammers | programmer-memes, coding-memes, developer-memes, javascript-memes, code-memes, java-memes, python-memes, linux-memes, engineer-memes, ux-memes, javascript dev-memes, stack-memes, stack overflow-memes, program-memes, try-memes, loc-memes, lock-memes, git-memes, gitlab-memes, data-memes, security-memes, devs-memes, asp.net-memes, .net-memes, class-memes, date-memes, error-memes, release-memes, linkedin-memes, minecraft-memes, overflow-memes, sass-memes, ide-memes, div-memes, data science-memes, language-memes, devops-memes, cs-memes, startup-memes, kernel-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content Left Terror Cell Asset Has a PhD Actively targets CS maiors. CCP Cybersecurity Engineer Linux Kernel Engineer Unemployed Graduate Has a decendA can' write a resu Applied to 200 obs Minecraft Modder Williterally only brosram for Open-Source Developer Started coding dicer they waccie the hate has 10 in the Masters Student All heir rends are emploved Regrets pursuing higher educatio Independent Game Developer has n attormer rames for 34.3g on Steam, sells Authoritarian VR Chat Dev Investment Firm Hasn'been ourside since March 2020 Developer One of 3 devs in the whole company Made 65k Legacy Codebase Programmer Maintains a Government Contractor Makes below-average salar The CS Professor confecenters divan sos Devops Hasn't sleottor 2 hou On call 247 FANG Engineer Has solved every cetcode program Asp.Net Dev Only knows Cs and SOL. Laid Off Engineer Spent 10 years in the same job. doy a new gra promo update All-Women Startup Carbon Developer 1.7M followers on Linkedin, Language released 2 weeks ago, culture in "Disrupting' Will fervently defend Carbon on al 13K points on Stack Overflow Knows deep down abandoned by Goo AAA Game Dev JavaScript Dev Never wont to college craned Worked go hours his Tries to interset with damere on Knows Data Science Engineer Dion cover Eastern European Developer Makes S15kyear Milacceptany Gitlab ticket Empornium Admin Expert in peer-to-peer data transfer Weheite lil haen't changed since GENAS Libertarian Lockheed Martin Rocket Telemetry Engineer Has to pass a drug The Fed ber of extremis Discor Ex-military Engineer on HR-mandated Paid Leave sexua harassment Will get fired In aweeks Electrical Engineer Took one procramming class in colles NSA cybersecurity asset Has access to state secrets will he assassinated by the sovemment after they've completed their The Saudi Exchange Student Vent to an American niversitu Returned to Saudi Arabia to work for a The Job Hopper Will switch jobs every 12 months, gets a 20' raise every time Contributes bai on 4Chan John McAfee Wanted by federal authorities had a chance to cash out ears Python Developer spends hou Schizophrenic Developer Defense Contractor Contributes to develooment of someone go a Silk Road Admin Wanted by the FB Onlv uses oublic wisrand Tails

Is There Any Advantage To Using It Over Him

isThereAnyAdvantageToUsingItOverHim | web-memes, git-memes, devs-memes, minecraft-memes, IT-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content Easy to learn No Free Web Hosting No Was used to make paper minecraft No Number of 7.5 million Devs who alreadv use it (oversaturated) Yes Yes Yes

Trust Me Bro

trustMeBro | programming-memes, code-memes, program-memes, loc-memes, lock-memes, command-memes, minecraft-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content Ive coded a full game with minecraft command blocks. Ask me anything about programming. made with mematic ProdrammerHumor.io

Minecraft Programmers Are The Best

minecraftProgrammersAreTheBest | programmer-memes, java-memes, python-memes, program-memes, minecraft-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content python lava BORATORT

interesting title

interesting title | coding-memes, javascript-memes, computer-memes, java-memes, rest-memes, minecraft-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content coding in javascript coding injava coding in making a 16bit computer in minecraft redstone with 10 year old tutorial

Worlds best programmer

Worlds best programmer | programmer-memes, coding-memes, javascript-memes, code-memes, java-memes, python-memes, program-memes, search-memes, minecraft-memes, IT-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content Don't demean the effort here. There is effort in this work, and it's actually kinda nice, especially the responses imho. Good work from OP M A Reply 16 J The project could have been copied and pasted, with changing some parameters to be more strict and change targeting. We don't know though unfortunately. Great project nonetheless but anybody can learn to edit code and I encourage people to do so. A s 5m Then why dont you make a better one and post it here? 41 J Now I can definitely learn it! I know nothing about coding in Minecraft at the moment. I believe it requires JavaScript so I'll definitely have to do plenty of research, I only know basic Python fundamentals at the moment 4 -1 ProarammerHumor.io

It's that simple guys

It's that simple guys | coding-memes, code-memes, java-memes, server-memes, google-memes, image-memes, rest-memes, http-memes, cli-memes, minecraft-memes, ide-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content Google how to make minecraft mods X Videos Images Shopping For free Bedrock Without coding Java About 106,000.000 results (0.43 seconds) These are the steps for how to make your own Minecraft mod: 1. Begin and connect to your server. Then, go to Play My Server or click on the green box on the home page. 2. Modify. Then a mod is made. 3. You can now begin coding. 4. Complete the rest of the mod's code. 5. Start your mod! May 4, 2023 JetLearn https:www.jetlearn.com blog how-to-make-your-ow... How To Make Your Own Minecraft Mod - JetLearn

Almost ten years of experience, they will not regret!

Almost ten years of experience, they will not regret! | java-memes, development-memes, .net-memes, minecraft-memes, ide-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content Do you have experience with sever development in Java? Well, I maintained a server in Minecraft ORACLE WELCOME ABOARD Cyanide and Happiness ( Explosm.net

The only real way

The only real way | programming-memes, computer-memes, program-memes, minecraft-memes, language-memes, programming language-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content program in BASIC on a computer program in BASIC on a smartphone program in BASIC on a SHARP calculator FESI FUNCTION FIX1 FRINTEX1 IF X) E THEN FiX-11 END END BASIC Programming Language in Minecraft SethBling 13:47

We all know what's next on the list

We all know what's next on the list | google-memes, list-memes, minecraft-memes, microsoft-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content Google microsoft killed microsoft killed rare microsoft killed skype microsoft killed minecraft microsoft killed nokia microsoft killed netscape