OCAL GLOBAL (2) From From From From From data and accounts from From To From To To starts with 104. To To PaRTY WHISPERS TRADE (20) GUILD X: stfu X: dont ever type again in Igobal chat X: or i rip u off X: i can hack u bitch i see ur 1P X: u think i hack for fun? .. i hack u and u lose all ur 1X: already have ur IP here 1 click and ur fuked : Lo-fucking L X: 192. recognize this ip?? what are you, 10? I'm IT professional, and I know what can and can't be done, there's no way you can do shit :, omg you got mel LOL looking at your local network buddy 1X: u cant idiot im behind a firewall we're all behind firewalls, you're looking at your OWN network if you're seeing 192. maybe learn how a network functions before you start threatening people, you're like a shitty movie hacker : just FYI, I'll give you a hand, my actual public P can you tell me the rest? didn't think so, just a poser