Chrome Memes

Posts tagged with Chrome

Chrome So Hungry

Chrome So Hungry
Chrome using 24MB just to display an empty HTML page is like watching someone eat an entire pizza as an "appetizer." The browser's like "What? This is just me warming up!" Meanwhile, your RAM is filing for emotional distress. Next time someone asks why your laptop sounds like it's preparing for liftoff, just point to Chrome's tab collection.

The Three Levels Of Internet Privacy

The Three Levels Of Internet Privacy
Chrome Incognito: "Isn't the internet wonderful!" *sips colorful cocktail in Hawaiian shirt* Tor Browser: "I have seen horrible things" *clutches bottle, traumatized in trench coat* The actual dark web user: *thousand-yard stare of someone who's ventured into digital places where even system admins fear to tread* It's like comparing someone who thinks using private browsing to watch YouTube without recommendations is "hacking" versus the person who knows exactly which ports your firewall has left open since 2017.

Dedicated To Firefox Users

Dedicated To Firefox Users
Ah, the duality of Firefox users. Some folks are out here fighting the good fight against Manifest V3 (Google's API changes that cripple ad blockers), while others just picked their browser because of the adorable red panda logo. Nothing says "I have my priorities straight" like choosing your web security tools based on cute animal mascots. The Chrome users are probably too busy watching their RAM slowly die to notice anyway.