
Chaotic good hacker

Chaotic good hacker | tech-memes, hacker-memes, try-memes, global-memes, internet-memes, IT-memes, edge-memes, bot-memes, exploit-memes, public-memes |
tech-memes, hacker-memes, try-memes, global-memes, internet-memes, IT-memes, edge-memes, bot-memes, exploit-memes, public-memes |

[text] spindash Follow CAME OUT OF MY DADS PRINTER AT WORK Hi if youre reading this message its highly likely that your printer is exposed fo the public internet via port forwarding. This means that anyone on the internet with some technical knowledge can send print jobs To your printer or worse try fo exploit it and use it as a part of a global botnet. If you didnt intend for this please look into disabling UPNP Universal Plug and Play on your router or remove the port forwarding rule for the port 9100. a friendly catgirl hacker 3