Marines defeating AI using Metal Gear Solid techniques. (from the book "Four Battlegrounds: Power in the Age of Artificial Intelligence" by Paul Scharre)

Marines defeating AI using Metal Gear Solid techniques. (from the book "Four Battlegrounds: Power in the Age of Artificial Intelligence" by Paul Scharre) | tech-memes, engineer-memes, try-memes, bugs-memes, testing-memes, test-memes, bug-memes, git-memes, algorithm-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes, train-memes, artificial intelligence-memes, bot-memes |
tech-memes, engineer-memes, try-memes, bugs-memes, testing-memes, test-memes, bug-memes, git-memes, algorithm-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes, train-memes, artificial intelligence-memes, bot-memes |


PEOPLE: AI WILL TAKE OVER THE WORLD! MEANWHILE AI: MUTAND -o human with a weapon looks different." To improve their algorithm, the DARPA team spent a week with a group of Marines out at a test site. For six days, the Marines walked around and the engineers refined their algorithm for detecting people. Phil said, "On the seventh day I said, 'We're done. We're flipping it? " Now the Marines would try to defeat the AI system. They parked the robot in the middle of a traffic circle and the Marines had to approach it undetected starting from a long distance away. "If any Marines could get all the way in and touch this robot without being detected, they would win. I wanted to see, game on, what would happen." Eight Marines--not a single one got detected," Phil said. They defeated the AI system not with traditional camouflage, but with clever tricks that were out- side of the AI system's testing regime. "Two somersaulted for 300 meters; never got detected. Two hid under a cardboard box. You could hear them giggling the whole time." Like Bugs Bunny in a Looney Tunes cartoon, sneaking up on Elmer Fudd in a cardboard box. "One guy, my favorite," Phil said, "he field- stripped a fir tree and walked like a fir tree. You can see his smile, and that's about all you see." The AI system had been trained to detect humans walking. not humans somersaulting, hiding in a cardboard box, or disguised as a tree. So these simple tricks, which a human would have easily seen through, were sufficient to break the algorithm. sablem is that they

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