computing Memes

Thoughtful Rock

Thoughtful Rock
Your hacky code works because we convinced a fancy rock to do math. Let's not forget the crucial first steps though - we had to flatten said rock into a silicon wafer and zap it with electricity. Next time your janky regex actually matches what you want, thank the electrified pebble doing billions of calculations per second while having absolutely no idea what it's doing. It's like training a pet rock for the Olympics, except the rock doesn't even know it's competing.

I Have Become Llmthe God Of Computing

iHaveBecomeLLMtheGodOfComputing | computing-memes |

Python Is The Future

pythonIsTheFuture | programming-memes, tech-memes, python-memes, computing-memes, program-memes, git-memes, data-memes, hardware-memes, api-memes, search-memes, documentation-memes |
Content Nick Dobos NickADobos You can get python api access to actual human brains grown in a lab computing is about to get WEIRD wetware hardware INCLUDED IN YOUR ACCESS Integrated RD environment for biocomputing research 247 remote access to brain organoid Realtime neural stimulation and reading Programming API for Python Digital notebook for documentation and research Data storage and backup Technical support Mandy Stadtmiller mandystadt May 29 16 partially grown human brains with no mouths, tiny eyes called organoids that live for 100 days comprise the "world's first bioprocessor" for a "million times less power than a digital chip" and omfg we are now in fact living in The Matrix


java | java-memes, python-memes, development-memes, linux-memes, ux-memes, computing-memes, c++-memes, git-memes, hardware-memes, rest-memes, shell-memes, network-memes, edge-memes, component-memes, train-memes, cs-memes, rust-memes, operating system-memes |
Content 9:21 - Messages Qualifications Education or a mixture of educationtraining and experience in: Proficient developing with C, C, Python and shell scripting Knowledge of key components of embedded system architecture Linux development environments and GCC- based toolchains ARM Cortex M Processors or similar Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS) Digital communications (networking, wireless data transmission, framing, packet handling) Minimal Java experience (ideally none) Personalinterest in hardware-accelerated computing Personal interest in Rust or willingness to be taught Rust by WinterWinds Ability to read and modifv hardware schematics Ability to bring up hardware Meticulous Git hygiene Must be authorized to work in The United States

Average developer vs Senior developer

Average developer vs Senior developer | developer-memes, tech-memes, computing-memes, google-memes, search-memes, crypto-memes, network-memes, microsoft-memes |
Content Average Developer: Q Search John Google GDE Microsoft MVP San Francisco, CA Contact info 500 connections Senior Developer: Q Search Kana-chan Bwockchain Enginyeew ( wo") Kingdom of Lugnica Contact info 500 connections Home My Network Jobs Messaging Any big tech Bachelor's Degree in Computing 1P Home Am My Network JODS Messaging Underground crypto company from east European Self-taught

The Facts

theFacts | developer-memes, code-memes, computing-memes, machine learning-memes, server-memes, loc-memes, machine-memes, lock-memes, data-memes, database-memes, if statement-memes, blockchain-memes, internet-memes, servers-memes, cloud-memes, mac-memes, artificial intelligence-memes, big data-memes, cs-memes |
Content Matt Watson 2nd 4x Founder, CTOCEO, Podcaster, Follow View my blog 4d "No code" is someone else's code. "Cloud" is someone else's servers. "Machine Learning" is just statistics on steroids. "Artificial Intelligence is a collection of IF statements written on a massive scale. "Blockchain" is a highly inefficient database, secured by collective distrust. "Big Data" is a lot of data that nobody knows what to do with. "Smart Home" is where your fridge knows more about your diet than you do. "Virtual Reality" is a fancy way to ignore the actual reality. "Quantum Computing" is a kind of computing that not even its developers fully understand. "Internet of Things" is making sure even your toaster is hackable.

The Facts

theFacts | developer-memes, code-memes, computing-memes, machine learning-memes, server-memes, loc-memes, machine-memes, lock-memes, data-memes, database-memes, if statement-memes, blockchain-memes, internet-memes, servers-memes, cloud-memes, mac-memes, artificial intelligence-memes, big data-memes, cs-memes |
Content Matt Watson 2nd 4x Founder, CTOCEO, Podcaster, ... Follow View my blog 4d "No code" is someone else's code. "Cloud" is someone else's servers. "Machine Learning" is just statistics on steroids. "Artificial Intelligence" is a collection of IF statements written on a massive scale. "Blockchain" is a highly inefficient database, secured by collective distrust. "Big Data" is a lot of data that nobody knows what to do with. "Smart Home" is where your fridge knows more about your diet than you do. "Virtual Reality" is a fancy way to ignore the actual reality. "Quantum Computing" is a kind of computing that not even its developers fully understand. "Internet of Things" is making sure even your toaster is hackable.

disp(“This is so sad. Can we use Python?”)

disp(“This is so sad. Can we use Python?”) | programming-memes, tech-memes, python-memes, computing-memes, program-memes, matlab-memes, language-memes, programming language-memes |
Content Me: Can we go programming? Mom: No, we have a programming language at home Programming language at home: MATLAB The Language of Technical Computing

Thank You

thankYou | computing-memes, cloud-memes, cs-memes |
Content Me explaining why I chose Lambda for my new project instead of ECSEks Mv little sister who doesn't understand cloud computing but is just happy to see me

Go To Horny Jail

goToHornyJail | computer-memes, computer science-memes, computing-memes, version-memes, date-memes, IT-memes, graph-memes |
Content In computer science, Linda is a coordination model that aids communication in parallel computing environments. David Gelernter wrote the first version of Linda as a Ph.D candidate in 1979, naming it after Linda Lovelace, who appeared in the pornographic film Deep Throat.

Quantum Computing

quantumComputing | computing-memes, algorithm-memes, encryption-memes |
Content Shor's Algorithm in theory Shor's Algorithm in real life I will break RSA encryption 15 3 5 (im 80 sure...)

least arrogant programmer

least arrogant programmer | programmer-memes, coding-memes, software-memes, code-memes, coder-memes, web-memes, computing-memes, unix-memes, program-memes, try-memes, react-memes, machine-memes, ajax-memes, cloud-memes, mac-memes, language-memes, framework-memes |
Content Solet Today at 3:41 AM fundamentally incorrect. sorry. websoftware as a service keeps the world spinning, cloud computing is necessary. ajax slutty services that bog down slow machines are a different matter altogether and wonderful tools like react get abused horribly by lazy coders....... but for anything that makes a registry edit or an alias edit (winunix) should be retail, not service fun fact: i program in over 40 languages but i'm not hirable because i insist on clean code. there's not a framework in an language i read that's not leaky as fuck. speed coding hurts the user, hurts the market, and drives down the industry.