pYtHoN DeVEloPeR

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developer-memes, code-memes, python-memes, random-memes, git-memes, github-memes, string-memes, api-memes, http-memes, IT-memes, rds-memes, ide-memes, comment-memes |


Python Posted by upeterlravn 12h 19483 54 82 84 I maDe a sCriPT thAT raNdOMIY cApiTAlIZes lEtTErs iN a SEntENcE Beginner Showcase I waS tIrED OF mAnUaLIY tYPinG UpPEr And lOwERcaSes, whEn i WANteD tO mOCk A coMMeNT. sO i MAde a ScRIpt FOr It iNsTeaD. iT TaKEs anY stRIng And rANdOMly apPLieS aN UPpeR or LowERcaSe to IT. iT aLso maKes sUre tHeRe Are no MoRe ThAN twO oF ThE SAme upPEr or lOwERcAseS iN A roW, BeCauSe haVinG tHreE oF thE SaME iN A Row LooKs rEAllY WEiRD. I ALso coNSidEReD MAkiNg SuRe thAT I WOULD aLWaYS bE in LOwErcASe And 'L' WoUlD alWAyS Be in uPpErCAsE, BUt THaT MAdE it lOoK kiNDa wEIrd. ANyWAys, heRE'S THe COdE: https:github.competerlravnMy-projectsblobmasterA20ScrIpt 20020MaKE20fUN20of20A20sENteNcE.ipynb i'M kiNdA neW tO pyThOn, so thErE'S prOBabLy THinGs In thE coDe thAT's noT VerY... pyTHoNIc... 1.7k I 146 Share Award BEST COMMENTS iMoe 11h re 8 Awards pYtHoN dEvElOpEr Reply 1.3k J

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