source code Memes

Error Never Definition Not Found

Error Never Definition Not Found
BREAKING NEWS: Firefox caught in the most scandalous case of split personality EVER! 🔥 The browser smugly claims it "never has, never will" sell your data while its source code LITERALLY contains the exact same promise! The audacity! The drama! The complete lack of contradiction! Meanwhile, Chrome is in the corner selling your browsing history to seven different ad networks before you've even finished reading this sentence. Firefox is that friend who makes a big show about not gossiping and then actually... doesn't gossip. How DARE they be consistent?!

Not Actually Structless

Not Actually Structless
THE AUDACITY! Someone has the NERVE to mock DOOM's source code for having "no structs, no classes" only to get absolutely DESTROYED when they actually look inside and find—GASP—structs everywhere! 😱 The betrayal! The drama! It's like bragging about how your vegan friend eats no meat and then finding their freezer PACKED with bacon. The shocked cat face is literally all of us when our smug programming hot takes get obliterated by actual facts. Moral of the story: maybe CHECK the legendary code before trashing it, you absolute AMATEUR! 💅

I Dont Give A Fuck About The Fucking Code

I Dont Give A Fuck About The Fucking Code
Ah, the classic "end user meets GitHub" scenario! 😂 This poor soul wandered into the sacred lands of repositories expecting a simple download button, only to be greeted by the arcane scrolls of source code. It's like watching someone walk into a bakery and scream "WHY IS THERE FLOUR EVERYWHERE? JUST GIVE ME A CAKE!" The beautiful collision between non-technical users and developer platforms is pure chaos energy. Developers are sitting there like "but... but... the code IS the point..." while this person is having an existential meltdown over not finding an .exe file. The post being locked is the digital equivalent of "Sir, this is a Wendy's."

Source Code Of Windows Trouble Shooting

sourceCodeOfWindowsTroubleShooting | code-memes, program-memes, windows-memes, search-memes, source code-memes |
Content The source code of Windows' troubleshooting program has leaked 1 3 5 6 7 8 9 include windows.h include stdio.h int main printf("Searching for problems... In"); Sleep (60000) ; printf(We didn't find any problemsn")

Whynot Mit

whynotMIT | code-memes, source code-memes, startup-memes |
[text] They made all their source code GPLv3 licensed Startups

Good to see games being ported to HolyC; The Most Powerful Language Ever Created

Good to see games being ported to HolyC; The Most Powerful Language Ever Created | programming-memes, programmer-memes, html-memes, javascript-memes, code-memes, java-memes, program-memes, c++-memes, cli-memes, IT-memes, html5-memes, ide-memes, bot-memes, ML-memes, source code-memes, language-memes, cookie-memes, programming language-memes |
Content GAME MADE USING PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES By: HolyC 1. Counter Strike 2. Doom in Engine DOON ENGINE 3. King Quest 4. Starcraft 5. World of Warcraft C 1. Kingdom of Loathing 2. Nothing to Hide 3. Gods wil be watching 4. Roll it 5. Cookie Clicker Javascript 1. On Off GAMI ODFI 2. Everyone's sky 3. Underrun 4. Konnekt 5. Super Chrono konnekt portal maker HTML5 1. Tom Clancy's Politka 2. Runescape 3. Powder Game 4. Star Wars Galaxies 5. Robotorge For Source code and Project Visit:

Source Code No Secret

sourceCodeNoSecret | code-memes, linux-memes, ux-memes, microsoft-memes, source code-memes |
Content Microsoft announced they were breached and source code stolen Linux: You guys are protecting source code??

This Is Actually Why Iopen Source My Code

thisIsActuallyWhyIOpenSourceMyCode | code-memes, IT-memes, open source-memes, source code-memes |
Content You open source vour code to help the community l'open source code because I'm too lazy to back it up We are not the same

They Forgor About Version Control

theyForgorAboutVersionControl | software-memes, code-memes, loc-memes, lock-memes, version-memes, version control-memes, fix-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes, source code-memes |
Content Quantum Lock Follow Store Community Forum Broaticasta NEWS POSTED Wed, July 24 Quantum Lock Shutting Down Purchases Hey Everyone. QL was our first game and although it was a big milestone for us, it was created at a time before we understood version control software. We do not have access to the source code anymore and cannot make any fixes or changes to the game. Because of this, we have decided to disable the ability for anyone to buy copies of the game. Thank you for your time and feel free to reach out to us. Rate Up Discuss Share

Something We All Agree On

somethingWeAllAgreeOn | code-memes, visual studio-memes, mac-memes, source code-memes, cs-memes, notepad-memes |

The Only Reason Not To Share

theOnlyReasonNotToShare | code-memes, source code-memes |
Content Not sharing your source code out of greed Not sharing your source code out of shame

The Greatest Lie Ever Told

theGreatestLieEverTold | code-memes, test-memes, loc-memes, security-memes, list-memes, cli-memes, bot-memes, source code-memes |
Content BREAKING: Installer source code leaked conditions of this agreement. 2. We focus on the protection of your privacy. We are committed to strictly protecting the security of your personal information. We do not collect or publish your local If you accept the terms of the agreement, click I Agree to continue. You must accept the agreement to install TextSeek. I Agree Cancel 100 181 182 183 184 185 1 00 agreeButton.setOnClickListener if (!hasScrolledToBottom() readTimeInSec () 60) notifyLawyers ( )