private Memes

Private In Theory, Public In Practice

Private In Theory, Public In Practice
Java: "We use private keywords for encapsulation and data hiding." Developers: "Hold my reflection API." The left side shows the ultimate Java encapsulation heist - using reflection to forcibly access a private field. It's like telling someone their house is secure while showing them exactly how to pick the lock. Sure, Java tries to protect your data with private keywords, but reflection just walks in through the bathroom window with a smug grin. After 15 years of coding, I've seen this "elegant solution" in production more times than I care to admit. Security through obscurity at its finest!

"Investor knows what's best for the product" - twatter

"Investor knows what's best for the product" - twatter | engineer-memes, iphone-memes, slack-memes, oop-memes, sass-memes, ide-memes, twitter-memes, retweet-memes, private-memes, product-memes |
Content Tweet Gergely Orosz GergelyOrosz 20h Scoop: another 10 Twitter employees who made sassy or critical remarks about Twitter's current leadership on a Twitter internal Slack channel have been terminated overnight. Several were respected sw engineers. One person was told they are let go "for recent behaviour". 615 t7 3.067 17.4K 17 kamal kumar Retweeted Saagar saagar thinks Replying to GergelyOrosz What am I missing here? You're employed paid to provide professional services to your company, not for indulging in activism. Twitter is a private company and the investor knows what's best for the product and the company, what's your beef with Elon? Terrible takes for engagement 8:36 PM Nov 15, 2022 Twitter for iPhone 9 Retweets 15 Quote Tweets 289 Likes

This One Took Me Along Time To Reflect

thisOneTookMeALongTimeToReflect | class-memes, IT-memes, public-memes, private-memes |
Content public class Meme private Joke joke; public void setJoke (Joke newJoke) this.joke newJoke; You wouldnit get it

Spotify Free Literally

spotifyFreeLiterally | public-memes, private-memes |
Content private int ADAppearChance; public ADSystem ADAppearChance 0; if (getDeviceVolume () 50) ADAppearChance 100; else ADAppearChance 25;

The World Is Not Ready For This

TheWorldIsNotReadyForThis | code-memes, stack-memes, catch-memes, string-memes, idea-memes, ide-memes, stream-memes, exception-memes, comment-memes, private-memes |
Content Support voice-messages code comments 5316 I want to be able to press a button to record some voice messages, so the MP3 will be saved at lidea or resources, or by user selection, and so, there will be an audio player inside the comments code, that will play my minds about this code the concept: catch (otxception e) e.printStackTrace () ; 0:10 11-34 private void readMessages () throws IOException while (true) String message inputStream. readUTF () ; if (message startswith MessageConstant END

It Do Be Like That

itDoBeLikeThat | try-memes, version-memes, data-memes, list-memes, network-memes, ide-memes, header-memes, private-memes |
Content Me, a malicious IP packet trying to get into a private network: 0 4 8 16 31bit Version IHL Identification Flags TTL TOS Protocol Source address Desrinarion address Total length Fragment offset Header checksum 20 bytes Options Data 9-48 (bytes Up to 65515 bytes The Firewall, who can't find my source IP in its access control list (ACL): LETMESTOP YOU RIGHT THERE

Ai Will Replace Programmers

aiWillReplaceProgrammers | programmer-memes, code-memes, program-memes, loc-memes, class-memes, cs-memes, public-memes, private-memes |
Content public partial class MaterialAndSsccScan : BasePage private void HandleMaterialBarcode (MaterialBarcode materialBarcode) if (locationScan?.PointDefinition.GetBarcodeBehaviours().HasFlag(BarcodeBehaviours.UseMaterialBarcodeAsS var ssceBarcode new SsecBarcode () LabelValue materialBarcode. LabelValue, Material materialBarcode.Material, MaterialDescription material. Description, MaterialType material. Type, MaterialGroup material. Group, MaterialGroupDescription material. GroupDescription, MaterialGroupType material.GroupType, MaterialGroupTypeDescription material. GroupTypeDescription, MaterialGroupTypeGroup material.GroupTypeGroup, MaterialGroupTypeGroupDescription material.GroupTypeGroupDescription, MaterialGroupTypeGroupType material. GroupTypeGroupType, MaterialGroupTypeGroupTypeDescription material.GroupTypeGroupTypeDescription, MaterialGroupTypeGroupTypeGroup material. GroupTypeGroupTypeGroup, MaterialGroupTypeGroupTypeGroupDescription material.GroupTypeGroupTypeGroupDescription, MaterialGroupTypeGroupTypeGroupType material. GroupTypeGroupTypeGroupType, MaterialGroupTypeGroupTypeGroupTypeDescriptionmaterial.GroupTypeGroupTypeGroupTypeDescription MaterialGroupTypeGroupTypeGroupTypeGroup material.GroupTypeGroupTypeGroupTypeGroup, MaterialGroupTypeGroupTypeGroupTypeGroupDescriptionmaterial.GroupTypeGroupTypeGroupTypeGroupD Materia1GroupTypeGroupTypeGroupTypeGroupType material.GroupTypeGroupTypeGroupTypeGroupType, MaterialGroupTypeGroupTypeGroupTypeGroupTypeDescriptionmaterial.GroupTypeGroupTypeGroupTypeGr MaterialGroupTypeGroupTypeGroupTypeGroupTypeGroup material. GroupTypeGroupTypeGroupTypeGroupTyP. MatonialAnnunTunsAnalinTunenaunTunenaunTuneAnnunDecrnintion - motonio1 GrounTunenaunTunenaunT Ln: 83 Ch: 27 SPC CRLF

Getters And Setters Make Your Code Better

gettersAndSettersMakeYourCodeBetter | code-memes, class-memes, public-memes, private-memes |
Content class Foo private int number; public int getNumber() return this.number; public void setNumber (int number) this. number number; 7 THAT JST SOUNDS LIKE A PUBLIC VARIABLE WITH EXTRA STEPS

Weneed This Comment Option

weneedThisCommentOption | stack-memes, catch-memes, string-memes, stream-memes, exception-memes, comment-memes, private-memes |
Content catch ToException e.printStackTrace () ; ) 0:10 5002-50400011 110-1-000-1-1411-9 11:24 private void readMessages () throws IOException while (true) String message inputStream. readUTF () ; if (message startsWithMessageConstantE

Slow Clap

slowClap | IT-memes, private-memes |
Content I don't know what I did but it works please don't modify it private int square(int n) int k 0; while (true) if (k nn) return k; k;


Depression | code-memes, java-memes, string-memes, class-memes, public-memes, private-memes |
Content What people think depression looks like What depression really looks like Friend: Hey, checkout my Java code public class Permuter private static void permute(int n, charlI a) if (n as 0) System.out println(String .valuedf (a)) else for (int 1 0; 1 n; 14) permute(n-1, a) swap(a, n 2 07 i: 0, n) private static void swap(char(I a, int i, int j char saved ail ali afil afil saved

C Sharp For Gen Z

cSharpForGenZ | programming-memes, developer-memes, program-memes, try-memes, catch-memes, bug-memes, ios-memes, error-memes, debug-memes, rds-memes, c#-memes, cs-memes, exception-memes, public-memes, private-memes |
Content Fear the Phantom (horror game) PhantomTheGame As a way to encourage the younger generation to try out programming. most of the keywords in C have been permanently renamed. This should increase the amount of younger game developers coming the next few years. default public float rizz; private bool IsSus try if(rizz vibe) return true; return false; gen z highkey period rizz; Lonkey fax IsSus) fuckaround vibecheck (rizz ratios vibe) itsgiving nocap; bigyikes itsgiving cap; catch(Exception e) Debug. LogErrore.Message) ; throw findout (Tea t) Shoutout .SpillTea (t. Yap); yeet;