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developer-memes, code-memes, computing-memes, machine learning-memes, server-memes, loc-memes, machine-memes, lock-memes, data-memes, database-memes, if statement-memes, blockchain-memes, internet-memes, servers-memes, cloud-memes, mac-memes, artificial intelligence-memes, big data-memes, cs-memes |


Matt Watson 2nd 4x Founder, CTOCEO, Podcaster, … Follow View my blog 4d "No code" is someone else’s code. "Cloud" is someone else’s servers. "Machine Learning" is just statistics on steroids. "Artificial Intelligence" is a collection of IF statements written on a massive scale. "Blockchain" is a highly inefficient database, secured by collective distrust. "Big Data" is a lot of data that nobody knows what to do with. "Smart Home" is where your fridge knows more about your diet than you do. "Virtual Reality" is a fancy way to ignore the actual reality. "Quantum Computing" is a kind of computing that not even its developers fully understand. "Internet of Things" is making sure even your toaster is hackable.