Can I get a loan please? There was a bug in my code lol

Can I get a loan please? There was a bug in my code lol | developer-memes, code-memes, design-memes, bugs-memes, test-memes, bug-memes, .net-memes, performance-memes, date-memes, qa-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes, private-memes, manager-memes, product-memes, rust-memes |
developer-memes, code-memes, design-memes, bugs-memes, test-memes, bug-memes, .net-memes, performance-memes, date-memes, qa-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes, private-memes, manager-memes, product-memes, rust-memes |


Selteg IT Solutions Selteq Evacuee Trust Complex Office 209C F-51 Islamabad 051 272 6698 Dated: September 20, 2022 Subject: Policy ST-037 Selteq Solutions (SMC-Private) Limited Selteg Targets Evaluation Fines Policy We, Selteg Solutions, are always keen to keep committed employees happy and satisfied. There are target bonuses, performance bonuses, Extra Working Day and Salary Booster Policy to appreciate the hard work. Along with appreciation, it is very important to identify the weakest link of Team and boost hisher performance. Therefore, we have introduced target and performance fines. Aim of this policy is to meet the time lines and increase productivity along with efficiency and accuracy. Please find the conditions and fines below: Developers shall use separate branch to different task, breach of this clause shall cause fine of Rs. 10,000 for not using the different branch. If these tasks are not completed on time, it will further charge Rs. 10,000 fines. Daily task shall be completed on assigned time (pre-agreed deadlines). If tasks are delayed, it was cause Rs. 10,000 fine every day. For Quality Assurance department specifically, they shall test any module completely before approving. If there are any minor bugs found in the module after approval from QA Department, it will cause fine of Rs. 1,000 each minor bug. If there are any major bugsissues found in the module after approval from QA Department, it will cause fine of Rs, 10,000 per major issue. The above-mentioned policy has been duly approved, agreed and signed by the Manager of Operations and Director of the Company. Reheem Dad CEO Selteq Solutions (SMC-Private) Ltd Name: Mr. Raheem Dad Designation: CEO Name: Mr. Saad Bin Masood Designation: Manager Operations Selteq Solutions (SMC-Private) Limited. Incorporation No. 0126739 Registered Address: Evacuee Trust Complex, Office 209C, F-51, Islamabad. Postal Code: 44000