Me with no knowledge of cyber security trying to make a DDoS attack on russian misinformation websites

Me with no knowledge of cyber security trying to make a DDoS attack on russian misinformation websites | web-memes, website-memes, threads-memes, try-memes, security-memes, edge-memes, stream-memes, socket-memes |
web-memes, website-memes, threads-memes, try-memes, security-memes, edge-memes, stream-memes, socket-memes |


8 10 11 12 13 14 15 import socket from threading import Thread def attack(ip, port): while True: soC socket .socket (socket.AFINET, socket SOCKSTREAM) soc. connect ((ip, port)) soc. sendto (('GET ip 'HTTP1.1rn) encode('ascii', (ip, port))) if name main ip, port, threads 'ipstr', 'portint', 'number of threads int' for i in range(threads): thread Thread(target attack(ip, port)) thread.startO

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