Imagine pulling your hair out trying to fix the servers for an entire day only to find out that it's because some mf made a recursive tweet.

Imagine pulling your hair out trying to fix the servers for an entire day only to find out that it's because some mf made a recursive tweet. | programmer-memes, engineer-memes, program-memes, server-memes, try-memes, fix-memes, servers-memes, recursive-memes, IT-memes, edge-memes, twitter-memes, retweet-memes, crash-memes |
programmer-memes, engineer-memes, program-memes, server-memes, try-memes, fix-memes, servers-memes, recursive-memes, IT-memes, edge-memes, twitter-memes, retweet-memes, crash-memes |


quinetweet quinetweet twitter.comquinetweetsta.. This Tweet is unavailable. 4:20 PM Sep 26, 2020 829 Retweets 490 Quotes 2,431 Likes 162 Bookmarks 17 Ran Blekhman blekhman Nov 30, 2020 what's really amazing is that twitter programmers thought about this edge case and made sure the tweet would not display itself 17 7 144 ili Marcel Molina noradio Nov 30, 2020 We didn't think of this edge case. Someone did this about 7 years ago and the recursive hydration would make a tweet service crash by simply loading the tweet in a browser. It took a principal engineer an entire day of wading through heap dumps to figure out what was happening. 6 17 102 956