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Google delete french language pack X Videos Images Windows 10 News Books Maps Flights Finance About 15.100.000 results (0,38 seconds) uninstall additional languages in Windows 10 1. Press Windows key R. This will open Run. Alternatively, you can go to Start and search for Run. 2. In Run dialog box, type Ipksetup and hit Enter. 3. Click on Uninstall display languages. 4. Select the language packs you want to uninstall and click on Next. 29 Jun 2020 Microsoft Community, windows forum all: uninstall additional languages in Windows 10 About featured snippets I Feedback More questions How do I remove the French language pack from Linux? Always remove the french language pack: sudo rm -fr. I X. 15 Sept 2022 Twitter kmcquade3 status Kinnaird McQuade on X: " Linux tips 1. Always remove Search for: How do I remove the French language pack from Linux?