
I was repairing someone’s router, and they didn’t know the password. I just tried looking into the source code. This is just sad. It’s LB-Link router

I was repairing someone's router, and they didn't know the password. I just tried looking into the source code. This is just sad. It's LB-Link router | code-memes, password-memes, c-memes, source code-memes, repair-memes, ssh-memes |
code-memes, password-memes, c-memes, source code-memes, repair-memes, ssh-memes |


153 54 55 addCfg(‘username ,0x010b0200, ‘admin"); 56 addCfg(‘password’, 8×01010200, ‘milan12345); 57 59 80 function Cancel () 61 5 62 63 64 65 68 document.frm.username value" document.frm-password.value document.getelementById("username"). focus () ; as function checklogin(name, password) 09 71 72 var m username "admin": var mpassword "milan12345" if (name!m username password!mpassword) return false; else return true; function sumbit () 1 var fedocument. frm; var usernamef .username.value; var passwordaf .password. value; if (f .username,valuess"") alert ("Username and Password cannot be empty"); fusername. focus (); return false; check aLue,fpassword.value)