Taylor Hornby DefuseSec - 20 godz DF mI giVe 100 USD to anyone who can trick me into inserting the string "BackdoorPoC Twitter" into a release of any of my software projects 17 72 78 Steve Sc00bzT - 19 godz DefuseSe You should put this challenge on your website. 43 47 122 Taylor Hornby DefuseSec - 19 godz DFI ScOObzT Good idea, added it to this page: defuse.casecurity-conta... 47 38 38 Steve ScOObzT DefuseSec Did I just win? DFI The source code to my defuse. ca website. Contribute to development by creating an account on GitHub. Obserwuj PODANYCH DALEJ POLUBIENIA 145 451 16:30 - 12.05.2016 17 DFI Taylor Hornby DefuseSec 19 godz. ScOObzT FUCK. What's your paypalbitcoin? 32 166 View other replies Steve Sc00bzT - 19 godz. DefuseSec are you going to defcon because I'lI settle for just a beer. 17 1 18