Pull requests issues Gist Search 4 Repositories Code Issues ee Wikis 1 Users Languages Text C HTML XML CSV JSON SQL JavaScript Markdown Gettext Catalog 10.045 3,616 339 203,180 73.705 52,115 37,813 17.542 17,294 10.857 8,212 6.415 Advanced search Cheat sheet forgive me Search We've found 10,045 code results Sort: Best match Y kaelzhangnode-stares - stares.js Showing the top two matches. Last indexed on 16 Sep. use strict: var expect require 'chai').expect; var stares requires ..); Oh, forgive me, it will be killing me to write test cases with multiple processes. describe("master", function ()( JavaScript dtrombleemy-site - mainController.js Showing the top two matches. Last indexed on 23 Sep. angular gods, please forgive me angular.element (document. getElementById( 'view-master')).removeClass('hidden'); JavaScript "1); thomasythuangBugatti - main.js Showing the top two matches. Last indexed on 21 Sep. I know this is really jank plz forgive me ('location-form') .attr('action', "accountdeletelocation'); JavaScript