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soManyExtremesLetsCompromise | java-memes, python-memes, management-memes, array-memes, arrays-memes, c++-memes, typescript-memes, object-memes, c#-memes, variable name-memes, rust-memes |
java-memes, python-memes, management-memes, array-memes, arrays-memes, c++-memes, typescript-memes, object-memes, c#-memes, variable name-memes, rust-memes |

[text] Extreme A Extreme B Compromise Arrays start at 0 Arrays start at 1 Arrays start at 0.5 egC e.gLua Statically typed Dynamically typed Changing a variables e.g Rust eg Python type requires calling .changeType snakecase camelCase variable names variable names stretchyCamelCase e.g C e.gJava Currerteigject is Currergject is Current object is e.g Rust e.g C seis Separate integer and One number type SEjzzr float types by name e.g TypeScript e.qC but they behave the exact same Garbagecollected Manual resource Manually mark e.q C management resources to be eqgC garbage collected 0Odd arguments by value even arguments by reference Giant standard library but its full of niche stuff and has none of the commonly used stuff Objects passed by reference e.g C e.g Python Objects passed by value Tiny standard GianF standard . library library Pyth e.qC e.g Python