

leastDepressedRockstarDevs | aws-memes, array-memes, try-memes, devs-memes, list-memes, function-memes, class-memes, date-memes, object-memes, warning-memes, microsoft-memes, IT-memes, mac-memes, stream-memes, language-memes |
aws-memes, array-memes, try-memes, devs-memes, list-memes, function-memes, class-memes, date-memes, object-memes, warning-memes, microsoft-memes, IT-memes, mac-memes, stream-memes, language-memes |


else if riid as uuidof (IDXGIFactory)) yes I know PRECISELY how fucked up this is. Speak to microsoft – after KB2670838 the internal D3D11 device creation function will pass in uuidof (IDXGIFactory) then attempt to call EnumDevices1 (which as in the IDXGIFactorya vlable). boing this should be safe as using a IDXGIFactoryl like a IDXGIFact should all just work by definition, but there’s no way to know now if someone trying to create a IDXGI really means it or not. IDXGIFactoryl real – (IDXGIFactoryl )(ppvobject); ppvobject new wrappedloxolractory1 real; recurr cruce king shit-ass hack 11 xbOX True and args xboxhack: candidates ‘atArray’, ‘rage::atArray’, ‘ for namo incandidates if func.startswith(name) queue while i item stripentry(name, stack.pop()) queue. append tem extern void DrawSolidCappedCylinder( We don’t want to delete our actual export cam because We may have some proprties from the exporter set o 1t FUCK KNOWS WHY WE WOULD DO THAT, CRAZY!!! if iExpCamItem. Name ! "ExportCamera": 1ExportCamDeleteList.append(iExpCamItem) -THESE FUCKING LOD CAMERA ARE A MASSIVE PAIN IN THE FUCKING ARSE or oban obnecus do if classof obj Targetcamera do format Deleting LOD Camera… In) appendifUnique camshit obi Just fucking kill me. extern void DrawSpiral(Vec3V In star if classof obj Targetobject do format ("Deleting Target001… In") appendifunique camshit obj while len queue) O item queue. pop delete camshit — FUCKING THINGS. If we have no more open requests, we can re-enable HD vehicles This is Fucking voodoo, and sucks. I’m open for suggestions for a better approach. if (strStreamingEngine::GetInfo.GetNumberObjectsRequested) 0) Vehicle: :SetDisableHDVehicles(false); WARNING – START THE FOLLOW CODE IS OPTIMIZED! DON’T FUCK WITH IT! – – – Languages ——; Note: For some fucked reason adding this removes borders from buttons. This system is mental! I insertmacro MUILANGUAGE "English"